Take note of who wanted to screw america

Perhaps my email to my rep did some good. He actually even knew who I was. His reply indicated so. referring to one of my business interests, which I had not mentioned in my email.
The "no" vote is like a roll call of the most ignorant members of congress. Unfortunately, ignorant people form a majority, and hate America, and care nothing about the average American, that they aren't even willing to stand up and do what's right and not necessarily popular.
And sometimes what is unpopular is ALSO wrong. Damo is right, it is better to take your time and do this right and not just fast. "Haste Makes Waste" so said a pretty bright guy in the guise of Henry David Thoreau, no less in economic issues as in housekeeping.
We were sure that Iraq had WMD and in 45 min mushroom cloud. some fools among us are still sure they were responsible for 911.

We have learned nothing. I have heard Bushes song before.
And sometimes what is unpopular is ALSO wrong.

Not right now. People are acting like screaming little children. They go us into this mess by voting in right wingers who deregulated, and now are whining like little children when they are asked to fix the mess they caused, all in the while creating a mess ten times larger. The US will lose it's place as a world power because of this. China is going to exceed us in a year instead of ten because of this.
We are going to lose our place as the world power anyway. And we deserve to .

So sure they are right are the youth.

Does anyone else remember WM being so sure he was right on other issues and how it turned out ?
Not right now. People are acting like screaming little children. They go us into this mess by voting in right wingers who deregulated, and now are whining like little children when they are asked to fix the mess they caused, all in the while creating a mess ten times larger. The US will lose it's place as a world power because of this. China is going to exceed us in a year instead of ten because of this.
Thus is the way of things. Sometimes those that have led must follow. All I now is that the bailout was a sure way to 20 years of slow bleed rather than cutting the diseased parts away and allowing the system to heal.
Thus is the way of things. Sometimes those that have led must follow. All I now is that the bailout was a sure way to 20 years of slow bleed rather than cutting the diseased parts away and allowing the system to heal.

No. This is like a cancer. We have chosen to let the cancer remain rather than taking the difficult step of cutting it out, because cutting it out hurts too much.
And sometimes what is unpopular is ALSO wrong. Damo is right, it is better to take your time and do this right and not just fast. "Haste Makes Waste" so said a pretty bright guy in the guise of Henry David Thoreau, no less in economic issues as in housekeeping.

I have no idea whether bailing out banks to the tune of $700 billion is either wise, or warranted. The scope of this fiasco is so far beyond my economic knowledge, I don't have a clue what the right thing to do is. At this point, I'm going to defer to knowledgeable economic experts - primarily on the left, since wingnut economists and CATO economists have totally fucked america.

What I do know is that the historical parallels to the Hoover adminstration are frightening. Hoover tried to bail out the banks in 1928, and it was a disaster. FDR had to come in and completely throw rightwing ideology under the bus. I'm god damned tired of crazy ass rightwingers using our nation as some kind of frankenstein experiement, using economic "free market" schemes dreamed up by sissy wingnut economists at CATO and AEI.

John Maynard Keynes doesn't look so fucking crazy now. Somebody better have the fucking balls to make some fundamental changes to how we manage the economy, and that includes stricter oversight, better trade policies, more consumer protections, and better regulations. In short, somebody better freaking thow the CATO institute and republican ideology over the cliff. These market meltdowns always happen under a republican president, and after another round of lassiaze farce deregulation attempts.
What I do know is that the historical parallels to the Hoover adminstration are frightening. Hoover tried to bail out the banks in 1928, and it was a disaster.

No he did not. That is utter bullshit.

Here's his secretary of the treasury:


Many economists today (such as Milton Friedman and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, to give two prominent examples) partially attribute the collapse of the American banking industry to the popularity among Federal Reserve leadership of Mellon's infamous "liquidationist" thesis: weeding out "weak" banks was seen as a harsh but necessary prerequisite to the recovery of the banking system. This "weeding out" was accomplished through refusing to lend cash to banks (taking loans and other investments as collateral), and by refusing to put more cash in circulation.
And take note of who stopped the bullshit.

I don't know why the bill is titled as it is, but this is apparently the vote tally

H R 3997 RECORDED VOTE 29-Sep-2008 2:07 PM
QUESTION: On Concurring in Senate Amendment With An Amendment:readit:
BILL TITLE: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide earnings assistance and tax relief to members of the uniformed services, volunteer firefighters, and Peace Corps volunteers, and for other purposes:readit:

WTF is this all this crap...???----:confused:
What I do know is that the historical parallels to the Hoover adminstration are frightening. Hoover tried to bail out the banks in 1928, and it was a disaster.----CYPRESS

Seems that "what you do know" is very very little compared to what you actually might know...