Strike on Israeli Golan Heights kills 11 and threatens to spark a wider war. Hezbollah denies a role

The Golan Heights are not ' Northern Israel'. The Golan is occupied Syrian territory and - by international law- any illegal occupiers are legitimate targets as all states have the right to self defense.
Hezbollah is not Syrian, they are Lebanese. Golan is not, and never was their sovereign territory.

A soccer field is not a legitimate target.
The Israelis are not hiding weapons and soldiers on soccer fields.

This is a war crime by Hezbollah.

When Hamas and Hezbollah militarize hospitals and schools, they become legitimate targets.

Their use of children as human shields is a war crime.
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Bibi the butcher has an international arrest warrant out for being a genocidal war criminal. The US is required by law to arrest Bibi once he steps on US soil, yet he was given an invite to the peoples house to demand citizens be stripped of our constitutional right to protest.

Yea, try getting that enforced. The US just had him address Congress. They didn't 'arrest' him. That shows you just how big a joke the idea, let alone carry through of the idea of an international court is.
The majority of the US government are whores who take money from the jew lobby to get on their knees and suck Bibi's dick. The irony is Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis are kicking jew ass to the point israel will be wiped off the map by 2035. You republicans are a disgrace to conservative principles.


Hamas is getting their asses stomped and whining to third party nations to step in and stop the beatings because they're helpless to do anything themselves.

Hezbollah is smart enough to know not to start a war with Israel and is just shooting some token rockets to show Hamas they care.

The Houthi just had their main port blown to fuck and back by Israel and are now looking at starving because they can't import food and they can't grow it themselves because they live in a barren desert.

So tell me how these backwards 13th Century warriors with modern weapons they can barely operate are going to beat Israel in a war.
Hezbollah is not Syrian, they are Lebanese. Golan is not, and never was their sovereign territory.

A soccer field is not a legitimate target.
The Golan is Syrian- as I said. What I did NOT say was that the Golan was Lebanese. See an optician.
The Israelis are not hiding weapons and soldiers on soccer fields.

This is a war crime by Hezbollah.

When Hamas and Hezbollah militarize hospitals and schools, they become legitimate targets.

Their use of children as human shields is a war crime.
The compound was a MOSSAD training facility. All illegal occupiers of sovereign Syrian territory are legitimate targets.
The Israeli scum have murdered over 18,000 Palestinian children. You have applauded it. You too are prosemitic scum.
The compound was a MOSSAD training facility. All illegal occupiers of sovereign Syrian territory are legitimate targets.
The Israeli scum have murdered over 18,000 Palestinian children. You have applauded it. You too are prosemitic scum.
So how goes that not so master race of flaming flying chariot pseudoscience not so master Islam plan of son of Allah "death to the infidels" where cross conditioned way beyond therapy Christiananality pedophilia mass murder of Israel & "one nation under God with equal justice under law" will be forgiven.........