Take note of who wanted to screw america

I have no idea whether bailing out banks to the tune of $700 billion is either wise, or warranted. The scope of this fiasco is so far beyond my economic knowledge, I don't have a clue what the right thing to do is. At this point, I'm going to defer to knowledgeable economic experts - primarily on the left, since wingnut economists and CATO economists have totally fucked america.

What I do know is that the historical parallels to the Hoover adminstration are frightening. Hoover tried to bail out the banks in 1928, and it was a disaster. FDR had to come in and completely throw rightwing ideology under the bus. I'm god damned tired of crazy ass rightwingers using our nation as some kind of frankenstein experiement, using economic "free market" schemes dreamed up by sissy wingnut economists at CATO and AEI.

John Maynard Keynes doesn't look so fucking crazy now. Somebody better have the fucking balls to make some fundamental changes to how we manage the economy, and that includes stricter oversight, better trade policies, more consumer protections, and better regulations. In short, somebody better freaking thow the CATO institute and republican ideology over the cliff. These market meltdowns always happen under a republican president, and after another round of lassiaze farce deregulation attempts.

I agree, the only cancer in this country is right wing ideology that needs to be cut out. I hope this country has learned to never, ever put them in power again.
No, it was 32. You can read right? I mean I posted that part of it. Cypress was wrong on the year, but you did not bother pointing that out and it's a bit much to say his claim was "utter bullshit."
5/6 of my Dem Congressmen voted for the bailout. Kudos to Adam Smith (WA - 9) for voting against it. Way to go Adam, fuck the rest of you - especially McDermott because he is my rep...

3/3 of my GOP Congressmen voted against it. Way to go!
5/6 of my Dem Congressmen voted for the bailout. Kudos to Adam Smith (WA - 9) for voting against it. Way to go Adam, fuck the rest of you - especially McDermott because he is my rep...

3/3 of my GOP Congressmen voted against it. Way to go!

The 3 Democrats in Mississippi voted against it, and the one Republican voted for it.

Given that, I honestly have to say I'm voting against Taylor in the next election. A Republican is better than a bluedog who doesn't understand economics and wants to fuck over main street by collapsing our financial system. That makes him the only Democrat I'm voting against in this election.
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let's see if you can explain how not giving away 700 billion and not sticking the bill with tax payers is going to hurt main street. You gobble up propaganda like you gobble up your boyfriends big creamy loads
Why do you Libtards continue to spew your idiocy about this being the fault of Republican deregulation? That happened many years ago, and everything was fine, until Barney Frank and the Democrats decided it was "only fair" to force these institutions to give loans to people who couldn't afford them. From every pragmatic indication, that is where the problems began. Now, instead of admitting you fucked it all up, you want to go back to deregulation, which enabled Freddy and Fanny in the first place, and blame that? What a bunch of lying asswipes. No fucking wonder Republicans pulled their support of the bailout! Get a damn clue, idiots!
Why do you Libtards continue to spew your idiocy about this being the fault of Republican deregulation? That happened many years ago, and everything was fine, until Barney Frank and the Democrats decided it was "only fair" to force these institutions to give loans to people who couldn't afford them. From every pragmatic indication, that is where the problems began. Now, instead of admitting you fucked it all up, you want to go back to deregulation, which enabled Freddy and Fanny in the first place, and blame that? What a bunch of lying asswipes. No fucking wonder Republicans pulled their support of the bailout! Get a damn clue, idiots!

Dixie, you're such a partisan hack. You could take a shit in the middle of the road (which everyone knows is a place you'll never be found) and would be able to rationalize "it's the liberals fault."

You're so inculcated with Mr. Goebbels propaganda that your only solution to anything is to marginalize those who disagree with you as "liberals".

Ich bin einen der Republicaner? Ja? Heil Bush!
The "no" vote is like a roll call of the most ignorant members of congress. Unfortunately, ignorant people form a majority, and hate America, and care nothing about the average American, that they aren't even willing to stand up and do what's right and not necessarily popular.

Yeah, let's help out those rich bankers on Wall Street since they care so much for everyone. :cof1:
We are going to lose our place as the world power anyway. And we deserve to .

So sure they are right are the youth.

Does anyone else remember WM being so sure he was right on other issues and how it turned out ?

I know what you mean. The older I get, the less sure I am that I know anything for certain. Wish I could go back to being a teenager or Dixie and could know everything! :cof1:
Cypress knows the cons need to go and that is enough. Anybody who thinks we don't need much tighter regs on wallstreet is deaf dumb and blind.
I have no idea whether bailing out banks to the tune of $700 billion is either wise, or warranted. The scope of this fiasco is so far beyond my economic knowledge, I don't have a clue what the right thing to do is. At this point, I'm going to defer to knowledgeable economic experts - primarily on the left, since wingnut economists and CATO economists have totally fucked america.

What I do know is that the historical parallels to the Hoover adminstration are frightening. Hoover tried to bail out the banks in 1928, and it was a disaster. FDR had to come in and completely throw rightwing ideology under the bus. I'm god damned tired of crazy ass rightwingers using our nation as some kind of frankenstein experiement, using economic "free market" schemes dreamed up by sissy wingnut economists at CATO and AEI.

John Maynard Keynes doesn't look so fucking crazy now. Somebody better have the fucking balls to make some fundamental changes to how we manage the economy, and that includes stricter oversight, better trade policies, more consumer protections, and better regulations. In short, somebody better freaking thow the CATO institute and republican ideology over the cliff. These market meltdowns always happen under a republican president, and after another round of lassiaze farce deregulation attempts.


The solution on paper is simple, implementing it is the hard part.
Not right now. People are acting like screaming little children. They go us into this mess by voting in right wingers who deregulated, and now are whining like little children when they are asked to fix the mess they caused, all in the while creating a mess ten times larger. The US will lose it's place as a world power because of this. China is going to exceed us in a year instead of ten because of this.

Something that I had predicted since our days on politics.com ;)