Swiftboating 2012

well...it has been where i live. i remember well in the 90's i had to show ID to cash a check or take money out of my account. i can't believe your bank would let you do that without ID. anyone could take money out or cash a check then.

I never have to show my ID at my bank.
To answer this question: "My question to my left-leaning friends is why haven't you taken Obama to task for his ungodly warmongering? WHY?"

I personally have let Obama and congressional Dems know at least a dozen times that I'm 100% against warmongering. Letters, petitions, you name it. Obama's been a disappointment to me in many ways, not all, but enough that I will probably not voter for him again.

I appreciate your response, I salute your action .. but even for those of us who still believe that Obama should be supported in spite of the disappointment .. should they not still speak to where he fails .. especially on an issue so central to core of leftist beliefs as war?

Are we the same political lemmings that we claim those on the right are?
They knew this was coming and they knew what it would mean yet they've done NOTHING! I consider this a theft of our most basic right, the right to vote. Now the ideologues are mouthing meme's like 'voting is a privilege' what will it take for people to understand that the thieves are busy.

With so much glaring evidence that the right is out to keep citizens away from the polls .. please tell me why Obama and the Democratic Party does not have a laser-like focus on it? Pennsylvania is among the most glaring.

Even if they couldn't stop it, why not use the bully pulpit of office to force the issue?

Romney's taxes are more important?

One of the many reasons why I'm not a democrat.
With so much glaring evidence that the right is out to keep citizens away from the polls .. please tell me why Obama and the Democratic Party does not have a laser-like focus on it? Pennsylvania is among the most glaring.

Even if they couldn't stop it, why not use the bully pulpit of office to force the issue?

Romney's taxes are more important?

One of the many reasons why I'm not a democrat.
It's mind blowing isn't it? Even with a laser focus with all the pieces in place and over 700,000 disenfranchised in PA alone it's way too heavy a lift for the grass roots. Where is Holder? Where is Obama...he could put a stop to this. Why haven't they acted? It's bizarre if not suspicious.

I'm not registered Democrat either but I'm a liberal.
It's mind blowing isn't it? Even with a laser focus with all the pieces in place and over 700,000 disenfranchised in PA alone it's way too heavy a lift for the grass roots. Where is Holder? Where is Obama...he could put a stop to this. Why haven't they acted? It's bizarre if not suspicious.

I'm not registered Democrat either but I'm a liberal.

Here's the real travesty brother .. most of us on this side of the divide won't even question him on it.

Welcome to the Matrix.

We are every bit as fucking bamboozled by political bullshit as the right. We have no fucking reason to be arrogant about how smart we are.

We have the political courage of a cantalope.

There should be no mystery whatsoever as to why the center keeps shifting to the right.
well...it has been where i live. i remember well in the 90's i had to show ID to cash a check or take money out of my account. i can't believe your bank would let you do that without ID. anyone could take money out or cash a check then.

Maybe this was a decision left to state or local government before 9/11.

I know the people at the bank because the accounts been there for more than a decade and so have the tellers.

Another thing, I pay some bills by check to people I've never seen and who've never seen me, such as credit cards, department stores, etc. So our "contract", if you want to call it that, doesn't involve photo ID.
I appreciate your response, I salute your action .. but even for those of us who still believe that Obama should be supported in spite of the disappointment .. should they not still speak to where he fails .. especially on an issue so central to core of leftist beliefs as war?

Are we the same political lemmings that we claim those on the right are?

Absolutely, I agree 100%. War-mongering isn't the only issue I've had with Obama. I guess the overriding one is he's not liberal enough for me.
I absolutely agree. Nor should it be a factor in this election.

"Killing" OBL was completely meaningless.
had SOME meaning -we like our revenge, and it's claimed good intel was gotten." Claimed" is the operative word.
Take the escalation of AfPak, where more Americans were killed under Obama then Bush, and try to sell me "getting bin Laden" was worth the price?

we're not even close to being out - everyone seems to forget we're commited to another 10 years of support role.
Doubt if that will be the case, the Taliban has a nicely trained army all waiting for them

BONUS PRIZE QUESTIONS: (A.)how many Americans were killed last week DIRECTLY by Afgan Police/Army?(B) What is the main killer of US troops this year?

(answers A. 6 / B. The Afgani security forces)
the speaker is correct. and of course, there is no racism. just howey's delusions and desperate plea for attention and need to distract from real issues.

obama didn't do alone....hmmm...sound familiar?

Yet when the mission to free the hostages in Iran went wrong due to sandstorms, guess who got the blame? Sound familiar?
had SOME meaning -we like our revenge, and it's claimed good intel was gotten." Claimed" is the operative word.
Take the escalation of AfPak, where more Americans were killed under Obama then Bush, and try to sell me "getting bin Laden" was worth the price?

we're not even close to being out - everyone seems to forget we're commited to another 10 years of support role.
Doubt if that will be the case, the Taliban has a nicely trained army all waiting for them

BONUS PRIZE QUESTIONS: (A.)how many Americans were killed last week DIRECTLY by Afgan Police/Army?(B) What is the main killer of US troops this year?

(answers A. 6 / B. The Afgani security forces)

Killing Bin Laden at the expense of pushing Pakistan closer to the SCO and jepordizing operations in Afghanistan?

That's intelligent foreign policy?

