Spain to legalize bestiality

I would be for legalizing bestiality but only for certain animals. Polar bears; Grizzlies; and honey badgers. Pitt bulls also, but only if they perform oral sex on you.
Well, I'm actually working to get a transport ready to go right now...I'm involved with rescues every day....
No clue what they might be babbling about....none of them know me....whatever you see is just made up....
What part of Spain are you headed for? Do you prefer dog food or peanut butter?
I can't believe this thread is still on page one.

Our society truly is doomed.

Meanwhile, even as it lingers, the important questions haven't been answered.

How does one ascertain consent on the part of the animals?

I don't care about the sex aspect; I care about the ethical treatment of animals.
I can't believe this thread is still on page one.

Our society truly is doomed.

Meanwhile, even as it lingers, the important questions haven't been answered.

How does one ascertain consent on the part of the animals?

I don't care about the sex aspect; I care about the ethical treatment of animals.
There is no consent. Some people believe they are free to abuse animals, be it sexually or to kill pets for pleasure.
That unfortunately appear to be the case, but I can't imagine why Spain would sanction it.
I imagine we'll be next.
Me neither on Spain. It sounds crazy.

I strongly doubt the US would go for it since most Americans value the lives of pets more than they do each other.
Bestiality may also become legal in the EU. Talk about woke. We have a lot of problems in the US but at least we still frown on having sex with animals.
Having sex with goats is woke?
Once, again, proving most people who use “woke” don’t understand “woke”.

There's a chance COgoat meant that every goat he's had sex with has been awakened by the experience. A woke goat.

Ruh-roh! If this law existed in the US, it means certain members of the KKK would be in deep dog doo-doo.

From the link:
A prison sentence of three months and one day to one year and special barring from carrying out a profession, trade or commerce related to animals and for the keeping of animals for the term of one year and one day to three years shall be imposed on those who, by any means or procedure, unfairly mistreat, causing injuries that seriously damages its health or by submitting it to sexual exploitation:

a) A pet or tame animal;

b) An animal that is usually domesticated;

c) An animal that temporarily or permanently lives under human control, or;

d) Any animal that does not live in the wild.

The new law only penalizes bestiality if it causes injuries.

Why would I lie? I fact checked it several times. The articles went on to say the EU was considering a similar bill. Snopes is full of shit. Look at who owns it.

Building #7
