Syria is about O-BOMB-YA's credibility?

I don't care one way or the other. You gonna drive to Desh's house and show her your DD-214 now?

Most people who've been in the shit don't want another war, do they?


I love how they now pretend to be anti war
LOL. How's that working for O-BOMB-YA?

You're free to go to Damascus and join the resistance, aren't you?

I've spent enough time in Damascus already. I have no desire to go back.

And you are right, our president is having a tough time convincing the world community to join him. After the debacle in Iraq, I am sure that the rest of the world is "once bitten twice shy, babe."
I've spent enough time in Damascus already. I have no desire to go back. And you are right, our president is having a tough time convincing the world community to join him. After the debacle in Iraq, I am sure that the rest of the world is "once bitten twice shy, babe."

So you're willing to send others to step into harm's way in a place you're scared to go yourself?
Irony abounds.

You stated that it was true with no basis in fact, didn't you?

I thought for sure you were male .

hell Im a chick and I have great big thatcher sized balls.

Oh my apologies if your a eunic or however its spelled
hey fucking brain dead con 50+ year old ladies don't need tampons I know you have a hard time with scientific facts and all

You surprise me. I knew you were an old lady, but I didn't know you were a "brain dead con".

And I was replying to Admiral Maineman, not you. Ask him to explain how the "Reply with quote" feature works.
OK, keep your tampon in. I just asked.

Right, so, your support for an attack means....

and I just answered. don't like my tone? I could give a fuck... I don't like yours either

My support for international action against Assad means that I oppose the violation of international law and the use of chemical weapons.