Swallow this, liberals


I'm posting this, in this forum; because it's not current and liberals probably don't want to accept it, but it does prove what lying sack of shits they are.

What Trump Did To Blacks And Jews 30 Years Ago Just Surfaced… This Could Change The Whole Election

Donald Trump as well as his fellow Republicans have been often accused of having no tolerance for the Blacks nor the Jews- basically they were racists.

Even though Trump shows an array of people of different race and background actively supporting him and working for him, the media cannot get enough in blaming him for things he did not do.

Now, new information about his so-called discriminatory and racist nature are surfacing- and we have all the scoop!

VIA Western Journalism

In 1997, Trump defied societal conventions when he purchased his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida and converted it into a private club.

Prior to Trump’s arrival, other clubs in the Pam Beach area “had long barred Jews and African Americans — which is to say they practiced a quiet but steely racism,” wrote Jeffrey Lord on The American Spectator.

“He put the light on Palm Beach,” said Abe Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League. “Not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination. It has an impact.”

Trump went further, asking the town council to lift the existing restrictions on the club, and sending them a copy of, “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner,” a film whose characters defy the race-based discrimination of the day.

The town council would not budge, leading Trump to file a $100 million lawsuit alleging the town was “discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African Americans,” reported The American Spectator.

The incident was profiled in a 1997 Wall Street Journal piece that discussed Trump’s clash with Palm Beach. Eventually, Palm Beach put an end to their discriminatory restrictions.

“In other words, long before he was running for president, there was Donald Trump battling racism and anti-Semitism in Palm Beach society. Using every tool at his disposal,” wrote Lord.

He continued, “In today’s world the Left demands racial quotas and supports illegal immigration. What all of these things have in common is that they are designed to divide Americans by race, to divide by skin color.”

Lord said Trump’s actions show the falsehood in the accusations of racism leveled against him.

The good news here that in Donald Trump someone — finally — is standing up to fight back. Just as he fought back all those years ago in Palm Beach when no one was looking.”


Now the liberals can take their false accusations of racism, polish it up real bright and shiny, turn it sideways, and shove it right up their collective asses.

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I'm posting this, in this forum; because it's not current and liberals probably don't want to accept it, but it does prove what lying sack of shits they are.

What Trump Did To Blacks And Jews 30 Years Ago Just Surfaced… This Could Change The Whole Election

Donald Trump as well as his fellow Republicans have been often accused of having no tolerance for the Blacks nor the Jews- basically they were racists.

Even though Trump shows an array of people of different race and background actively supporting him and working for him, the media cannot get enough in blaming him for things he did not do.

Now, new information about his so-called discriminatory and racist nature are surfacing- and we have all the scoop!

VIA Western Journalism

In 1997, Trump defied societal conventions when he purchased his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida and converted it into a private club.

Prior to Trump’s arrival, other clubs in the Pam Beach area “had long barred Jews and African Americans — which is to say they practiced a quiet but steely racism,” wrote Jeffrey Lord on The American Spectator.

“He put the light on Palm Beach,” said Abe Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League. “Not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination. It has an impact.”

Trump went further, asking the town council to lift the existing restrictions on the club, and sending them a copy of, “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner,” a film whose characters defy the race-based discrimination of the day.

The town council would not budge, leading Trump to file a $100 million lawsuit alleging the town was “discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African Americans,” reported The American Spectator.

The incident was profiled in a 1997 Wall Street Journal piece that discussed Trump’s clash with Palm Beach. Eventually, Palm Beach put an end to their discriminatory restrictions.

“In other words, long before he was running for president, there was Donald Trump battling racism and anti-Semitism in Palm Beach society. Using every tool at his disposal,” wrote Lord.

He continued, “In today’s world the Left demands racial quotas and supports illegal immigration. What all of these things have in common is that they are designed to divide Americans by race, to divide by skin color.”

Lord said Trump’s actions show the falsehood in the accusations of racism leveled against him.

The good news here that in Donald Trump someone — finally — is standing up to fight back. Just as he fought back all those years ago in Palm Beach when no one was looking.”


Now the liberals can take their false accusations of racism, polish it up real bright and shiny, turn it sideways, and shove it right up their collective asses.


Oh my! He let Jews and blacks into his club! How fucking magnanimous of him! He should be President because of that!
I'm posting this, in this forum; because it's not current and liberals probably don't want to accept it, but it does prove what lying sack of shits they are.

WHEW!! No DOUBT!!!!!

Look at their FRONT PAGE!!!!



Well didn't B Hussein Yobabymama tell a group of negroes that Trump wouldn't let them in?

