Suggesting or requesting a religion forum

people who believe in religions that are NOT based on known facts but based on old myths will never know truth.

I wish them well

I hope it gives their life meaning

I refuse to pretend they are equal to facts.

and you hate me for that

If a religion forum is created I hope atheists and agnostics weigh in also. I'm interested in how everyone thinks about it and already know a lot about the Christian viewpoint.

Actually I have some sympathy, if that's the word, for agnosticism because it makes sense from logical point of view.
if someone does not believe in the same religion you do It is NOT beating your religions up for them to CLEARLY state what they believe even though if contradicts what you believe.

THIS is what all the major religions pretend.

Its about POWER

Its why you organize

To have power.

It has nothing to do with you having heart felt beliefs.

organized religions seeks to be the last one standing.

its why so many wars are waged for religion

Believe whatever is in your heart.

Let others do the same
this country should teach children all he religions objectively.

a world religions class.

starting in preschool.

teach objectively what they all are and what they believe.

why don't we already do that?

I can tell you but you wont like it
this country should teach children all he religions objectively.

a world religions class.

starting in preschool.

teach objectively what they all are and what they believe.

why don't we already do that?

I can tell you but you wont like it

I think that would be pretty hard honestly since there are a ton of denominations of Christianity alone, and that doesn't include all of the other world religions and those denominations. Also I think making something like that mandatory could undermine families and personal faith in my opinion.
I think that would be pretty hard honestly since there are a ton of denominations of Christianity alone, and that doesn't include all of the other world religions and those denominations. Also I think making something like that mandatory could undermine families and personal faith in my opinion.

science is mandatory

math is mandatory

why not knowing what the people of the worl believe religiously so there will be less religious hate ?
because the organized religions don't want you to know the OTHER beliefs.

they fear you will jump ship.

they fear children in doing some comparison shopping of the heart will realize all of these world religions claim to be the one and only way.

if you have 20 religions to teach them that means 19 of them have to be wrong and or lying.

that means they will need some means by which to determine which one is correct.

Logic an facts

the problem is logic an facts will eliminate them all from the list an guess what happens?

religions protect themselves by people NOT KNOWING the other beliefs.

how sad is that?

It also prevents people from examining all beliefs to pick the ONE that their heart can embrace.

they mostly just get one their family force on them.

wether its in their heart or not
for religions to survive they need to suppress the knowledge of other beliefs or they will eventually have to change and or die away.

In so doing people end up hating other religions out of misundersanding or purposeful hate.

religion being organized creates this mess.

believe what is in your heart

Follow you heart

I want you to go where your heart takes you.

I don't NEED for you to give up your religion.

I NEED you to NOT deny facts to protect your religion.

I NEED you to not try to destroy other religions.

I need you to allow all others to follow their hearts

what organize religion tries to do is they try to beat the other teams

then people start killing each other
Hey I understand your wish to discuss your beliefs

Its fine with me

Its just that it nearly always means people will want me banned from them.

I believe in things that can be verified with physical or logical evidence.

there is a reason they call the major religions Faith.

there is a reason science is called FACT.

There are millions of beliefs in mans history that physical proof of some reality has completely dismantled.

I have never in my entire life understood how people can believe in something merely because that is what they were always told.

If I had been told that they sky turned purple every time I was not looking at it all my life I would not have believed that .

why should I believe any of the unprovable things people say about their religions?

I hope they use their beliefs for good

I hope their beliefs make them happy

I cant pretend those beliefs are based in anything but their need or desire to believe them.

How unfair of them to want to force me to do so
Desh is one of the people who assumes evil intent, most Americans assume a positive intent. Assume Desh will state extreme crap and tell you that you are evil in some way if you disagree even in minutiae. It makes for fun TV, but not for a reasonable discussion.
and your proof of that gri................I mean Damo is what?

what is wrong with the things I have stated in this thread
Desh is one of the people who assumes evil intent, most Americans assume a positive intent. Assume Desh will state extreme crap and tell you that you are evil in some way if you disagree even in minutiae. It makes for fun TV, but not for a reasonable discussion.

how many times have I told you grind that what I believe is that most people are mostly good?

I sure you remember

most people are mostly good

a few people are like saints

a few people are complete rat bastards

4 in 100 people are sociopaths

its a brain malformation

YOU are the one that supports policy that assumes people you try to help will do evil in response to being aided.

I assume doing good for people will make them better

It will help them become better people

you and your team insist helping them will make them lessor beings
I wouldn't block out you or anybody else that would be interested in talking about something in it.

Sadly it's best run through APP. Only people who demonstrate civility are allowed which would limit trolls.
That's not just a here thing. Anti theists can't control themselves anywhere.