Swiftboating 2012

that is my point, which i said right after obl was killed. obama may not be entirely responsible, but he gets the lion share of the credit.
Why shouldn't he? He would have gotten the lions share of the blame had the mission failed and it came very close to doing just exactly that.
So the people mentioned in the OP were part of that racism?

That's not what you asked me to prove.

i've posed the same question and made the same comments to howey several times. each time he never answers or addresses the issue of what is actual racism. i believe you have also asked him before as well....it will be interesting to see if he can point out the racism he claims exists.

I must have missed where I called liberals racist in an attempt to negate my own racism. Care to link that? Or will this just be another "All gun owners are irresponsible" kind of thing?

You may or may not have. All I know is it is a common refrain among the right wingers here.

With all due respect to my left-leaning friends, I find absolutely nothing racist about what this group is saying. Was it racist when they swift-boated Kerry? If not, how is it racist now?

No offense taken. You may not see anything wrong with what the group is saying, but as a group, and as I have proven, they survived within a small culture of racist attitudes and actions.

I do agree wholeheartedly the overall level of racism within the military is far lower than in civilian life. I can attest to that as a military brat and former military member. Yet, there are factions within the military today, as I have shown, that are racist in nature.
No offense taken. You may not see anything wrong with what the group is saying, but as a group, and as I have proven, they survived within a small culture of racist attitudes and actions.

I do agree wholeheartedly the overall level of racism within the military is far lower than in civilian life. I can attest to that as a military brat and former military member. Yet, there are factions within the military today, as I have shown, that are racist in nature.

As an African-American, I don't care about racists or what they believe. It is of no importance to me unless they have the ability to excersise their racism in a way the impedes others. The elimination of racism has never been the goal. The goal is to eliminate racist impact on our society.

Some on this board are racist. Who cares?

Some in the military are racist. Who cares?

If the swiftboating of Kerry was not racist .. how is the same thing racist when it comes to Obama? That doesn't make sense.

Additionally, there are all manner of things that are actually racist that Obama isn't going to touch because it doesn't benefit him politically .. the war on drugs is a glaring example of Obama's disconnect with actual racism .. a racism that is devastating African-American communities and families. Do you think Obama gives a rats ass about the black people that are being destroyed by this insidious policy?

Hell to the NO .. he doesn't give a damn.

I do appreciate your concern about the issue of racism.. but this is not a case of it.

There are many in the military .. black and white .. who did not appreciate Obama bragging about killing Bin Laden .. which was in fact more about politics than it was about anything else.

Bin Laden was NOT involved in 9/11 and surely Obama is smart enough to know that.
Who ordered the raid?

What's incredible is Obama didn't brag about OBL's death...

Why don't y'all just admit the truth for once?

THIS is what has your panties in a wad!

Another example of great minds thinking alike. I was going to post a picture of bush in his flight suit on the carrier, talk about hubris! What was that supposed to imply, that he single-handedly "accomplished the mission"?
The voter suppression that is being foisted on numerous states is racist and was known ahead of time. Where is Holder and why is he so slow to act?
The voter suppression that is being foisted on numerous states is racist and was known ahead of time. Where is Holder and why is he so slow to act?


That's racist and you have a black president with a black AG who ignore it and give it little lip service.
With all due respect to my left-leaning friends, I find absolutely nothing racist about what this group is saying. Was it racist when they swift-boated Kerry? If not, how is it racist now?

Those of us who recognize the existence and terrorism of racism in America cannot scream racism everytime someone says something negative about a black person .. particularly when that someone is the President of the United States. It diminishes the voice and action against actual racism when it occurs.

If I can say a word about the US military .. it is probably the least racist organization in America. The impediments to growth and advancement for non-white people in the military pales in comparison to the impediments throughout the rest of our society.

Are there racist people in the military? Absolutely there are. There are racists all over America, the military is no exception. But the difference is that their racism is a non-factor. It they demonstrate it in the ranks, there are consequences and their actions are taken very seriously. The military has been so good at addressing racism in the ranks, that today, sexism is far more serious and widespread than racism .. and the military is fast addressing sexism as well.