I expect some Libtard to drag a negro behind a truck squealing WHITE POWER so they can gin up the negro vote. Early voting is not looking good for Crooked ILLary and leftwads are skeered
Whenever I read right wing, conservative posts and threads I know swampland is still selling. A more naive and uninformed group would be hard to find. Then they post graphics of Hillary as pictures are easy for a simpleton to understand. Too funny. Trump's record is the record of a racist and should anyone doubt that check out this list from his past.


And this. Dumb like his followers.

"Donald Trump went on CNBC this morning, and, over the course of a wide-ranging interview, once again reminded the world of the most fundamental fact about his candidacy — he doesn’t really seem to understand any aspect of American public policy.

Benefitting as he often does from a cable news format, he was allowed to ramble and dissemble across a variety of topics — including who sets interest rates, how monetary policy impacts the economy, and how his own money is invested, finding time for a racist personal attack against a rival politician." http://www.vox.com/2016/9/12/12887522/donald-trump-interview-shocking-numb
As has been noted, Trump only became "racist" when he ran for office.
They had to come up with something as he spoke to the rank and file far better than the wall street whore.
Love him getting union endorsements real slap in the face.
As has been noted, Trump only became "racist" when he ran for office.
They had to come up with something as he spoke to the rank and file far better than the wall street whore.
Love him getting union endorsements real slap in the face.
Why wouldn't "union thugs" support the thug?? He probably bought off the crooked union boss.........

Funny how the anti-union party is bragging about unions now....:rofl2:

By the time don is done the gop will be the leftest party..............
As has been noted, Trump only became "racist" when he ran for office.

.....If your input is limited to Stormwatch, WorldNutzDaily, Porky Limbaugh & FAUX Noise.

January 23, 2016 - "When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available. A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.

The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover “testers” for a *government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens.

Federal investigators also gathered evidence. Trump employees had secretly marked the applications of minorities with codes, such as “No. 9” and “C” for “colored,” according to government interview accounts filed in federal court. The employees allegedly directed blacks and Puerto Ricans away from buildings with mostly white tenants, and steered them toward properties that had many minorities, the government filings alleged.

In October 1973, the Justice Department filed a civil rights case that accused the Trump firm, whose complexes contained 14,000 apartments, of violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

The case, one of the largest federal housing discrimination suits to be brought during that time, put a spotlight on the family empire led by its 27-year-old president, Donald Trump, and his father, Fred Trump, the chairman, who had begun building houses and apartments in the 1930s. The younger Trump demonstrated the brash, combative style that would make him famous, holding forth at a news conference in a Manhattan hotel to decry the government’s arguments as “such outrageous lies.” He would also say that the company wanted to avoid renting apartments to welfare recipients of any color but never discriminated based on race.

The Trumps retained Roy Cohn, a defense attorney who two decades earlier had been a top aide to Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) during his infamous effort to root out communists in government. Cohn portrayed the Trumps as the victims and counter-sued the government, demanding it pay them $100 million for falsely accusing them of discrimination."

As has been noted, Trump only became "racist" when he ran for office.
They had to come up with something as he spoke to the rank and file far better than the wall street whore.
Love him getting union endorsements real slap in the face.

Bullshit. Early on, he refused to rent to blacks and Hispanics in one of his developments.

(Edit) - I see Bill already covered that. Thanks, Bill.
Bullshit. Early on, he refused to rent to blacks and Hispanics in one of his developments.

(Edit) - I see Bill already covered that. Thanks, Bill.

"HE" did or did some of his employees, domerDude?

Now, think carefully before answering; because if you're going to hold him accountable for his employees actions, then you'll be admitting that Obama is responsible for Hillary's failure on Behghazi, her "deleted" e-mails, and the action of others in his administration.

"HE" did or did some of his employees, domerDude?

Now, think carefully before answering; because if you're going to hold him accountable for his employees actions, then you'll be admitting that Obama is responsible for Hillary's failure on Behghazi, her "deleted" e-mails, and the action of others in his administration.


It was his call and his policy, dickhead. This thread is about his racist background. Take your off-topic, diversionary bullshit elsewhere.
It was his call and his policy, dickhead. This thread is about his racist background. Take your off-topic, diversionary bullshit elsewhere.

Show where it was "his" policy, Dude.
The rest of your comment, is just you being desperate. :p

Remember how you used to call people names, when you were frustrated, just before you were perma-banned. :eek2:
It was his call and his policy, dickhead. This thread is about his racist background. Take your off-topic, diversionary bullshit elsewhere.

Not true. Property managers were accused of using a code to discriminate. When the Trumps were made aware of it they put an immediate end to the practice. Whereas. when Hillary was made aware, over and over again that Benghazi needed more security she ignored the pleas and good men died.