Swiftboating 2012

Once again, please point out where there was any racism?

There is racism out there. But everytime you throw this out there when it is not the case, you make it harder for actual cases of racism to be taken seriously. Believe it or not, there are people who dislike Obama based on things other than his race.

Tone down the racist charges when it is bullshit, m'kay?

Only by rubes and bigots who prefer denying the existence of racism in the first place.
he absolutely gets credit for ordering the killing....but the troops get the credit for the ground work.

Who do we generally assign credit for the various battles of WWII - Ike, Patton, MacArthur, Bradley, Lemay, and Marshall, or the troops who served under them?
i've posed the same question and made the same comments to howey several times. each time he never answers or addresses the issue of what is actual racism. i believe you have also asked him before as well....it will be interesting to see if he can point out the racism he claims exists.

I can post thousands of links proving teabagger racism. How many do you want?
Another ploy by the racist factionof the Special Forces to criticize the President for the successful killing of OBL.

Education Fund? Really? Non-partisan? Really? The traitorous idiot running for these ads is a failed Republican candidate. Go figure...

They'll be gone in a day...

Either I'm missing something, or I see nothing racist about what this group has said.

Obviously they don't like Obama .. but that alone does not make them racist.
I can post thousands of links proving teabagger racism. How many do you want?

what does that have to do with the OP? you claimed the OP guy is a racist and have yet to back that up.

your thousands of links are mostly false. they have been debunked hundreds of times. sure there are racist tea party members, but not to the degree you wish teabaggee.

now...prove what is racist about the OP or admit you cried racism once again.
When you consider that Bush, Dole, Kerry, and McCain all lost, it would indicate that Obama's glorious PWN of OBL will not help much.

That said, here's a toast: Suck it, Bin Laden!! :shots:
Only by rubes and bigots who prefer denying the existence of racism in the first place.

Absolute bullshit. Everytime someone cries racism and there is none, it makes the next cries of racism more likely to be met with "yeah, yea, just like last time". The same is true for false accusations of sexual prejudice, gender bias, or homophobia.

I want to see racism be so rare as to be lost. But this ain't the way to do it.

And since you stepped up, can YOU point out the racism?
Another ploy by the racist factionof the Special Forces to criticize the President for the successful killing of OBL.

Education Fund? Really? Non-partisan? Really? The traitorous idiot running for these ads is a failed Republican candidate. Go figure...

They'll be gone in a day...

the group keeps blathering about how 'non-partisan' they are, but its leadership is comprised of former bush or right wing appointees

they claim to have about $1,000,000 and expect to get more funding...all anonymous and will just happen to place ads in battle ground states

the anti-leak group incorporated last June in Delaware, a state that has the most secretive corporate registration rules in the U.S.

It also set itself up as a nonprofit organization under section 501(c)4 of the U.S. Tax Code, allowing it to keep donors' identities secret. Spokesmen for the group declined to discuss its sources of financing.

It is registered as a so-called social welfare group, which means its primary purpose is to further the common good and its political activities should be secondary.

this has repug attack dogs all over it, otherwise why all of the secrecy...

oh well

In the same way Bush spouting the infamous "come n git us" put soldiers at greater potential for harm, I think the point is a good one to make that Obama shouldn't be bragging about military operations.

And BTW, Obama didn't kill bin laden. Soldiers did.
Obama, you didn't do that! LOL

however, he did give the order to kill obl and that was a risk that he took if the operation failed and/or any of the people performing the operation were injured or killed

he is the commander in chief, or did you and the critics forget that

and why all of the secrecy behind the founding of the corporation and its financial backers
Absolute bullshit. Everytime someone cries racism and there is none, it makes the next cries of racism more likely to be met with "yeah, yea, just like last time". The same is true for false accusations of sexual prejudice, gender bias, or homophobia.

I want to see racism be so rare as to be lost. But this ain't the way to do it.

And since you stepped up, can YOU point out the racism?

No, I can't point out the racism, and the racism or lack thereof isn't my point. My point regards your statement, which is the asinine notion that false charges of racism "make it harder for actual cases of racism to be taken seriously", which is only true with idiots who deny the existence of actual racism. I am perfectly capable of discerning real racism and the absence of it. False charges have zero effect on my ability to take real racism seriously.

You can call bullshit all day and it doesn't change that fact.
No, I can't point out the racism, and the racism or lack thereof isn't my point. My point regards your statement, which is the asinine notion that false charges of racism "make it harder for actual cases of racism to be taken seriously", which is only true with idiots who deny the existence of actual racism. I am perfectly capable of discerning real racism and the absence of it. False charges have zero effect on my ability to take real racism seriously.

You can call bullshit all day and it doesn't change that fact.

Funny that you challenge me but let your buddy have a pass to post bullshit. Nice.

But yes, it does effect the genuine cries of racism. It effects whether people listen, especially the authorities. You may WANT an equal response whether there have been no false charges or 500 false charges, but that is not how it works in the real world.
Funny that you challenge me but let your buddy have a pass to post bullshit. Nice.

I can't say the guys making a stink aren't racist. The stink itself isn't racist, just partisan. But they may very well be racists. Either way, it's still a bullshit, swiftboat-style attack.

But yes, it does effect the genuine cries of racism.

To you, obviously. But not to me, nor to anyone else acutely aware of the ramped-up racism from the right since Obama became president.

It effects whether people listen, especially the authorities. You may WANT an equal response whether there have been no false charges or 500 false charges, but that is not how it works in the real world.

Then those people are fucked up and wrong. Obviously they've never taken racism seriously enough or they wouldn't need to be 'convinced' of its existence, or its seriousness.
I can't say the guys making a stink aren't racist. The stink itself isn't racist, just partisan. But they may very well be racists. Either way, it's still a bullshit, swiftboat-style attack.

To you, obviously. But not to me, nor to anyone else acutely aware of the ramped-up racism from the right since Obama became president.

Then those people are fucked up and wrong. Obviously they've never taken racism seriously enough or they wouldn't need to be 'convinced' of its existence, or its seriousness.

So you are maintaining that false claims of bias do not effect the responses to genuine cases of bias?