Anti-American sentiment on the rise in Pakistan
Anti-American sentiment is at its highest point since September 11, 2001, with 74 percent of Pakistanis viewing America as an enemy.

"Events such as the US air strike that mistakenly killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November 2011, as well as the raid of the city of Abbottabad that resulted in the murder of Osama Bin Laden, have tainted Pakistan's view of America further, the LA Times reported.

"Those events have served as rallying cries for a Pakistani population that for years has viewed Washington as arrogant and untrustworthy," the Times' Alex Rodriguez. "The Obama administration’s heavy reliance on drone missile attacks as a primary tactic against Islamic militants in Pakistan's tribal northwest has further intensified Pakistan's animosity toward the US Pakistanis view the drone attacks as violations of their country's sovereignty and charge that they kill civilians as well as militants."

That's the intelligent foreign policy that Obama promised?

AND, revenge for what? Bin Laden didn't do 9/11 .. Bush/Cheney say they never accused him of it and the FBI never charged him with it .. BECAUSE HE DIDN'T DO IT.
Killing Bin Laden at the expense of pushing Pakistan closer to the SCO and jepordizing operations in Afghanistan?

That's intelligent foreign policy?

Anti-American sentiment on the rise in Pakistan
Anti-American sentiment is at its highest point since September 11, 2001, with 74 percent of Pakistanis viewing America as an enemy.

"Events such as the US air strike that mistakenly killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November 2011, as well as the raid of the city of Abbottabad that resulted in the murder of Osama Bin Laden, have tainted Pakistan's view of America further, the LA Times reported.

"Those events have served as rallying cries for a Pakistani population that for years has viewed Washington as arrogant and untrustworthy," the Times' Alex Rodriguez. "The Obama administration’s heavy reliance on drone missile attacks as a primary tactic against Islamic militants in Pakistan's tribal northwest has further intensified Pakistan's animosity toward the US Pakistanis view the drone attacks as violations of their country's sovereignty and charge that they kill civilians as well as militants."

That's the intelligent foreign policy that Obama promised?

AND, revenge for what? Bin Laden didn't do 9/11 .. Bush/Cheney say they never accused him of it and the FBI never charged him with it .. BECAUSE HE DIDN'T DO IT.

I don't see many on the Left worrying about the women of Afghanistan, I would love for somebody to explain that as I'm truly baffled. As for 9/11, how much involvement he had in that is open to debate but the attacks of East African embassies were definitely down to him.
I don't see many on the Left worrying about the women of Afghanistan, I would love for somebody to explain that as I'm truly baffled.

We used to talk about Afghani women a lot .. until Obama started kiling them.

Now they're just collateral damage.

... amazing how that works.
Killing Bin Laden at the expense of pushing Pakistan closer to the SCO and jepordizing operations in Afghanistan?

That's intelligent foreign policy?

Anti-American sentiment on the rise in Pakistan
Anti-American sentiment is at its highest point since September 11, 2001, with 74 percent of Pakistanis viewing America as an enemy.

"Events such as the US air strike that mistakenly killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November 2011, as well as the raid of the city of Abbottabad that resulted in the murder of Osama Bin Laden, have tainted Pakistan's view of America further, the LA Times reported.

"Those events have served as rallying cries for a Pakistani population that for years has viewed Washington as arrogant and untrustworthy," the Times' Alex Rodriguez. "The Obama administration’s heavy reliance on drone missile attacks as a primary tactic against Islamic militants in Pakistan's tribal northwest has further intensified Pakistan's animosity toward the US Pakistanis view the drone attacks as violations of their country's sovereignty and charge that they kill civilians as well as militants."

That's the intelligent foreign policy that Obama promised?

AND, revenge for what? Bin Laden didn't do 9/11 .. Bush/Cheney say they never accused him of it and the FBI never charged him with it .. BECAUSE HE DIDN'T DO IT.
"What Obama promises; Obama taketh away" -you should know his modus operandi by now..

here ya go. a running total of The Daily Carnage http://warnewstoday.blogspot.com/
I check in now and then, but it's worth a bookmark -you know we're getting SO MUCH REPORTAGE from the "MS newz".( like nothing).
You can see the detailed clusterfuck reports from around AfPak daily. at this site( A+ )

check it out
"Events such as the US air strike that mistakenly killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November 2011, as well as the raid of the city of Abbottabad that resulted in the murder of Osama Bin Laden, have tainted Pakistan's view of America further, the LA Times reported.

"Those events have served as rallying cries for a Pakistani population that for years has viewed Washington as arrogant and untrustworthy," the Times' Alex Rodriguez. "The Obama administration’s heavy reliance on drone missile attacks as a primary tactic against Islamic militants in Pakistan's tribal northwest has further intensified Pakistan's animosity toward the US Pakistanis view the drone attacks as violations of their country's sovereignty and charge that they kill civilians as well as militants."

The "Murder"?

AND, revenge for what? Bin Laden didn't do 9/11 .. Bush/Cheney say they never accused him of it and the FBI never charged him with it .. BECAUSE HE DIDN'T DO IT.

"Usama bin Laden (search ) made his first televised appearance in more than a year Friday in which he admitted for the first time ordering the Sept. 11 attacks and accused President Bush of "misleading" the American people.
Injecting himself into the campaign four days ahead of the presidential election, bin Laden said the United States can avoid another Sept. 11-style attack if it stops threatening the security of Muslims."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,137095,00.html#ixzz23kgAfIua