Syria is about O-BOMB-YA's credibility?

I know you guys all claim to have balls in your nutsacks but Im beginning to think you are lying about your danglies
Who said he wants to?

But he will.

Collateral damage is damage to things that are incidental to the intended target. It is frequently used as a military term where it can refer to the incidental destruction of civilian property and non-combatant casualties.

We have no business attacking a sovereign nation that has done us no harm, do we?

if the international community feels that a country has violated the rules or warfare, then we all do have business stopping those violations.
if the international community feels that a country has violated the rules or warfare, then we all do have business stopping those violations.

LOL. How's that working for O-BOMB-YA?

You're free to go to Damascus and join the resistance, aren't you?
I don't care one way or the other. You gonna drive to Desh's house and show her your DD-214 now?

Most people who've been in the shit don't want another war, do they?

desh already knows and I wouldn't drive across the center line to avoid hitting you if you were laying in the street.

nobody ever WANTS a war, but sometimes military action is justified.