Teabagger DC Follies II


Shaken, not stirred!
They're at it again, folks.

The teabaggers once again massed in DC to protest....what exactly? Clearly, their various signs were aimed at Obama, but then things get kind of murky.

I ask this because you had GOP congressman Boehner saying that Obama's healthcare bill was the greatest threat to American freedom to date....which must have pissed off the Pentagon, who like to remind us all that Al Qaeda and it's friends and affiliates are still out there trying to kill us all. To emphasize his point, Boehner supposedly pulled a copy of the Constitution out of his pocket, and then began to quote the Declaration of Independence. Two separate documents, but I'm sure some neocon pundit or teabagger or birther or 9/12'er will offer a rationalization/justification for the error.


Then you had GOP congresswoman Bachmann rev up the crowd of stooges with talk of a revolution.


Now last time I checked, there's a procedure for the Congress and Senate to remove a sitting President....impeachment. They loved it so much with Clinton, why not use it again? And if you don't like a law, you go through Congress and the Senate to change it. Advocating a "revolution" without going through this process is tantamount to treason...especially when NOTHING has even been voted in yet. Someone should clue in old Michelle that essentially she's pushing for another Civil War because essentially rich folk will have to pay a little more into reforms that will save American live.

But what is all this for? As the insurance companies like things the way they are....which essentially can raise your rates, drop your coverage and deny your claims whenever they feel like it...with little to no oversight or justification. Don't like it? Well, just go to another insurance company...if your state has more than a few choices, and the other companies give you decent coverage for better rates. If not, TFB. Don't get sick, don't have an accident, and just save every penny you have....which by the way, won't mean jack as perscription, examination and hospital costs can and have bankrupted the average working class to middle class families.

So the folk that Boehner and Bachmann were preaching to like the status quo? I guess so, because the mantra many of them used was that they don't want they're tax dollars paying for someone elses healthcare.

But they had no problem with their tax dollars bailing out private investors when they Shrub told them to. And they have no problem with their tax dollars paying for good roads, water, food inspection, etc. for other people. Maybe because they themselves benefit from the same....just like they would under the Obama healthcare reform.

So far, this just doesn't sink in with them.
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well it might just have something to do with pelosi's proposed 5 year prison sentences for people that don't buy a mandated 15k insurance policy.

you fail. these people have a legitimate concern.
well it might just have something to do with pelosi's proposed 5 year prison sentences for people that don't buy a mandated 15k insurance policy.

you fail. these people have a legitimate concern.

As much as I hate to make the comparison, are we headed for our own form of the French Revolution.
Which will it be, ropes or guillotines. :cof1:
well it might just have something to do with pelosi's proposed 5 year prison sentences for people that don't buy a mandated 15k insurance policy.

It might have, IF that is what Pelosi is stating EXACTLY....and IF you had people holding banners stating such, and IF you had Boehner and Bachmann stating such.

But that is just not the case.

you fail. these people have a legitimate concern.

Keep telling yourself that....because with every one of these little gatherings, people can see for themselves what a bunch of sheep these people are, and how disingenuous Bachmann and Boehner are to play on their ignorant fears.
Keep telling yourself that....because with every one of these little gatherings, people can see for themselves what a bunch of sheep these people are, and how disingenuous Bachmann and Boehner are to play on their ignorant fears.

keep telling YOURSELF that. you have no idea the amount of fireworks you idiots are playing with. the intense atmosphere alone should tell you that you're pissing people off by ignoring them. they will rebel. It will be violent. there will be bloodshed, and your blood could be part of it.
keep telling YOURSELF that. you have no idea the amount of fireworks you idiots are playing with. the intense atmosphere alone should tell you that you're pissing people off by ignoring them. they will rebel. It will be violent. there will be bloodshed, and your blood could be part of it.

For that to happen, he would have to leave his mommies basement first.:cof1:
another yawner..

we should ask Bwany Franks if he knows about teabagging.?:cof1:

Hey, at the first Tea Party a woman held up a sign that said, "Teabag Obama before he Teabags you".

Don't blame me for one of your moronic compadres giving us all a great nick name for a bunch of willfully ignorant idiots.

And if you're so interested in Franks' sex life, why don't you e-mail him about it? Or better yet, talk to all those morally upright GOP congressmen and senators who have been exposed recently?

Or better yet, just go back to sleep.
Hey, at the first Tea Party a woman held up a sign that said, "Teabag Obama before he Teabags you".

Don't blame me for one of your moronic compadres giving us all a great nick name for a bunch of willfully ignorant idiots

well then carry on...whatever blows your mini skirt up..
and you writing about the willful ignorant is amusing all the while calling people who don't think or act like you, teabaggers..
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keep telling YOURSELF that. Brilliant retort, master mind....been holding onto that one since 6th grade, haven't you? you have no idea the amount of fireworks you idiots are playing with. Another threat of violence....yeah, don't mess with the folk who like getting fucked over by the insurance companies....they'll git ya! the intense atmosphere alone should tell you that you're pissing people off by ignoring them. Who's ignoring them? They've had their say over, and Over and OVER! Thing is, the dumbasses don't know what the hell they're yelling about. Seems they were fine with getting screwed over by the Shrub & company, fine with the S&L Scandal, fine with Enron...but they're pissed because Obama gets into office and trys to reform a system that KILLS and BANKRUPTS Americans? WTF is up with that? they will rebel. It will be violent. there will be bloodshed, and your blood could be part of it.

Oh, put your pants back on butch. No one is scared of your empty threats. You just don't get it.....the people in power in the insurance companies, in the GOP, in the gun manufacturing lobby, in the oil industry DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU. They are about MONEY and POWER...and will use your dopey ass to insure that. If you're stupid enough to join a "revolution" to insure what I point above, then you're dumber than I thought.
maybe the tea party should just call themselves anti-war protesters then they would be admired by the lefties..
well then carry on...whatever blows your mini skirt up..
and you writing about the willful ignorant is amusing all the while calling people who don't think or act like you, teabaggers..

Translation: this fool cannot logically refute my opening post, or counter my response to him...so he just does what all intellectually bankrupt neocon parrots do....ignore responses and make a lot of accusations and personal attacks to avoid the original point of discussion.

You're a joke, meme....you always have been...you always will be. Carry on.
maybe the tea party should just call themselves anti-war protesters then they would be admired by the lefties..

Maybe you should try and actually debate what I stated, instead of just throwing out idiotic diatribes to deflect from your inability to refute what I wrote?
Translation: this fool cannot logically refute my opening post, or counter my response to him...so he just does what all intellectually bankrupt neocon parrots do....ignore responses and make a lot of accusations and personal attacks to avoid the original point of discussion.

You're a joke, meme....you always have been...you always will be. Carry on.

Maybe you should try and actually debate what I stated, instead of just throwing out idiotic diatribes to deflect from your inability to refute what I wrote?

you didn't want debate when you started your thread with "teabaggers" so go back to your bag of cheetos and kook-aid.

He's like that little kid diown the block that no one will play with; HUH.
You feel sorry for him; but you know if you pay attention to him, that he's never going to stop perstering you.


you didn't want debate when you started your thread with "teabaggers" so go back to your bag of cheetos and kook-aid.

Sorry chuckles, but as I told you before, YOUR "Tea Party" bretheren gave the world the road to that nick name.

You can use any excuse you like to avoid actually discussing the points I made in the opening posts......and you will. But this thread isn't about you and your vendettas. So if you can't/won't discuss the issue honestly and rationally, I'll just dump you back into the bin.