
we tried that with you.....didn't work.....

Believe it or not USAFREEDOM 911 talked me into staying..................................................... I was all gone until he posted............................
Which just goes to show that even an idiot can have some value......................
If only you were at least as smart as an idiot..............
Yes, only liberals have "open minds" which is why they are so open to limiting abortion in certain circumstances, privatizing social security and decreasing the size of government. They are very open minded about these ideas.

They also never flame threads. They are just harmless little victims to us mean ole right wingers
That's right. Tolerance from Liberals only extends to those who agree with them.
Believe it or not USAFREEDOM 911 talked me into staying..................................................... I was all gone until he posted............................
Which just goes to show that even an idiot can have some value......................
If only you were at least as smart as an idiot..............

Why would anyone want you to leave? weird.
Why would anyone want you to leave? weird.

Thanks for the vote of confidence young lady.
Not everyone likes me here though, believe it or not, and when I first joined there was a group, 75% of which have since been banned and the other who left voluntarily, who desperately tried to discourage me from posting, apparently due to their great fear of my truth. (actually Dumb Yankee is coming back in a few months, so only two of them were perma-banned.
To make a long story short, I had decided to resign and Free talked me into staying, probably so he could have another target to heap abuse upon, since he seems to serve no other purpose.
Thanks for the vote of confidence young lady.
Not everyone likes me here though, believe it or not, and when I first joined there was a group, 75% of which have since been banned and the other who left voluntarily, who desperately tried to discourage me from posting, apparently due to their great fear of my truth. (actually Dumb Yankee is coming back in a few months, so only two of them were perma-banned.
To make a long story short, I had decided to resign and Free talked me into staying, probably so he could have another target to heap abuse upon, since he seems to serve no other purpose.

Wow! Well, USF did one good deed then! I'm glad you're still here! And glad the ones who didn't like you are gone!

Anyone heard from Steelplate? I hope he doesn't walk away.
Thanks for the vote of confidence young lady.
Not everyone likes me here though, believe it or not, and when I first joined there was a group, 75% of which have since been banned and the other who left voluntarily, who desperately tried to discourage me from posting, apparently due to their great fear of my truth. (actually Dumb Yankee is coming back in a few months, so only two of them were perma-banned.
To make a long story short, I had decided to resign and Free talked me into staying, probably so he could have another target to heap abuse upon, since he seems to serve no other purpose.

You and Desh should start a club. You can compare whose "truth" and "facts" are most unappreciated.

Maybe we can have Grind and Damo erect a cross outside of JPP and you and Desh can take turns hoisting yourselves up on it when you feel really down?
I already have him on IA, and now I am at the point where I get very confused when someone (usually Howey) says, oh you have to be braindead not to know that patriot = whoever. I no longer know who anyone is, nor care.

I am still leaningright...
Wow! Well, USF did one good deed then! I'm glad you're still here! And glad the ones who didn't like you are gone!

Anyone heard from Steelplate? I hope he doesn't walk away.

He's here. Also, very people ever leave JPP. They might take a break, but they always come back. We're like the bottle, you need a 12 step to break our hold.
He is a closed minded idiot like you.

Actually, I thought the same thing until a recent exchange with him. In the thread about homosexuality being genetic, he was genuinely asking for info. When I gave him info on the biological principles of recessive genes he thanked me.

First of all, his admitting he did not know something was refreshing. Then him thanking me for the info was doubly good.

He and I will not be friends, but I don't think he is a total troll. Part of it is the fact that I kept the debate on track.
Yes, only liberals have "open minds" which is why they are so open to limiting abortion in certain circumstances, privatizing social security and decreasing the size of government. They are very open minded about these ideas.

They also never flame threads. They are just harmless little victims to us mean ole right wingers

Conservatives are taking women's right away a bit at a time. Like here...
So your statement is bogus, in all circumstances the right wants no abortion, we know that, and the right is acting to do away with all abortions. We know that, do you? Didn't think so.

If you want your party to be a footnote in a history book, try again to profitize social security. Try to take retired people's money again and you'll get the same response Bush II got. Remember? Didn't think so.

We know your propaganda talking points always include 'decreasing the size of government' but do you really know what that means? Do you know which right-wing international corporate donors want less restrictions and why? Didn't think so.

In order to have an open or closed mind you first must have a mind.
Conservatives are taking women's right away a bit at a time. Like here...
So your statement is bogus, in all circumstances the right wants no abortion, we know that, and the right is acting to do away with all abortions. We know that, do you? Didn't think so.

If you want your party to be a footnote in a history book, try again to profitize social security. Try to take retired people's money again and you'll get the same response Bush II got. Remember? Didn't think so.

We know your propaganda talking points always include 'decreasing the size of government' but do you really know what that means? Do you know which right-wing international corporate donors want less restrictions and why? Didn't think so.

In order to have an open or closed mind you first must have a mind.

I don't profess to speak for the "right" but you lefties sure know :)

Personally? Yes, I would make all abortions illegal unless it is a life or death situation for the mother (very, very, very rare). But, I have offered up this compromise. Lets just make abortion legal for rape, incest and illegal in every other circumstance (convenience etc.) and you libs never take me up on it even though you say you crave compromise. Your side wants ZERO restrictions on murdering babies. You are the extremist.

As for socalist insecurity, that money is already gone. There is nothing there. But, you cling to your "I paid into the system" story. It will carry you far.

Do I know what decreasing the size of the government will do? I sure do. I will reduce dependency and increase freedom. I guess you think more economic freedom is a bad thing. As for big business, they like big government as much as anyone. You see they get much more ROI from donating to a politician than actually have to compete in the market place. Oh they feign indignation about regulations, but the truth is that big business LOVEs regulations. Why? Because it creates barriers to entry for smaller more innovative competitors. It leads to more consolidation because in the end it is big business that can afford these regulations while it puts their competitors out of business.

