Take note of who wanted to screw america

I agree, the only cancer in this country is right wing ideology that needs to be cut out. I hope this country has learned to never, ever put them in power again.

Ya know, when Republicans were a minority. I felt good about being a Republican. We had some very good ideas and had our nations best interest at heart. Then we became a majority and the hard right wing of the party took over and now the party is dominated by a bunch of fuck ups and now I"m a democrat.

To paraphrase a certain President. "I didn't leave the Republican party. It left me."

(It would be more accurate to say they told us moderates to get the fuck out and never come back again. lol)
5/6 of my Dem Congressmen voted for the bailout. Kudos to Adam Smith (WA - 9) for voting against it. Way to go Adam, fuck the rest of you - especially McDermott because he is my rep...

3/3 of my GOP Congressmen voted against it. Way to go!

My congresslady voted for it. Dumb bitch. Oh well, she's been a complete and total Bush lap dog the last 8 years. Good thing she's retiring at the end of this term. I bet her replacement is pissed as hell at her. She just sunk his ship.
Why do you Libtards continue to spew your idiocy about this being the fault of Republican deregulation? That happened many years ago, and everything was fine, until Barney Frank and the Democrats decided it was "only fair" to force these institutions to give loans to people who couldn't afford them. From every pragmatic indication, that is where the problems began. Now, instead of admitting you fucked it all up, you want to go back to deregulation, which enabled Freddy and Fanny in the first place, and blame that? What a bunch of lying asswipes. No fucking wonder Republicans pulled their support of the bailout! Get a damn clue, idiots!

It's more of a rich v.s. poor issue that a Republican v.s. Democrat one. :rolleyes:
And sometimes what is unpopular is ALSO wrong. Damo is right, it is better to take your time and do this right and not just fast. "Haste Makes Waste" so said a pretty bright guy in the guise of Henry David Thoreau, no less in economic issues as in housekeeping.

But it's best to do nothing remotely like this bill.