Suggesting or requesting a religion forum


I'm banned from APP

I dont really mind as when they first started it I would not notice it was an APP thread and cuss.

I don't do well with any kind of censoring

I'm just too freedomy
the country doesn't want children to learn about the worlds religions.

religions would lose out to FACTS
the country doesn't want children to learn about the worlds religions.

religions would lose out to FACTS

Most small children are raised in the faith or non faith of their parents but once they get old enough there is nothing stopping them from researching other faiths. I've read up on other faiths before and most people with internet service can do the same but I know for me I'm firm in my faith and very happy.
Most small children are raised in the faith or non faith of their parents but once they get old enough there is nothing stopping them from researching other faiths. I've read up on other faiths before and most people with internet service can do the same but I know for me I'm firm in my faith and very happy.

Most kids poke about in other sorts of faith. My kId got a taste I f native American this past summer which was good. I took that opportunity to talk about other similar views. Started to see how similar most faiths are.
It becomes hard to not think there is something connecting us all.
Sadly it's best run through APP. Only people who demonstrate civility are allowed which would limit trolls.
That's not just a here thing. Anti theists can't control themselves anywhere.

Your last statement is a generalization and generalization are more often wrong than right, as is the case here. You will notice on this forum it is certain Christians that can't control themselves, not all, but a good majority of them.
Your last statement is a generalization and generalization are more often wrong than right, as is the case here. You will notice on this forum it is certain Christians that can't control themselves, not all, but a good majority of them.
It's absolutely true here. May be a generalization but I did choose antithesis not atheist for a reason. Atheists can be civil as they have no dog in the fight. Antithesis on the other hand have pitbulls. They are compelled to bare their teeth. Evince has already started with Norah.
The trolls avoid APP if they even have permissions so o believe it's a good host. On other boards I've model we had religion forums but we were very strict mod ding them to keep it a positive area.

I'm banned from APP

I dont really mind as when they first started it I would not notice it was an APP thread and cuss.

I don't do well with any kind of censoring

I'm just too freedomy

actually in the past you have made threads complaining about why it's ok for people to be vulgar.

This is literally one of the most popular threads on JPP. You literally ask why people have the freedom to be vulgar on here. Even though you talk about people being rat dicked or whatever else every single day.

APP was in part created for people like you, that complain about the language on JPP.

Like most people that intially supported APP though, they were shocked and amazed when the rules were applied to them as well, and not just the people they disagreed with.

If you or anyone else wants to get back into APP after being banned from there, it's right there in the rules - send a message to us after you believe an appropriate time has gone by. It's essentially self punishing. I typically always let people back in when they ask, as long as they are sincere about following the rules.

But you admit it yourself, you woudln't be able to handle not cussing or being a vulgar asshole on APP. APP isn't for you, and you realize it.

You've banned yourself.
Is there a way to suggest or request a forum on here to talk about religious topics? I saw that there is a forum for off-topic things and so if that's all it can be then thats ok but I would like to request something like that if possible.

I would suggest that you use a less distructive drug than religion. I have heard bad things about meth.