You like it. You love it. You want some more of it.
I don't profess to speak for the "right" but you lefties sure know :)

Personally? Yes, I would make all abortions illegal unless it is a life or death situation for the mother (very, very, very rare). But, I have offered up this compromise. Lets just make abortion legal for rape, incest and illegal in every other circumstance (convenience etc.) and you libs never take me up on it even though you say you crave compromise. Your side wants ZERO restrictions on murdering babies. You are the extremist.

As for socalist insecurity, that money is already gone. There is nothing there. But, you cling to your "I paid into the system" story. It will carry you far.

Do I know what decreasing the size of the government will do? I sure do. I will reduce dependency and increase freedom. I guess you think more economic freedom is a bad thing. As for big business, they like big government as much as anyone. You see they get much more ROI from donating to a politician than actually have to compete in the market place. Oh they feign indignation about regulations, but the truth is that big business LOVEs regulations. Why? Because it creates barriers to entry for smaller more innovative competitors. It leads to more consolidation because in the end it is big business that can afford these regulations while it puts their competitors out of business.

You like it. You love it. You want some more of it.

We'll never agree on abortion, I believe it's the woman's and man's choice with strict time limits. I agree that abortions should be rare and this should be accomplished thru a good economy and thru education. When people are working and able to live at least an American middle class life, babies are welcome.

We know that at the center of corporate conservative ideology is to do away with Roosevelt's New Deal and destroy labor by paying existence wages. We know this.

The government sector of the economy shrank during the first three years of the Obama administration, but the private sector grew more rapidly than it did during the first three years of either of George W. Bush’s terms in office.

Who ya gonna believe? Faux 'news' or the nytimes?

When you say 'reduce dependency and increase freedom' you mean cut govt social programs to the poor that you created by 30 yrs of deregulation and increase the Koch brothers freedom to pollute. What we should be talking about is putting people back to work for good wages and investing in this country. Conservatives almost deregulated us into another depression by 2008 and we need more deregulation?
As far as ROI goes, how much return did Sheldon Adelson expect on his $100mil Romney investment last campaign? What did he want? I'll bet he doesn't want limits on consolidation. It's the same corporatists you're bitching about that you back and vote for.
We'll never agree on abortion, I believe it's the woman's and man's choice with strict time limits. I agree that abortions should be rare and this should be accomplished thru a good economy and thru education. When people are working and able to live at least an American middle class life, babies are welcome.

We know that at the center of corporate conservative ideology is to do away with Roosevelt's New Deal and destroy labor by paying existence wages. We know this.

The government sector of the economy shrank during the first three years of the Obama administration, but the private sector grew more rapidly than it did during the first three years of either of George W. Bush’s terms in office.

Who ya gonna believe? Faux 'news' or the nytimes?

When you say 'reduce dependency and increase freedom' you mean cut govt social programs to the poor that you created by 30 yrs of deregulation and increase the Koch brothers freedom to pollute. What we should be talking about is putting people back to work for good wages and investing in this country. Conservatives almost deregulated us into another depression by 2008 and we need more deregulation?
As far as ROI goes, how much return did Sheldon Adelson expect on his $100mil Romney investment last campaign? What did he want? I'll bet he doesn't want limits on consolidation. It's the same corporatists you're bitching about that you back and vote for.

I neither support not oppose corporations. They are entities that can do great good and great harm. I support free markets which involve people freely making choices to engage in commerce without undue force.

It is human nature for people to try to gain advantage over others. The governments job is to see that it is as level a playing field as possible. The larger the government and more intertwined in our affairs, the worse it is for freedom.

Yes, I would love to undo the Raw Deal. What has it gotten us except a mountain of debt we can't pay back (This is where you complain about Bush's wars and tax cuts Obama extended).

There is a difference between helping people in times of need and making them comfortable in poverty. Unfortunately we have veered too far towards the latter
Actually, I thought the same thing until a recent exchange with him. In the thread about homosexuality being genetic, he was genuinely asking for info. When I gave him info on the biological principles of recessive genes he thanked me.

First of all, his admitting he did not know something was refreshing. Then him thanking me for the info was doubly good.

He and I will not be friends, but I don't think he is a total troll. Part of it is the fact that I kept the debate on track.
Are you talking about Boris or Patrician?
Patrician. I have never seen Boris do anything but hate on libs or try to play the "social-conservative victim".

He also stopped trolling a friend's thread when asked politely.
Perhaps I will give him another look, but I am not very hopeful.
I don't profess to speak for the "right" but you lefties sure know :)

Personally? Yes, I would make all abortions illegal unless it is a life or death situation for the mother (very, very, very rare). But, I have offered up this compromise. Lets just make abortion legal for rape, incest and illegal in every other circumstance (convenience etc.) and you libs never take me up on it even though you say you crave compromise. Your side wants ZERO restrictions on murdering babies. You are the extremist.

As for socalist insecurity, that money is already gone. There is nothing there. But, you cling to your "I paid into the system" story. It will carry you far.

Do I know what decreasing the size of the government will do? I sure do. I will reduce dependency and increase freedom. I guess you think more economic freedom is a bad thing. As for big business, they like big government as much as anyone. You see they get much more ROI from donating to a politician than actually have to compete in the market place. Oh they feign indignation about regulations, but the truth is that big business LOVEs regulations. Why? Because it creates barriers to entry for smaller more innovative competitors. It leads to more consolidation because in the end it is big business that can afford these regulations while it puts their competitors out of business.

You like it. You love it. You want some more of it.

Would you really want to go back to the days of backstreet abortions?