Suddenly Trump Looks Older and More Deranged

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Now the Republicans are the ones saddled with a candidate who can’t make a clear argument or finish a sentence.

Four days after the end of the Republican National Convention, it suddenly looks like a very different event. I watched it intermittently, on television, along with perhaps 25 million other Americans (a relatively small number, though enough to matter). I focused on the highlights, like most viewers did. I read the analysis and thought I understood what had happened. But in the light of President Joe Biden’s brave and unprecedented decision to drop out of the race, my memory of what Donald Trump and his party were doing and saying has permanently shifted. I suspect this will be true for at least some of the other 25 million of us too.

Whatever happens next, the frame has altered. Now it is the Republicans who are saddled with the elderly candidate, the one who can’t make a clear argument or finish a sentence without veering off into anecdote. Now the Democrats are instead proposing something new. Now it is the many pundits who were already bored by the race and ready to wrap it up who look foolish.

Remember, if you still can: The Republican convention was a carefully curated, meticulously planned presentation. As my colleague Tim Alberta has said, the theme was “strength.” Strength was expressed by exaggerated, absurd, comic-book figures: Hulk Hogan, Kid Rock. The latter chanted “Fight, fight!”

Stone's reaction to a Black woman being legally allowed to marry a white man.
Its NOT my reaction to her marriage you need to be worried about......dummy. I could care less who's she's married to. Its the reaction in " some" of the d party base you need to think about.
Its NOT my reaction to her marriage you need to be worried about......dummy. I could care less who's she's married to. Its the reaction in " some" of the d party base you need to think about.
Odd he mentions that, but isn't concerned in the least that the only reason she was chosen to be VP, etc. is her gender and color...
And it's the only reason they're allowing her to go forward for the moment...well, that and their incredible hate for President Trump...
That's their America...
Just wait for the truth to come out about why they made Joe resign on Twitter...;)
You think that she is the only Black woman with any qualifications? Are you really that racist?

If we accept there are millions of highly qualified Black women, then there are many other reasons for her to be picked.
She had no other qualifications for the job.. He picked her because she was black and female... Even though technically she's not black ... You really can't believe people should Be chosen because they check a few boxes.People should be chosen because they are the best qualified person... That's why "DEI" doesn't's abused when you don't check for the most qualified person but instead a label to fill a quota.. Joe always bragged about having such "diversify" and you see how poorly that turned out..
You think that she is the only Black woman with any qualifications? Are you really that racist?

If we accept there are millions of highly qualified Black women, then there are many other reasons for her to be picked.
Her lack of qualifications did not matter.

Why are you a racist, Walter?

Joe Biden Definitively Vows to Pick a Woman Vice President

Time Magazine › Politics › 2020 Election

Mar 15, 2020 — In the first one-on-one Democratic primary debate Sunday, former Vice President Joe Biden vowed to pick a woman Vice President.

Black men and white men and women need not apply.
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Exactly, the "she is so racist that she is married to a white man" does not wash with the non-racists.
Well, Walter, you and Biden are both racists.

He said he would only pick a black woman for VP and you support his racism.

Why are you a racist, Walter?