Support Obama? No communion for you.

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No, it wouldn't.

Specifically, per the church rules the Priest cannot refuse them communion because of this opinion. And even if it had the power you give it those who chose to follow his opinion would do a penance and then receive communion.

a penance would first require that the person in a state of sin confess their sin and repent it with the understanding that they would not repeat the sin

anyone that supported a pro-choice person or decision would then re-offend

i suppose that anyone that repeated the sin could confess and perform penance again, but could they truly repent

i think that the catholic church's position is that anyone that performs or assists an abortion or has an abortion has committed a deadly sin

though they could confess, repent and perform penance - imo, it is too close to being political and not purely religious

i wonder what the irs thinks about it

should religious institutions that have a tax exempt position be allowed to foment political activity

of course religious institutions have opposed slavery and other wrongs by following their moral compasses, but once more, should they retain their tax exempt status if they choose to do so

another example would be the mormon church's (church of jesus christ of later day saints) opposition to homosexuality and homosexual marriage - a secular activity performed by a sectarian body
Do they have the same rule about child molestion and communion. If you diddle children, help cover up the diddling of little children or write long memos on how to make sure tha the diddling of little children remians secret long enough to defeat the statute of limitations you get no cracker and punch either. The Catholic Church long ago lost any credibility when it comes to morality.
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Now I wonder what would Damo's Stance on this be if this had been 4 years ago and the priest had said no communion for those supporting Bush?

hmmm ?
It isn't wholly either. However the status of their communion is a religious opinion.

It is to. The Church is using coercion in order to have it's members support their position against a specific political candidate.

I have no problem with them or any church doing that. As long as their paying taxes like good citizens.
a penance would first require that the person in a state of sin confess their sin and repent it with the understanding that they would not repeat the sin

anyone that supported a pro-choice person or decision would then re-offend

i suppose that anyone that repeated the sin could confess and perform penance again, but could they truly repent

i think that the catholic church's position is that anyone that performs or assists an abortion or has an abortion has committed a deadly sin

though they could confess, repent and perform penance - imo, it is too close to being political and not purely religious

i wonder what the irs thinks about it

should religious institutions that have a tax exempt position be allowed to foment political activity

of course religious institutions have opposed slavery and other wrongs by following their moral compasses, but once more, should they retain their tax exempt status if they choose to do so

another example would be the mormon church's (church of jesus christ of later day saints) opposition to homosexuality and homosexual marriage - a secular activity performed by a sectarian body
I don't think religious institutions should not be tax-exempt to begin with. But that is neither here nor there.

I can't see why money donated to a church should be free from taxes, especially the money they put into making bigger churches and paying for buses.

But religious beliefs and politics mix here in the US, specifically because they have freedom of religion and freedom of speech. That 1st Amendment gets all pesky and annoying. Punishing them would be an act of government punishing for speech and religion... I do not think that judges would want to set that precedent.
It is to. The Church is using coercion in order to have it's members support their position against a specific political candidate.

I have no problem with them or any church doing that. As long as their paying taxes like good citizens.

It is both, as I stated, neither wholly.

I don't care if you have a problem or not, it makes no difference to me. I think that giving them tax exemption to begin with was a mistake, it tends to support, with government power, a belief in the supernatural.
It is to. The Church is using coercion in order to have it's members support their position against a specific political candidate.

I have no problem with them or any church doing that. As long as their paying taxes like good citizens.
Are you aware that this edict was issued AFTER the election, and as such could not have, in any way, affected the outcome?

Of course, it probably does not bother you, since the real issue is all that good money sitting there, untaxed. Must bother the shit our of you how the government can't get their grimy paws on any of it.
It is both, as I stated, neither wholly.

I don't care if you have a problem or not, it makes no difference to me. I think that giving them tax exemption to begin with was a mistake, it tends to support, with government power, a belief in the supernatural.
Care to explain, precisely, how NOT taxing an organization is giving government support to religious beliefs? (Or the beliefs of any other tax exempt, non-profit organizations.)
Its because the Founding Fathers viewed taxation as punative and oppressive, and this idea which lead inexorably to the Revolution has lived on into the present day, although the leftists have gone Champaigne Charlie Townshend on us all...
Its because the Founding Fathers viewed taxation as punative and oppressive, and this idea which lead inexorably to the Revolution has lived on into the present day, although the leftists have gone Champaigne Charlie Townshend on us all...
So lack of taxation (thus lack of oppression) on churches means government SUPPORT of the same? What is not oppressed is supported?

Well, we already know they believe in the concept that what is not forbidden is compulsory, so I guess it fits with that philosophy.
Care to explain, precisely, how NOT taxing an organization is giving government support to religious beliefs? (Or the beliefs of any other tax exempt, non-profit organizations.)
A religious organization is under no obligation to prove any benefit to society, unlike most non-profits. This is a gift that specifically benefits those who believe in the supernatural.

It definitely gives a benefit towards that direction and supports them. Why do they need tax breaks, what have they done to deserve them?
A religious organization is under no obligation to prove any benefit to society, unlike most non-profits. This is a gift that specifically benefits those who believe in the supernatural.

It definitely gives a benefit towards that direction and supports them. Why do they need tax breaks, what have they done to deserve them?
So you DO equate not taxing as the same thing as supporting?

Love them pretzels.
Are you aware that this edict was issued AFTER the election, and as such could not have, in any way, affected the outcome?

Of course, it probably does not bother you, since the real issue is all that good money sitting there, untaxed. Must bother the shit our of you how the government can't get their grimy paws on any of it.

I could give a shit less about the money. It's the principle at stake here. If any church wants to be involved directly in the political process by directly supporting any party or candidate AT ANY TIME, regardless of out come, then they need to pay the price of the dance or shut the hell up.
So you DO equate not taxing as the same thing as supporting?

Love them pretzels.
I do. And you can love pretzels all you want, but make sense man. It gives those organizations a leg up over any other. What makes it so they get a pass supporting schools?

It made sense back in the day when almost all schools were ran by the churches, not so much now. The benefit to society pales even further as we go further into the future.
My taxes support community services for churches. Sewer projects, fire and police protection, etc. And may of them block traffic when the services let out.

so freedom from taxes is support.

A catholic priest has decided that anyone who voted for Obama should refrain from taking communion until they do penance for their "sin".

Now I understand that abortion is the only issue for some people. But for the majority of people it is not the only issue.

I think this move was a bit wacko.

This is why I left, whatever happened to judge not?

I love when the powers that be play God, but when it comes to their own, well, we all know the history!
For what? Stating a religious opinion?

The priest cannot stop them from taking communion, he is ordered by the church to give it regardless. They show up, they stand in line, they get communion even if he thinks they are terrible for voting for Obama.

Make your own at home, we are all priest prophet and king, according to Mons. Murphy, look that guy up! Great homilies, if we had only known they were because of his own demons!
Now I wonder what would Damo's Stance on this be if this had been 4 years ago and the priest had said no communion for those supporting Bush?

hmmm ?

I know. How ironic. this is where "only those in the womb" comments come from. If you are being blown apart on the battle field, well, that is different for some reason. Even though the previous Pope was very much against the war!