Stimulus signed 5 years ago today -- still waiting on recovery

The stimulus basically did its job. It stopped the bleeding, and got hiring moving again. It was never supposed to bring America back to a full recovery.


The problem is that it was not followed by meaningful deficit reduction. That's a big problem, and is the albatross that will keep our economy from growing as it should (until it is addressed).

If by "deficit reduction" you mean "huge tax increase" then you are insane. Raising taxes because of a recession is stupidity. The best way to obtain more revenue would be to increase the tax base (jobs man). That will increase revenue without burdening our economy with a stupid massive tax increase at the time when we could least afford it.

The problem with the stimulus was it never really was a stimulus. The man laughed about how it wasn't as "shovel ready" as he "had hoped"... It never was "shovel ready" as I pointed out when it was passing.
Demographics poor people, boomers are retiring by the millions!

Demographics can only account for about half the drop in participation rate. This means that people are giving up seeking employment by the "millions"... It is not a good thing.

If by "deficit reduction" you mean "huge tax increase" then you are insane. Raising taxes because of a recession is stupidity. The best way to obtain more revenue would be to increase the tax base (jobs man). That will increase revenue without burdening our economy with a stupid massive tax increase at the time when we could least afford it.

The problem with the stimulus was it never really was a stimulus. The man laughed about how it wasn't as "shovel ready" as he "had hoped"... It never was "shovel ready" as I pointed out when it was passing.

What do you mean "bull"? You think the stimulus was supposed to bring America back to full recovery? That's inane.

As far as deficit reduction - no, I don't mean tax hikes. But nice of you to play.
The CBO determined in 2010 that that stimulus created 3.3 million jobs. 80% of economists agreed that it worked and prevented America from slipping into another recession.

It's just GOP propoganda that it "failed" or was ineffective. Without the stimulus, we probably would have been much, much worse off today.
Seems like they were filled in the years between 2001 until the collapse in 2008. What is different since then? We passed a nice fat stimulus full of "shovel ready jobs" only to have the very man who promoted it to joke about how shovelless it really was. The only thing we've been shoveling is the nonsense about jobs that make us wear our hip waders.

I certainly agree.

Righties have been shoveling that nonsense about tax cuts for the wealthy creating jobs for over a decade and it's been an ENORMOUS failure.
LMAO; this is painfully stupid, but expected from low information fools who elected the most inexperienced inept fool to ever move into the White House.

Once again, there's no producing of facts, no counterpoint made...all he's got, all he EVER has is just more petty Defective Invective. other words..I WIN!!

I certainly agree.

Righties have been shoveling that nonsense about tax cuts for the wealthy creating jobs for over a decade and it's been an ENORMOUS failure.

And yet Obama kept the Bush tax rates in effect long long after Bush meant them to expire.....

Guess when the left does it, its good,....when the right does the same thing, its bad......correct, hypocrite ?
The CBO determined in 2010 that that stimulus created 3.3 million jobs. 80% of economists agreed that it worked and prevented America from slipping into another recession.

It's just GOP propoganda that it "failed" or was ineffective. Without the stimulus, we probably would have been much, much worse off today.


It's nothing but sour grapes from angry, partisan Conservatives who can't bring themselves to admit to themselves and who won't own up to the American people, that it was the policies of a DEMOCRAT administration that brought this country out of the RECESSION brought about by ridiculous Republican policies during the Bush era.