Stop Talking About Wright, Start Talking About Ayers

This is not asking her to defend anything, it is simply trying to silence her with sarcasm and bitterness.

Maybe you should cling to a gun?

Well, you're late to the conversation. She started a separate thread last night - same topic, same lack of facts. I asked her to back it up, and she dodged.

That's what happens when you try to do your "devil's advocate" thing in the middle of a conversation. You look stupid.

And I've got news for you; the board isn't "dominated" by the left these days. You've done a nice job of recruiting righties disguised as brick walls.
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Well, you're late to the conversation. She started a separate thread last night - same topic, same lack of facts. I asked her to back it up, and she dodged.

That's what happens when you try to do your "devil's advocate" thing in the middle of a conversation. You look stupid.

And I've got news for you; the board isn't "dominated" by the left these days. You've done a nice job of recuiting righties disguised as brick walls.

Where, I think I missed that.
Well, you're late to the conversation. She started a separate thread last night - same topic, same lack of facts. I asked her to back it up, and she dodged.

That's what happens when you try to do your "devil's advocate" thing in the middle of a conversation. You look stupid.

And I've got news for you; the board isn't "dominated" by the left these days. You've done a nice job of recruiting righties disguised as brick walls.
It's pretty well dominated. And I haven't recruited. I like that there is more of a mix nowadays, but it is still largely dominated by the left.
It's pretty well dominated. And I haven't recruited. I like that there is more of a mix nowadays, but it is still largely dominated by the left.

by a hair or so. Have any of you noticed that the 'right' hasn't allied? Seriously, probably because I post so seldom and haven't followed up, I'm clueless to those that agree with me.
Ok, so now I have to read through Seuss to id the same poster? :shock: I may be late to the topic. ;)

yeah Suess was a liberal socialist ;)

I grew up reading Dr. Suess, guess that is what warped me. But I will take being warped over "normal" any day.
by a hair or so. Have any of you noticed that the 'right' hasn't allied? Seriously, probably because I post so seldom and haven't followed up, I'm clueless to those that agree with me.
I think it may be our rugged individualism. And the fear that somebody will say we're secretly dating.
yeah Suess was a liberal socialist ;)

I grew up reading Dr. Suess, guess that is what warped me. But I will take being warped over "normal" any day.

LOL! I'm a big fan, but probably more mainstream than some. I give the "Oh the Places You'll Go" to all of my graduates. My fav Seuss is "Horton Hatches An Egg", seems to me the perfect example of Ideas Matter.
This is not asking her to defend anything, it is simply trying to silence her with sarcasm and bitterness.

Maybe you should cling to a gun?

The right wing, bloodthirsty "woman" whose own kids are safe in the good ole us of a, has been putting up nothing but racist anti-obama posts, and all you have done is claim that the left is putting them up.

If the fucking bloodthirsty "woman" wants to peddle her wares, back the fuck off when she gets it back in her warmongering face Damo.
The right wing, bloodthirsty "woman" whose own kids are safe in the good ole us of a, has been putting up nothing but racist anti-obama posts, and all you have done is claim that the left is putting them up.

If the fucking bloodthirsty "woman" wants to peddle her wares, back the fuck off when she gets it back in her warmongering face Damo.

and that screed has what to do with the original post?
The right wing, bloodthirsty "woman" whose own kids are safe in the good ole us of a, has been putting up nothing but racist anti-obama posts, and all you have done is claim that the left is putting them up.

If the fucking bloodthirsty "woman" wants to peddle her wares, back the fuck off when she gets it back in her warmongering face Damo.
Wow, this has really showed a new side of you. I understand the need to vent, but just wow...

She isn't peddling threats of personal violence or waxing rhapsodic about how good it would feel to supply the same to anybody that she 'knows' however distantly on a website. This from a lady who was laughing just the other day about somebody who said, "give me your address, I'll... blah, blah"...

I have noted that most of the threads of Wright are posted by your side, yes. I will continue to do so as long as it is the truth too.

Backing off because somebody gets mad at another poster isn't something that is likely to happen, in fact it seems silly to read such an order.
I've actually got a much better proposition. How about we stop talking about Wright and Ayers, and talk instead about recession, food riots, $4.00 gas prices, interminable wars, lost global reputations, immigration, education reform, the housing crisis, the credit crunch, the weakening dollar, trade policy, etc. etc. etc.

Let me guess: as a Republican, you'd MUCH rather talk about Ayers, right?

1) Recession: while I do believe the first quarter will eventually be revised into negative territory, it is unlikely now that second quarter numbers will be negative. The market appears to be rallying and the dumbass stimulus package will likely boost second quarter GDP enough to keep it positive.... imagine that... preventing two successive quarters of negative growth... thus no technical recession.

2) Food riots: Someone posted a thread on this, but in case you missed it... it referred to the idiots in DC realizing how dumb it is to subsidize using food for fuel. If they do indeed end the subsidies for grain based ethanol, the food problem should be resolved for now.

3) $4.00 gas Prices: suck. No question. But it is still below the vast majority of countries that do not produce their own oil. I think it will also help speed up the "new found urgency" in DC to find alternates.

4) Wars... got nothing for ya here. Obama/McCain will inherit the Bush cluster fuck. Hopefully one of them has a strategy that will speed up the Iraqi takeover of security.

5) Lost global reputation... temporarily lost. I think relationships will improve with either Obama or McCain.

6) housing problem.... while we will still likely see a 1.5 to 2% foreclosure rate over coming months, the rising equity market may help loosen credit.

7) Credit problem/weak dollar.... the dollar has recently turned stronger. Obviously it has a very long way to go to regain what it has lost in the past 6 years, but if it continues gaining strength with an uptrend in the equity market, then the credit problem should get better. Unfortunately the Fed is working against a stronger dollar with their rate decreases. Once mortgage rates stopped declining, it became pointless to continue lowering rates because lower rates weaken the dollar and the mortgage rates were no longer responding to the Fed cuts.... thus... no point.
Wow, this has really showed a new side of you. I understand the need to vent, but just wow...

She isn't peddling threats of personal violence or waxing rhapsodic about how good it would feel to supply the same to anybody that she 'knows' however distantly on a website. This from a lady who was laughing just the other day about somebody who said, "give me your address, I'll... blah, blah"...

I have noted that most of the threads of Wright are posted by your side, yes. I will continue to do so as long as it is the truth too.

Backing off because somebody gets mad at another poster isn't something that is likely to happen, in fact it seems silly to read such an order.

There's nothing "new" about me despising war pigs. To you that's "politics". To me, it's inflicting death. I can't stomach the oinkers.

SF deserves whatever he gets. He's a nasty, cruel person who tends to pick on one or two posters. Too bad.

And Kathi is clearly anti-arab and a racist. So, please, spare me the drama. Nobody cares.
"2) Food riots: Someone posted a thread on this, but in case you missed it... it referred to the idiots in DC realizing how dumb it is to subsidize using food for fuel. If they do indeed end the subsidies for grain based ethanol, the food problem should be resolved for now."

I guess you missed my post on how the rising cost of fertilizer and shortages around the world are also contributin to the food price problems. There just seems to be a shortage of cheap food. There seems to be enough expensive food so far.