Teabagger DC Follies II

Sorry chuckles, but as I told you before, YOUR "Tea Party" bretheren gave the world the road to that nick name.

You can use any excuse you like to avoid actually discussing the points I made in the opening posts......and you will. But this thread isn't about you and your vendettas. So if you can't/won't discuss the issue honestly and rationally, I'll just dump you back into the bin.

oh no not the bin...............
Umm I'll just point out Cato offers a lovely version of the pocket Constitution with the DOI included as well. And it's only $5.
That you supported a gov't that gave tax cuts that favored the wealthy, and now wail like stuck pigs because Obama wants to pay for decent health care by taxing the wealthy ever so slightly?

Yeah, ironic indeed.
I support tax cuts that treat everyone the same. Why should I pay a different percentage than you?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
That you supported a gov't that gave tax cuts that favored the wealthy, and now wail like stuck pigs because Obama wants to pay for decent health care by taxing the wealthy ever so slightly?

Yeah, ironic indeed.

I support tax cuts that treat everyone the same. Why should I pay a different percentage than you?

Oh, so you were agains the Shrub's tax cuts? Gee, that's a revelation!

But it seems the morons at Teabagger Party II are more than happy to have the medical insurance companies gouge the crap out of them and let the wealthy not pay taxes they can afford to cover it in comparison to the rest of us middle and lower middle class folks. Go figure.

Glad you've seen the light, Southie. ;)
Oh, so you were agains the Shrub's tax cuts? Gee, that's a revelation!

But it seems the morons at Teabagger Party II are more than happy to have the medical insurance companies gouge the crap out of them and let the wealthy not pay taxes they can afford to cover it in comparison to the rest of us middle and lower middle class folks. Go figure.

Glad you've seen the light, Southie. ;)

Bush's tax cuts were far from fair. The wealthy still paid a higher percentage than the middle class.

Again, why should I pay a different percentage than you?
Bush's tax cuts were far from fair. The wealthy still paid a higher percentage than the middle class.

Man, are YOU a sucker!



Again, why should I pay a different percentage than you?

Who said you would, genius. I'm not rich, and neither are you. Since Obama is NOT doing significant reduction of the Shrub's tax cuts, THEY ARE STILL GETTING A SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER DEAL THAN YOU REGARDING TAXES.

So on one hand you are screaming bloody murder that Obama is taxing rich folk regarding health insurance, but you have NO problem when the Shrub gives the rich a better tax break than he gives to you. I wonder if you actually realize how you contradict yourself.....and if you do, you are a major hypocrit.

And for those interested in the truth, here's the original post that Southie is trying to distort:

[ame="http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showpost.php?p=549233&postcount=28"]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Teabagger DC Follies II[/ame]
Who said you would, genius. I'm not rich, and neither are you. Since Obama is NOT doing significant reduction of the Shrub's tax cuts, THEY ARE STILL GETTING A SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER DEAL THAN YOU REGARDING TAXES.

So on one hand you are screaming bloody murder that Obama is taxing rich folk regarding health insurance, but you have NO problem when the Shrub gives the rich a better tax break than he gives to you. I wonder if you actually realize how you contradict yourself.....and if you do, you are a major hypocrit.

And for those interested in the truth, here's the original post that Southie is trying to distort:

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Teabagger DC Follies II

I'll ask you nicely not to change the contents of my posts when quoting. Adding your own text and highlighting it with a different color, while stupid an annoying, is fine, but this time you simply changed what I wrote. Bad form, Libby.

Let me ask the question a bit differently; perhaps it won't set you off in an emotional rant as before. Suppose that I make $50,000 per year and you make $250,000, five times more. Why should I pay a different rate than you?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Who said you would, genius. I'm not rich, and neither are you. Since Obama is NOT doing significant reduction of the Shrub's tax cuts, THEY ARE STILL GETTING A SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER DEAL THAN YOU REGARDING TAXES.

So on one hand you are screaming bloody murder that Obama is taxing rich folk regarding health insurance, but you have NO problem when the Shrub gives the rich a better tax break than he gives to you. I wonder if you actually realize how you contradict yourself.....and if you do, you are a major hypocrit.

And for those interested in the truth, here's the original post that Southie is trying to distort:

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Teabagger DC Follies II

I'll ask you nicely not to change the contents of my posts when quoting. Adding your own text and highlighting it with a different color, while stupid an annoying, is fine, but this time you simply changed what I wrote. Bad form, Libby.

WTF are you babbling about? I changed NOTHING of yours...the chronology of the post proves that. You are so unnerved that you cannot logically or factually fault me when I deconstruct your neocon mantras and BS, that you're now making up stuff in an effort to create a distracting side issue. Grow the fuck up, will ya? You act like some pissy little girl...and that's insulting to little girls.

Let me ask the question a bit differently; perhaps it won't set you off in an emotional rant as before. Suppose that I make $50,000 per year and you make $250,000, five times more. Why should I pay a different rate than you?

Moron, as things stand to date YOU are relatively paying more into the system regarding your income. Look at it this way: Joe and Jane Schmoe bust their collective asses working dawn to dusk just clear $50 grand a year, but pay 28% in taxes, pocketing about $36,000 grand. Upper Middle Class Joe pockets $250,000 grand, and pays a 38% tax, bringing home a measly $155,000. So essentially Joe can afford an addtional $250 bucks out of his pocket for medical care more so than the Schmoes. Not killing anyone, and not even going into various tax breaks and write offs.

