"Speak English" signs ruled OK at Philly shop

yes, you go to another country and attempt to speak their language. Some here do not do that from what I have gathered from this article.

Many contractors and professionals I knew, that went for extended business trips in africa, asia, and latin america and for extended periods of time, made little to no effort to learn any chinese, french, spanish, or portuguese.
General Patreus, his senior military leadership, and the senior management and employees of KBR and Halliburtion have been in Iraq for long term employment for a year or longer. And I bet the vast majority of them know less than 50 words of Arabic.

I wonder what the bush worshipper's reaction would be if the Iraqi government and military leadership started hanging up signs that said: "No translators please - Arabic Only!"
Let me get this straight.

This "Speak English" sign was in a "cheesesteak shop"?

The question i have is this. Why would anyone who wasn't American want cheese on a fecking steak?
in Montreal businesses are required to put the French above the English.. and store owners required to welcome in French first before speaking English.
how many americans military service persons and contractors serving longterm in Afganhistan, try to learn more than ten words of pashtun?

Through my brother, I knew many american service persons who lived and served in germany for extended periods. Not a single one of them made a sustained effort to become fluent in German. They knew some German phases, but there were too lazy in going anywhere beyond that, because most Germans are well versed in english, and are courteous enough to talk to americans in English in THEIR OWN damned country.

Damn, bush worshippers are liked spoiled little children.
America is really the low-rent neighborhood in the world-wide community. I'm really tired of being associated with these morons. And they think they are just the cat's meow. But they're stupid, and clumsy and rude, and ignorant.

I wear a “I voted for Gore” button overseas. And if one also makes sure Europeans understand that you view bush-voting rubes in much the same way that some families view that crazy grandmother they keep locked up in the attic, then those Europeans are less likely to consider you an uneducated and rude warmonger.
I wear a “I voted for Gore” button overseas. And if one also makes sure Europeans understand that you view bush-voting rubes in much the same way that some families view that crazy grandmother they keep locked up in the attic, then those Europeans are less likely to consider you an uneducated and rude warmonger.

yeah we need to keep working on that so soon "your name is bush" will equate to "your name is mudd"
I wear a “I voted for Gore” button overseas. And if one also makes sure Europeans understand that you view bush-voting rubes in much the same way that some families view that crazy grandmother they keep locked up in the attic, then those Europeans are less likely to consider you an uneducated and rude warmonger.

We do like Americans really.

Well, most of you.

Some of you at least. :D
how many americans military service persons and contractors serving longterm in Afganhistan, try to learn more than ten words of pashtun?

Through my brother, I knew many american service persons who lived and served in germany for extended periods. Not a single one of them made a sustained effort to become fluent in German. They knew some German phases, but there were too lazy in going anywhere beyond that, because most Germans are well versed in english, and are courteous enough to talk to americans in English in THEIR OWN damned country.

Damn, bush worshippers are liked spoiled little children.

Anecdotal evidence is not evidence.
in Montreal businesses are required to put the French above the English.. and store owners required to welcome in French first before speaking English.

That's my experience too. The Quebecois are nazis about their language.

That's no excuse for us. Bush voters have solemnly lectured us that we must make sustained efforts to learn the foreign language of any nation we visit or live in for extended periods. Laughable.

Americans are the culturally the most arrogant and least sensitive nation in the developed world. Anyone who has any international experience can attest to this. Few american professionals or business types who go over to europe or asia, to work in a foreign affiliate for an extended period, bothers to make any sustained effort to become fluent in the native language. Business meeting in international affiliates in Norway, Germany, or Denmark are typically conducted in ENGLISH, for the benefit and courtesy of the american guests. Speaking in in english in their country In contrast, all the norwegians, swiss, germans, brazilians, and french that I know that came here to work in an american affiliate of a mulitnational corp were competent and fluent in our native toungue, english.
in Montreal businesses are required to put the French above the English.. and store owners required to welcome in French first before speaking English.

Not only that, the script in French must be noticeably larger than in English. I forget now what the difference is supposed to be.
I would never put up an English only sign as I would want as big a customer base as possable. Sure the guy should be allowed to do it, but eventually if he keeps limiting his customer base the market will put him out of business.

I would never turn a client away just because he was a non-English speaker.

1) It was not an "english only" sign.... it was a "Please speak English" sign... stating a preference not an ultimatum

2) As the article stated, he has not refused service to anyone not speaking English..... thus he is not turning them away for not speaking English. As you would have noticed had you read the article.

3) It is his business, if he starts seeing a major change in his business, I would imagine he might change his mind about the sign.
There's no legal or moral reason for them not to do it, it's just that they are obnoxious, rude, and insensitive people - like most conservatives. And they have a right to be that.
That's my experience too. The Quebecois are nazis about their language.

That's no excuse for us. Bush voters have solemnly lectured us that we must make sustained efforts to learn the foreign language of any nation we visit or live in for extended periods. Laughable.

Americans are the culturally the most arrogant and least sensitive nation in the developed world. Anyone who has any international experience can attest to this. Few american professionals or business types who go over to europe or asia, to work in a foreign affiliate for an extended period, bothers to make any sustained effort to become fluent in the native language. Business meeting in international affiliates in Norway, Germany, or Denmark are typically conducted in ENGLISH, for the benefit and courtesy of the american guests. Speaking in in english in their country In contrast, all the norwegians, swiss, germans, brazilians, and french that I know that came here to work in an american affiliate of a mulitnational corp were competent and fluent in our native toungue, english.

The Quebecois are nazis about their language.


Americans are the culturally the most arrogant and least sensitive nation in the developed world.

Aren't these contradictory?
Many contractors and professionals I knew, that went for extended business trips in africa, asia, and latin america and for extended periods of time, made little to no effort to learn any chinese, french, spanish, or portuguese.


and this makes them any better, i worked for a man that spent time in the middle east and he learned arabic, not so much to better communicate as it helped pass the time on those long flights

on another tentacle, did you ever read the book, the ugly american?

please and thank you go a long way in any language
I sorta agree, but it's certainly the owner's right. If it were my place, I'd just say "no habla espanol" when they came to the counter. I actually stopped at a fast food joint in Watsonville, California where the girl at the counter could not take my order in English and had to summon a coworker. No big deal.

That happens a lot where I'm from, only they speak various forms of Arabic and French....or something.
So little Acorn. Shouldn't you file a discrimination suit against the Philly shop owner as ignorant red-necks like you are hardly proficient at English. I mean this is embarrassing.

What the shop owner did should be protected as free speech. However, it's a monument to ignorance. My wife is an immigrant and she speaks english as a second language and she speaks it better then the vast majority of ignorant right wing hill billies I know. She also speaks 3 other languages and she's been picking up Spanish (her 5th language) at work due to the large # of latinos she works with. Where she comes from speaking a single language is the mark of an ignorant, illiterate and uneducated philistine.

Really what the Philly shop owner and litte-dick.....errrr acorn are demonstrating is a national embarrassment. Out inability to learn languages.