Swiftboating 2012


Another ploy by the racist factionof the Special Forces to criticize the President for the successful killing of OBL.

Reuters' Mark Hosenball got an early look at a new 22-minute film from a so-called social welfare group called "Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund Inc" that attacks the Obama administration for bragging about killing Osama bin Laden:

"Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not," Ben Smith, identified as a Navy SEAL, says in the film.

"As a citizen, it is my civic duty to tell the president to stop leaking information to the enemy," Smith continues. "It will get Americans killed."

An Obama campaign official told Reuters that it was "clear they've resorted to making things up for purely political reasons." Two top federal prosecutors are currently probing the origin of recent intelligence leaks.

Education Fund? Really? Non-partisan? Really? The traitorous idiot running for these ads is a failed Republican candidate. Go figure...

They'll be gone in a day...
In the same way Bush spouting the infamous "come n git us" put soldiers at greater potential for harm, I think the point is a good one to make that Obama shouldn't be bragging about military operations.

And BTW, Obama didn't kill bin laden. Soldiers did.
Obama, you didn't do that! LOL
“Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not,”

the speaker is correct. and of course, there is no racism. just howey's delusions and desperate plea for attention and need to distract from real issues.

obama didn't do alone....hmmm...sound familiar?
“Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not,”


so you post a quote of republicans whining and end it with an image that implies democrats are the crybabies?
killing OBL is a complete non-factor in this election.
I woudn't say it's a complete non-factor. I'm voting for Obama on the basis that OBL was killed on his watch. So though I don't think it will play a very significant roll, I woudlnt' call it a non-factor. Particularly if Obama's opponents are going to use OBL's death as an attempt to Swift Boat him. It appears to be the case and I think it's disgusting and beneath contempt and the people doing it are morally challenged......but that's politics. Just with Kerry the swift boat attack was scurelous and disgusting and had little if any impact on the election.
No he wasn't. How can a person be whining when he's quoted out of context? Grind didn't quote Pavo out of context like you just did.

that is what obama said....same applies here if you want to use his logic....obama was only the CIC...without all the other players, OBL would not be dead....so yeah...obama didn't do that according to his own logic....
that is what obama said....same applies here if you want to use his logic....obama was only the CIC...without all the other players, OBL would not be dead....so yeah...obama didn't do that according to his own logic....


This is complete bullshit. In March of 2002 Bush said he did not think much about Bin Laden at all. In 2006 it was "not a top priority use of American resources." Bush gave up on bin Laden because his capture or death would have taken wind of the sails of war. We were in Iraq and that is ALL Bush wanted. Their right, President Obama didn't physically get OBL, but he did give the order to go into Pakistan when almost everyone else was wringing their hands and telling him no. The call ultimately belonged to the CiC and he made it and was right. Bush can NEVER say that.
the speaker is correct. and of course, there is no racism. just howey's delusions and desperate plea for attention and need to distract from real issues.

obama didn't do alone....hmmm...sound familiar?

Funny. All these guys are Republican Teabagger PR types.

Benjamin Smith:

Former Navy SEAL, Benjamin Smith, continues to keep his word and now defends the Constitution from domestic enemies who subvert the Constitution for their own political ends. He does this by supporting candidates across the country who still believe that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land and is not open for “re-interpretation”. Ben has teamed up with the Tea Party Express and has traveled to places like Alaska in support of Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller and to Delaware in support of Republican Senate Candidate Christine O’Donnell and many others. Ben also works with Move America Forward, an organization dedicated to supporting our troops around the globe in the war on terror. Move America Forward also endorses candidates who truly keep their word to support and defend the US Constitution.

Christine O'Donnell? hah! fruitcake!

Scott Taylor: Rejected Teabagger political candidate. Oh! Look at the RACIST picture on that page!!!!

Then there's ex-CIA goon and Bush crony Fred Rustmann...who's only claim to fame is lying to congress about Valerie Plame!

What do they have in common? All Teabaggers and all in public relations. Except Rustmann, he's in some Blackwater-like company.

Most important? What else do they have in common?

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that is what obama said....same applies here if you want to use his logic....obama was only the CIC...without all the other players, OBL would not be dead....so yeah...obama didn't do that according to his own logic....

Who ordered the raid?

What's incredible is Obama didn't brag about OBL's death...

Why don't y'all just admit the truth for once?

THIS is what has your panties in a wad!

Once again, please point out where there was any racism?

There is racism out there. But everytime you throw this out there when it is not the case, you make it harder for actual cases of racism to be taken seriously. Believe it or not, there are people who dislike Obama based on things other than his race.

Tone down the racist charges when it is bullshit, m'kay?
Once again, please point out where there was any racism?

There is racism out there. But everytime you throw this out there when it is not the case, you make it harder for actual cases of racism to be taken seriously. Believe it or not, there are people who dislike Obama based on things other than his race.

Tone down the racist charges when it is bullshit, m'kay?

i've posed the same question and made the same comments to howey several times. each time he never answers or addresses the issue of what is actual racism. i believe you have also asked him before as well....it will be interesting to see if he can point out the racism he claims exists.