
I was always taught that courtesy, manners, honor, and virtue were the essence of a conservative person, and they matter to me. If I therefore had to run this country with liberals like Tekky and Rana, or douchy conservatives such as Boris, Bravo, and 007, I would have to go with the liberals.
I was always taught that courtesy, manners, honor, and virtue were the essence of a conservative person, and they matter to me. If I therefore had to run this country with liberals like Tekky and Rana, or douchy conservatives such as Boris, Bravo, and 007, I would have to go with the liberals.

thank you, kind sir.
I was always taught that courtesy, manners, honor, and virtue were the essence of a conservative person, and they matter to me. If I therefore had to run this country with liberals like Tekky and Rana, or douchy conservatives such as Boris, Bravo, and 007, I would have to go with the liberals.

Apparently you can neither get your dog's cock out of your mouth...

I was always taught that courtesy, manners, honor, and virtue were the essence of a conservative person, and they matter to me. If I therefore had to run this country with liberals like Tekky and Rana, or douchy conservatives such as Boris, Bravo, and 007, I would have to go with the liberals.

Me thinks you pick the conservative and liberal 'examples' differently. 007 and Tekky? Don't think there's a comparison to be made there. OO7 and evince? Perhaps.
I was always taught that courtesy, manners, honor, and virtue were the essence of a conservative person, and they matter to me. If I therefore had to run this country with liberals like Tekky and Rana, or douchy conservatives such as Boris, Bravo, and 007, I would have to go with the liberals.

You are maturing well friend. Continue this path and all will be well for you.
Perhaps, but now that USF has outed me as a guy who will respond with hostility when confronted with a rabid troll, I still have a ways to go. God I hate bikers.

AWWWWWWWWWW - poor, poor widdle 3D admits that he doesn't have control of his emotions.
Guess that makes him a liberal.
So sad
Too bad

Deal with it. :)
If that's the metric of a Marxist, then he's been one since he got voted in.

It was a joke about Castro. And Marxist-Leninism is what Stalin called his ideology, which doesn't really align with classical Marxism or today's market revisionisms.

That fell flat. :bang:
It was a joke about Castro. And Marxist-Leninism is what Stalin called his ideology, which doesn't really align with classical Marxism or today's market revisionisms.

That fell flat. :bang:

Yeah, I get that. I was making a joke about Obama and his relentless targeting of the press for daring to oppose him....probably why so few do.
It was a joke about Castro. And Marxist-Leninism is what Stalin called his ideology, which doesn't really align with classical Marxism or today's market revisionisms.

That fell flat. :bang:

Joke or not, it's what he's been doing.
Yeah, I get that. I was making a joke about Obama and his relentless targeting of the press for daring to oppose him....probably why so few do.

I understand. But it's not nearly the kind of thing done when leaders are suppressing contrary ideology.
Yeah, I get that. I was making a joke about Obama and his relentless targeting of the press for daring to oppose him....probably why so few do.
Really? Did you forget how the press abdicated it's responsibility as the 5th estate in the lead up to the Iraq war and became an echo chamber for the Bush administration?

Just think, how many lives and how much treasure would have been saved had they done their jobs instead of being cowards?