WTF are you babbling about? I changed NOTHING of yours...the chronology of the post proves that. You are so unnerved that you cannot logically or factually fault me when I deconstruct your neocon mantras and BS, that you're now making up stuff in an effort to create a distracting side issue. Grow the fuck up, will ya? You act like some pissy little girl...and that's insulting to little girls.

Moron, as things stand to date YOU are relatively paying more into the system regarding your income. Look at it this way: Joe and Jane Schmoe bust their collective asses working dawn to dusk just clear $50 grand a year, but pay 28% in taxes, pocketing about $36,000 grand. Upper Middle Class Joe pockets $250,000 grand, and pays a 38% tax, bringing home a measly $155,000. So essentially Joe can afford an addtional $250 bucks out of his pocket for medical care more so than the Schmoes. Not killing anyone, and not even going into various tax breaks and write offs.

Compare my post 29 with your quote of it in post 30. You changed what I posted, Libby. At least least, until you edit it back. :)

You got the figures wrong as well Libby. In my example, I would be paying 25% of my income in tax, while you would be paying 33% (on everything over $164,550). So again I ask the same question, why would this be fair?

And please spare me the emotional rant and post-changing this time.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal

WTF are you babbling about? I changed NOTHING of yours...the chronology of the post proves that. You are so unnerved that you cannot logically or factually fault me when I deconstruct your neocon mantras and BS, that you're now making up stuff in an effort to create a distracting side issue. Grow the fuck up, will ya? You act like some pissy little girl...and that's insulting to little girls.

Moron, as things stand to date YOU are relatively paying more into the system regarding your income. Look at it this way: Joe and Jane Schmoe bust their collective asses working dawn to dusk just clear $50 grand a year, but pay 28% in taxes, pocketing about $36,000 grand. Upper Middle Class Joe pockets $250,000 grand, and pays a 38% tax, bringing home a measly $155,000. So essentially Joe can afford an addtional $250 bucks out of his pocket for medical care more so than the Schmoes. Not killing anyone, and not even going into various tax breaks and write offs.

Compare my post 29 with your quote of it in post 30. You changed what I posted, Libby. At least least, until you edit it back. :)

You got the figures wrong as well Libby. No, YOU gave the limits of $50 grand and $250, not me. In my example, I would be paying 25% of my income in tax, while you would be paying 33% (on everything over $164,550). So again I ask the same question, why would this be fair?

And please spare me the emotional rant and post-changing this time.

You stated that the rich pay comparatively more taxes than you and I. The links I provided clarified that little misnomer. So in effect you're just repeating yourself while ignoring my example (based on the varying tax rate from a few years ago). You keep talking about fairness.....you overlook that my example points out that the rich folk STILL ARE RICH...and as I said earlier, we're not even including the tax write offs that wealthier people have access to that those making $50 grand.

This is what cracks me up....people like you consistently defend the people who have no problem putting the screws to you for the sake of the illusion that your ideology and beliefs are impervious to error....or did you think that more people making over $250 grand a year suffered under the S&L scandal than those making $30-50 grand? How many actually went to jail for that? How many rich folk are losing their houses, or how many people suffere from the failure of their banks as opposed to investors losing out via the recent Wall St. debacle?

Bottom line: when all is said and done, the Obama health plan will cost the wealthier folk around 250 dollars more...it won't kill them. Hell, you and I paid for the Wall St. bail out....and that's killing lot of working folk in the long run. Deal with it.
You stated that the rich pay comparatively more taxes than you and I. The links I provided clarified that little misnomer. So in effect you're just repeating yourself while ignoring my example (based on the varying tax rate from a few years ago). You keep talking about fairness.....you overlook that my example points out that the rich folk STILL ARE RICH...and as I said earlier, we're not even including the tax write offs that wealthier people have access to that those making $50 grand.

This is what cracks me up....people like you consistently defend the people who have no problem putting the screws to you for the sake of the illusion that your ideology and beliefs are impervious to error....or did you think that more people making over $250 grand a year suffered under the S&L scandal than those making $30-50 grand? How many actually went to jail for that? How many rich folk are losing their houses, or how many people suffere from the failure of their banks as opposed to investors losing out via the recent Wall St. debacle?

Bottom line: when all is said and done, the Obama health plan will cost the wealthier folk around 250 dollars more...it won't kill them. Hell, you and I paid for the Wall St. bail out....and that's killing lot of working folk in the long run. Deal with it.

All this spin to avoid answering a simple question. Why should I pay a different rate than you?
All this spin to avoid answering a simple question. You're a liar. As the chronological order of the posts shows, I've answered all questions within the context they were given. You just can't refute them, so you play dumber than you are.

Why should I pay a different rate than you?

Already answered in previous posts....you just can't bullshit your way past the answers given. You can lie and BS all you want Southie, but the recorded posts will always be your undoing. You don't have to admit you're wrong...the posts prove you are.

Say goodnight gracie, shows over for you here.
Already answered in previous posts....you just can't bullshit your way past the answers given. You can lie and BS all you want Southie, but the recorded posts will always be your undoing. You don't have to admit you're wrong...the posts prove you are.

Say goodnight gracie, shows over for you here.

Spin, spin, and accusations, all to avoid answering a simple question. LOL