Stick A Fork In It...Truth Social Is Done

Guno צְבִי;5963738 said:
Sucker rubes

Some Trump stock investors have already lost half their money

:laugh: From the link: “ Trump Media is now trading below $31. That’s a far cry from the intraday spike to nearly $80 on March 26, the day it went public on the Nasdaq under the ticker symbol “DJT.”

In fact, anyone who bought Trump Media at the closing high of $66.22 on March 27 has now lost more than half of their money.
Jerry Dean McLain first bet on former president Donald Trump’s Truth Social two years ago, buying into the Trump company’s planned merger partner, Digital World Acquisition, at $90 a share. Over time, as the price changed, he kept buying, amassing hundreds of shares for $25,000 - pretty much his “whole nest egg,” he said.

That nest egg has lost about half its value in the past two weeks as Trump Media & Technology Group’s share price dropped from $66 after its public debut last month to $32 on Friday. But McLain, 71, who owns a tree-removal service outside Oklahoma City, said he’s not worried. If anything, he wants to buy more. :laugh:
Guno צְבִי;5963741 said:
Jerry Dean McLain first bet on former president Donald Trump’s Truth Social two years ago, buying into the Trump company’s planned merger partner, Digital World Acquisition, at $90 a share. Over time, as the price changed, he kept buying, amassing hundreds of shares for $25,000 - pretty much his “whole nest egg,” he said.

That nest egg has lost about half its value in the past two weeks as Trump Media & Technology Group’s share price dropped from $66 after its public debut last month to $32 on Friday. But McLain, 71, who owns a tree-removal service outside Oklahoma City, said he’s not worried. If anything, he wants to buy more. :laugh:

As the wise man said, “You can’t fix stupid”.
It'll be a penny stock by the time Trump can legally cash out.

Trump Media & Technology Group (DJT) stock sank 18% to close at $26.61 on Monday after the parent company of Donald Trump's social media platform Truth Social filed to issue more than 21 million shares.

Increasing available shares will do two things. Dilute the value of all shares, and free up millions of shares to be 'borrowed' in order to short it.
Guno צְבִי;5963741 said:
Jerry Dean McLain first bet on former president Donald Trump’s Truth Social two years ago, buying into the Trump company’s planned merger partner, Digital World Acquisition, at $90 a share. Over time, as the price changed, he kept buying, amassing hundreds of shares for $25,000 - pretty much his “whole nest egg,” he said.

That nest egg has lost about half its value in the past two weeks as Trump Media & Technology Group’s share price dropped from $66 after its public debut last month to $32 on Friday. But McLain, 71, who owns a tree-removal service outside Oklahoma City, said he’s not worried. If anything, he wants to buy more. :laugh:
It's amusing. Thousands bought early and dumped at its peak...laughing all the way to the bank.

Others bought high and are staying put for emotional reasons. Those are the types that allow the rest of us to make money.
:laugh: From the link: “ Trump Media is now trading below $31. That’s a far cry from the intraday spike to nearly $80 on March 26, the day it went public on the Nasdaq under the ticker symbol “DJT.”

In fact, anyone who bought Trump Media at the closing high of $66.22 on March 27 has now lost more than half of their money.

Guno צְבִי;5963741 said:
Jerry Dean McLain first bet on former president Donald Trump’s Truth Social two years ago, buying into the Trump company’s planned merger partner, Digital World Acquisition, at $90 a share. Over time, as the price changed, he kept buying, amassing hundreds of shares for $25,000 - pretty much his “whole nest egg,” he said.

That nest egg has lost about half its value in the past two weeks as Trump Media & Technology Group’s share price dropped from $66 after its public debut last month to $32 on Friday. But McLain, 71, who owns a tree-removal service outside Oklahoma City, said he’s not worried. If anything, he wants to buy more. :laugh:

Trump Media is now on sale.

All the usual JPP magats need to jump in and buy it up quick.
Trump Media is now on sale.

