Surprise surprise. Cervical cancer vaccine is dangerous.


Abreast of the situations
(CNN) -- A vaccine designed to prevent cervical cancer is coming under fresh scrutiny amid thousands of complaints linking it to a range of health problems.

Gardasil has been the subject of 7,802 "adverse event" reports from the time the Food and Drug Administration approved its use two years ago, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Girls and women have blamed the vaccine for causing ailments from nausea to paralysis -- even death. Fifteen deaths were reported to the FDA, and 10 were confirmed, but the CDC says none of the 10 were linked to the vaccine. The CDC says it continues to study the reports of illness.

Gardasil prevents the spread of human papillomavirus, known as HPV -- a sexually transmitted virus that can cause cervical cancer in a relatively small number of girls and women.

The vaccine's manufacturer, Merck & Co. Inc., says it has distributed more than 26 million Gardasil vaccines worldwide, including nearly 16 million in the United States. It estimates that 8 million girls and women have received the vaccine in the United States since June 2006. VideoWatch more on complications linked to Gardasil »

Two girls allege in court that the vaccine made them sick.

One -- Jesalee Parsons of Broken Bow, Oklahoma -- got the shot at age 13.

Jesalee's lawyer, Michael McLaren, said she got the shot on February 27, 2007 and soon developed a fever and felt pain. The next day, he said, Jesalee felt pain in her chest and abdomen.

Her mother, Laura Parsons, said Jesalee spent weeks in the hospital and underwent two surgeries after developing pancreatitis. She says the federal government should have studied the drug more before approving its use.

"I just feel let down by the government," Parsons said.

Merck says it could be a coincidence that the girls got sick after receiving the vaccine.

The company said in a statement that an adverse event report "does not mean that a causal relationship between an event and vaccination has been established -- just that the event occurred after vaccination."

Merck said it would continue to evaluate reports of adverse reactions. It said it "updates product labels with new safety information as appropriate."
Best lines:

Fifteen deaths were reported to the FDA, and 10 were confirmed, but the CDC says none of the 10 were linked to the vaccine.
The CDC says it continues to study the reports of illness.

Merck says it could be a coincidence that the girls got sick after receiving the vaccine.
The company said in a statement that an adverse event report "does not mean that a causal relationship between an event and vaccination has been established -- just that the event occurred after vaccination."
Merck said it would continue to evaluate reports of adverse reactions.

Must be nice to have a govt agency in your pocket.
It could be a coincidence, and it could be a cause. If I were Merck I'd be desperate to find out, and as soon as I had evidence I'd shut it down to stop-gap lawsuits.
Who didn't see this coming? My first thought when they started marketing this vaccine and pushing it so hard was the effects it would have on female fertility and harm it could do to unborn children.

Just add it to the list of failed and banned vaccines.
The Gov. of Texas tried to make it mandatory for all female children over the age of 13 to be vaccinated with this stuff. There was such a huge hue and cry over it from the populace that the governor was forced to rescind the order, fortunately. Sometimes, if enough speak, our voices can indeed be heard.
yep too much pushing too early, but that is the drug compaines wanting to profit and their influence in the govt. And remember vaccine makers are exempt from product liability now.

Hmm I am sure there is no connection with the passage fo that law and the push for this vaccine....of course not.
I'm getting tired of this crap. The CDC cant be trusted anymore.

Oh I’m really glad you posted this because my sister in law recently asked me if I thought she should have by niece vaccinated with this – their doctor was pushing for it.

Oh, and of course, because I wouldn’t want to see Top lose any money. Jesus.
The risk of not doing it outweighs the risk of doing it. From my perspective. Luckily with my daughter I will have the benefit of about 13 more years of research before I will need to make that decision.
The risk of not doing it outweighs the risk of doing it. From my perspective. Luckily with my daughter I will have the benefit of about 13 more years of research before I will need to make that decision.

Well, for those of us without those further 13 years, I’d say, hold off for now. I’m glad that I recommended to my sil that she wait on this, because the shit never hits the fan right away. No reason to be a guinea pig.
yeah wtf do doctors and the FDA know. Thank god they have Chap and Dhula.

tell that to the parents with graduate degrees and far more money then you or I that had there kid vaccinated and now that kids sick.

You should ALWAYS question medical procedures.
The Gov. of Texas tried to make it mandatory for all female children over the age of 13 to be vaccinated with this stuff. There was such a huge hue and cry over it from the populace that the governor was forced to rescind the order, fortunately. Sometimes, if enough speak, our voices can indeed be heard.

I was one of those speaking out. It was right in the middle of all the autism diagnosis with my son, and the LAST thing I wanted to see was my daughter harmed by a vaccine.
Dhula just cause a claim is made doesn't make it fact.
Gardasil has not relation to what those went through. And Viox was not proven. Dingbat
Best lines:

Fifteen deaths were reported to the FDA, and 10 were confirmed, but the CDC says none of the 10 were linked to the vaccine.
The CDC says it continues to study the reports of illness.

Merck says it could be a coincidence that the girls got sick after receiving the vaccine.
The company said in a statement that an adverse event report "does not mean that a causal relationship between an event and vaccination has been established -- just that the event occurred after vaccination."
Merck said it would continue to evaluate reports of adverse reactions.

Must be nice to have a govt agency in your pocket.

About 3,870 women will die from cervical cancer in the United States during 2008.