My daughter is all of 5'6" and about 130 pounds dripping wet. Did I also mention that she's black? It would have been easy to dismiss and overlook her as "unqualified" to be a man or to stand in a man's shoes. That isn't what happened. She is a high-ranking NCO .. and she has achieved that just as fast as any man would have. Many retire from the military after 20 years and never advance to the rank she is today after 12 years of active duty.

My daughter is not unique in the military. Few things make me prouder than being with my daughter on base and looking at black officers and ranking enlisted soldiers all over the base who wear their achievements with pride and a whole lot of honor .. and I say that as the most antiwar person on planet earth. It isn't their participation in the wars our politicians create .. including the black one .. it's their achievements that make me proud. It's the fact that the military took racism seriously and seriously addressed it in a way than the rest of society has not.

My question to my left-leaning friends is why haven't you taken Obama to task for his ungodly warmongering? WHY?

If you want to do something real for soldiers of color .. help keep them out of body-bags. Find the same courage you had when you screamed at George Bush for doing the exact same thing that Obama is doing .. waging war on planet earth.

I intend no disrespect to anyone.

To answer this question: "My question to my left-leaning friends is why haven't you taken Obama to task for his ungodly warmongering? WHY?"

I personally have let Obama and congressional Dems know at least a dozen times that I'm 100% against warmongering. Letters, petitions, you name it. Obama's been a disappointment to me in many ways, not all, but enough that I will probably not voter for him again.
The voter suppression that is being foisted on numerous states is racist and was known ahead of time. Where is Holder and why is he so slow to act?

Exactly! Here in PA a repub judge ruled against an injunction on the voter ID law (voter suppression law, IMO). Now it's going to be appealed to the state SC where it'll probably hang because the court's equally divided between dems and pubs.
Exactly! Here in PA a repub judge ruled against an injunction on the voter ID law (voter suppression law, IMO). Now it's going to be appealed to the state SC where it'll probably hang because the court's equally divided between dems and pubs.
We share the same state and I'm totally disgusted. TOTALLY! For 10 years Bushes brain has pushed this voter ID crap, attacked Acorn and succeeded in passing these law disenfranchising a large group of voters so they can steel elections...they loaded the courts with their ideologues in anticipation of just such laws. Soon it will be all of us, not just people of color....ALL of us. They don't give a damn about America of what she stands for, not one tiny, little shit. They want our money and they want us to work like slaves for nothing.

That's racist and you have a black president with a black AG who ignore it and give it little lip service.

They knew this was coming and they knew what it would mean yet they've done NOTHING! I consider this a theft of our most basic right, the right to vote. Now the ideologues are mouthing meme's like 'voting is a privilege' what will it take for people to understand that the thieves are busy.
We share the same state and I'm totally disgusted. TOTALLY! For 10 years Bushes brain has pushed this voter ID crap, attacked Acorn and succeeded in passing these law disenfranchising a large group of voters so they can steel elections...they loaded the courts with their ideologues in anticipation of just such laws. Soon it will be all of us, not just people of color....ALL of us. They don't give a damn about America of what she stands for, not one tiny, little shit. They want our money and they want us to work like slaves for nothing.

The repub argument is that you have to show ID at the bank, jobs, whatever, but they omit the part that this only became mandated after 9/11. This was not a long-standing practice and most of my life it wasn't necessary. Some of the younger supporters don't know any different, just as they can't imagine a time before computer games, DVDs, and all the other advances we take for granted. So they think ID is the way it should be, not that it's a travesty of the process.

Thing is, even if our SC wasn't down to six members, Joan Orie Melvin wouldn't have been on our side when it came to a decision. It's all partisan. There's a Dem legislator pushing a bill that we go to mail-in ballots but you know that doesn't have a snowball's chance.
Funny that you challenge me but let your buddy have a pass to post bullshit. Nice.

But yes, it does effect the genuine cries of racism. It effects whether people listen, especially the authorities. You may WANT an equal response whether there have been no false charges or 500 false charges, but that is not how it works in the real world.

Apparently he has never heard the story of the boy who cried wolf or of chicken little.