All the usual JPP magats need to jump in and buy it up quick.

Agreed. They need to dump their life savings into TrumpCo. :thup:

Keyword: dump.

Let’s see how many JPP MAGAts will put their money where their mouths are. I’m guessing most will not; either they don’t have the money or they know that it’s stupid to invest in Trump since he always fucks over his fans.
Increasing available shares will do two things. Dilute the value of all shares, and free up millions of shares to be 'borrowed' in order to short it.

Exactly, and the MAGA morons are too stupid to understand this. Hopefully, they will finally realize that when you hitch your wagon to trump, YOU WILL LOSE!

Truth Social has always been a Shell company sourced and propped up by Chinese, Russian, and 3rd world, Trump Supporting lenders and investors.

When they went public, it was bolstered by Hedge Fund Investors and DAY TRADERS that are closer to BULLSHIT rather than BULLS, because they only wanted to take a QUICK ride on the stock while Trump is popular in the polls.

The stock's success totally depends on Trump's success in his quest to become president. As Trump's Campaign wanes in popularity, so will the TRUTH SOCIAL stock. The parachuting has already begun!

The company is under investigation by the SEC for regulation violations now as we speak.



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Many analysts are calling for it to settle at about $2/share.

There are no advertisers, and there is no positive revenue.

What is there to invest in?
What a scam, huh, Trump most likely walks away with billions while his investor’s get taken to the cleaners.
What a scam, huh, Trump most likely walks away with billions while his investor’s get taken to the cleaners.

I would say there is less than a 5% chance Trump makes any money from this stock.

When his zero cost base stock, and that of other Insiders is about to start trading, the bid will go down to $0 and the trade volume will also go to near zero. That is very much the norm for a company as bankrupt as TS is.

His only real chance to get a profit from his stock is if some foreign actor (russian/Saudi?) wants to buy the stock in what is called a cross (or By Appointment), where they cite the lack of volume as not reflecting a 'fair market price' and they can then set the price they are willing to pay, if the seller is also willing to sell, and they do the deal directly, bypassing the stock market bid/ask process.

But without that, it is almost certain the stock will plummet to near zero with no buyers in the market willing to touch it.
I would say there is less than a 5% chance Trump makes any money from this stock.

When his zero cost base stock, and that of other Insiders is about to start trading, the bid will go down to $0 and the trade volume will also go to near zero. That is very much the norm for a company as bankrupt as TS is.

His only real chance to get a profit from his stock is if some foreign actor (russian/Saudi?) wants to buy the stock in what is called a cross (or By Appointment), where they cite the lack of volume as not reflecting a 'fair market price' and they can then set the price they are willing to pay, if the seller is also willing to sell, and they do the deal directly, bypassing the stock market bid/ask process.

But without that, it is almost certain the stock will plummet to near zero with no buyers in the market willing to touch it.

As the day approaches when Trump can legally sell his Stock, and if investors believe he will dump his shares, the stock will plummet to less than a dollar a share.

As the day approaches when Trump can legally sell his Stock, and if investors believe he will dump his shares, the stock will plummet to less than a dollar a share.

That would be rich! <—-Pun intended. LOL

Any bets on whether Trump Media goes tits up by 2025?
That would be rich! <—-Pun intended. LOL

Any bets on whether Trump Media goes tits up by 2025?

The minute the Promoters who are just momentum trading the stock, and trying to make money on the swings, decide this stock is no longer worth it, the operating company will begin the process of shutting down and filing for bankruptcy.

The ONLY reason it got debt and propped up to debt was in the hope that Magats would jump on it as the next big Meme stock and drive it up like the Reddit traders did with GameStop. The hope the derps would drive it skyhigh and they could then sell their zero cost base stock into the mania, cashing out. Once that door closes no one will loan Truth Social another penny of debt, and the company loses so much money, it will fold very quickly.

80% betting chance before end of 2024. 99% chance by next year this time.