Stimulus signed 5 years ago today -- still waiting on recovery

Of course not. Nor has she researched the cost of new regulations on businesses. It's far easier to look at meme images with bumper sticker style nonsense about the "1%" and opine on how greedy others are.

Fantasize much? The numbers don't lie.

"The Republican Party claims that it is the party of pro-business, pro-growth, and pro-job creating policies, but U.S. Labor Department data indicates otherwise. When it comes to job creation, the Democrats again do a better job than Republicans.

Listed below are the jobs created from the U.S. Department of Labor. Data is listed from the best to the worst:"

Bill Clinton, D-Ark., 1993-2001: +22.74 million jobs 2.84

Jimmy Carter, D-Ga., 1977-81: +10.34 million jobs 2.59

Lyndon Johnson, D-Texas,1963-69: +12.18 million jobs 2.38

Ronald Reagan, R-Calif., 1981-89: +16.10 million jobs 2.01

Richard Nixon, R-Calif., 1969-74: +9.18 million jobs 1.64

John F. Kennedy, D-Mass.,1961-63: +3.57 million jobs 1.37

Gerald Ford, R-Mich., 1974-77: +2.07 million jobs 985,714

George H.W. Bush, R-Texas, 1989-93: +2.59 million jobs 647,500

George W. Bush, R-Texas, 2001-2009: 1.31 million jobs 163,750
Among poverty figures, women have been hit hardest in every single category across the board.

There has been a 14% increase in the number of single mothers living in poverty under Barack Obama – a man who grew up with a single mother and during his campaign stops claimed he knew firsthand the struggles they faced.

In the blue state of California, 1 in 4 children are now living in poverty. And in the U.S. the poverty rate is growing fastest for Hispanic women, the growing demographic of voters which Democrats purport to care so much about.

Yet as women, we are ever the ones to give people the benefit of the doubt, and some still suggest that President Obama inherited a mess in 2008.

Surely this could be Bush’s fault, right?


According to a Pew study, a full two years after President Bush left office – from 2009 to 2011 – under the firm grip of the Obama Administration women were the “only group for whom employment growth lagged behind population growth.”

As Bill Clinton famously once said, 18 months into an Administration you own the economy. You own it.

So, where does this leave women today?
Among poverty figures, women have been hit hardest in every single category across the board.

There has been a 14% increase in the number of single mothers living in poverty under Barack Obama – a man who grew up with a single mother and during his campaign stops claimed he knew firsthand the struggles they faced.

In the blue state of California, 1 in 4 children are now living in poverty. And in the U.S. the poverty rate is growing fastest for Hispanic women, the growing demographic of voters which Democrats purport to care so much about.

Yet as women, we are ever the ones to give people the benefit of the doubt, and some still suggest that President Obama inherited a mess in 2008.

Surely this could be Bush’s fault, right?


According to a Pew study, a full two years after President Bush left office – from 2009 to 2011 – under the firm grip of the Obama Administration women were the “only group for whom employment growth lagged behind population growth.”

As Bill Clinton famously once said, 18 months into an Administration you own the economy. You own it.

So, where does this leave women today?

Same place as blacks whose unemployment soared. Same place as the poor who have just gotten poorer. Loads of govt union jobs gone gone gon3.Have not heard anything on the subject so I guess homosexuals are the only donkey demographic who have not been devestated by this administration. What does this say about dem voters ?
What does this say about dem voters ?

The day he took office, Obama’s approval rating among women was an impressive 70%.

Today, it has slipped below 49%.

And this, ladies, gives us an entree’ into a real conversation about what Democrats have done for us lately.
Maybe someday all those business owners who SWORE lowering their taxes would lead to increased jobs will actually get around to CREATING some.

LMAO; this is painfully stupid, but expected from low information fools who elected the most inexperienced inept fool to ever move into the White House.
AND the thousands of jobs that were supposed to come about in the 8-9 years before the stimulus. If there was poor job growth since 2000 even though tax cuts have been in effect since 2001, what's the point of keeping tax cuts for the rich?


I'm amused by the claims that allowing people to keep more of what they earn is a bad policy and leads to unemployment.

It's just as stupid as the claims that raising taxes creates economic growth and opportunity or that Governments can spend its way out of recessions with money they have to print and borrow.
The stimulus basically did its job. It stopped the bleeding, and got hiring moving again. It was never supposed to bring America back to a full recovery.

The problem is that it was not followed by meaningful deficit reduction. That's a big problem, and is the albatross that will keep our economy from growing as it should (until it is addressed).
The last time we had this low participation rate was during the Carter malaise... 63% currently per the BLS (link below), the last time it was lower? 1979...

Only about half of the drop can be accounted for by the boomers retirement.

The larger tax base is better able to afford the subsidy programs you are charging our children for (either they pay in taxes or they pay in inflation as we print money to devalue the principle, and that only works as long as our currency is the standard). We need people incentivized to work, instead they proudly proclaim that it is a "good" thing that people are willing to accept government "assistance" in lieu of a job and they are now "free to paint" or "stay at home"... (ignoring that we've been told my wife was worthless, until she got a job as a librarian, by their candidates and their wives as she hasn't held a "real job" as a stay at home mother).

Seriously. The same people who said people who stay at home to care for kids rather than paying somebody else to do it have never had a "real job" are now saying it is a "good" thing for people to stay at home and be subsidized to do it. This is "great" for the economy in some magical way.