Supreme Court Lets Guantanamo Prisoners Challenge Detention

Digging out from an unprecedented avalanche of 5-4 end-of-term Supreme Court decisions overruling its own precedents, federal statutes, state laws, and local ordinances, many Americans have now caught sight of a specter once imagined only by a tiny cadre of legal cognoscenti: A Supreme Court bound and determined to reprise the Court's reactionary role from a century ago, out to squelch progressive policies whatever their source.

If only...
If only we had slaves and segregation and people starving on the side of the street.

That's epi's America.

I hope you burn in hell you fucking freak.

You Democrats already tried that ..... and we Republicans had to kick your asses all over the South to put a stop to it....though we let you keep Sen. Byrd as a memento of the 'old days'.....:321: