Surprise surprise. Cervical cancer vaccine is dangerous.

we know they won't be experimenting on Dhula the barren spinsters child.
If I had a teenage daughter she'd get it. I'm not one of these Dr's are evil uneducated morons.

Well you know top, any daughter of yours, probably should be vaccinated against STD’s.
you guys can have your anti sience and scientolgy like believes.
I'll stick with the doctors on this one. LOFL
I didn't "do" anything, dumbass, besides stomp you in debate.

You’re 18 years old and there’s a lot you don’t know. You’ve most likely never watched someone you love die due to a doctor’s or hospital’s error.

We all expect top to be a stupid little peckerhead and all around jackass with a severe case of shortman’s disease. You can do better. You don’t know for sure one way or the other here, you just have been told that you do. One day you will wake up and be terrified by how little the “experts” actually know, and how often they are wrong.

Then you will get past that phase and come to know that you’re smart enough to compensate.
8 million vaccinated
7,802 adverse affects.

Wow pull that muther fucker immediately! It's as dangerous as a loaded handgun.