False accusations do indeed detract from the potency of the charge in other cases. But they will never understand this... they are too programmed to believe that by shouting it, somehow it becomes real.
The repub argument is that you have to show ID at the bank, jobs, whatever, but they omit the part that this only became mandated after 9/11. This was not a long-standing practice and most of my life it wasn't necessary. Some of the younger supporters don't know any different, just as they can't imagine a time before computer games, DVDs, and all the other advances we take for granted. So they think ID is the way it should be, not that it's a travesty of the process.

Thing is, even if our SC wasn't down to six members, Joan Orie Melvin wouldn't have been on our side when it came to a decision. It's all partisan. There's a Dem legislator pushing a bill that we go to mail-in ballots but you know that doesn't have a snowball's chance.
This is theft by partisan hacks. Nothing less. I agree it used to be enough to show you were a resident. Birth certificates are expensive, they've closed DMV's and shortened hours whilst reducing personnel, they don't supply enough voting machines, give fewer hours to vote and reduce extended voting days...anything to reduce the vote (across the country), when this country should be encouraging people to vote and making it easier. Why? Because they've concluded fewer voters are to their advantage. It's damned unAmerican. That's being honest. Anyone who says it's about anything else is either stupid or lying...it's about voter suppression and stealing an election. Spreading democracy overseas, my ass....we have a fight on our hands.

Maybe everyone should go to the polls and refuse to leave if they aren't allowed to vote. Have sit ins and make a noise.
As an African-American, I don't care about racists or what they believe. It is of no importance to me unless they have the ability to excersise their racism in a way the impedes others. The elimination of racism has never been the goal. The goal is to eliminate racist impact on our society.

Some on this board are racist. Who cares?

Some in the military are racist. Who cares?

If the swiftboating of Kerry was not racist .. how is the same thing racist when it comes to Obama? That doesn't make sense.

Additionally, there are all manner of things that are actually racist that Obama isn't going to touch because it doesn't benefit him politically .. the war on drugs is a glaring example of Obama's disconnect with actual racism .. a racism that is devastating African-American communities and families. Do you think Obama gives a rats ass about the black people that are being destroyed by this insidious policy?

Hell to the NO .. he doesn't give a damn.

I do appreciate your concern about the issue of racism.. but this is not a case of it.

There are many in the military .. black and white .. who did not appreciate Obama bragging about killing Bin Laden .. which was in fact more about politics than it was about anything else.

I deleted the last line, because I agree with all of the above and welcome such a rationale response. I am going to pretend the last line wasn't there as we obviously have very differing opinions on that conspiracy theory of yours and I don't want to derail this topic. :)
That's not what you asked me to prove.

Of course it is what I called you out on and asked you to prove. I never denied that there is racism. In fact, I still claim that the false calls of racism, such as the one in the OP, are detrimental to fighting actual racism. Which is why I asked about the racism in the OP, which you claimed and have not shown.

You may or may not have. All I know is it is a common refrain among the right wingers here.

So, since its common among right wingers, its perfectly fine to accuse anyone of it that you wish to call a right winger? You are no different than Granule in this respect. Just call people whatever you want, regardless of the accuracy, and then try and excuse it by saying "______-wingers say it all the time!".
Why shouldn't he? He would have gotten the lions share of the blame had the mission failed and it came very close to doing just exactly that.

I don't have any problem with Obama taking credit, he should, he made the tough call. That said, it would have been better had he not mentioned Seal Team Six carried out the mission. I know he was likely just trying to give credit where it was due, but it was a potential mistake. For that I can see Seals being upset to a degree as it could put them or their families in harms way as a result.

But for Obama, that is one of the things he has done that took stones, whether he balked at it a few times before or not is irrelevant as I would hope that was a hard decision.
Not where I live, it hasn't. In fact my bank even has signs on the counter stating that pursuant to the Patriot Act you *may* be asked to show photo ID before a transaction.

well...it has been where i live. i remember well in the 90's i had to show ID to cash a check or take money out of my account. i can't believe your bank would let you do that without ID. anyone could take money out or cash a check then.