Teamsters boss accepts Trump’s invitation to speak at RNC in Milwaukee as Biden loses union support

I know. I post things like Caesar entering Rome as a way of making fun of LW delusions. They seem to always let their imaginations run wild. WEIRD that they have deemed every single R nominee IN MY LIFETIME as the new American Hitler yet NONE of them ever turned out to be anything even remotely like that AT ALL. You would think that BY NOW they would be ashamed of themselves having a 100 % track record of total failure when it comes to predicting the new rise of Hitler in America , But they arent,....they are shameless. How stupid ........
You are absolutely correct...but that's all they've got... and it really is silly...especially now...
Here's a better picture for what you are attempting to illustrate:


TRhat Depends frankie

Weird how our country had had 10 X more " Hitlers" than Hitlers GERMANY! Every four years one seems to pop up!

Anyone can look up old pictures and vids of LWers carrying signs with R presidential nominees depicted as Hitler with a simple google search. Nixon=Hitler,... , Reagan=Hitler, Bush 1=Hitler, Bush 2=Hitler, Trump=Hitler.

Me....... :laugh:

These clowns are like a broken record,...true one trick ponies. Even a small children have a bigger repertoire in their act!
Look into a mirror and recite after me:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who is acting the greatest clown of all?

" Trumps gonna kill us allllllllllllllllllllll,..throw us in prisons and Gulags!, Its the end of EVERYTHING !! " :oops:


I want to know what these people have DONE to be so guilt ridden that they EXPECT to be punished? :thinking:
Look into a mirror and recite after me:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who is acting the greatest clown of all?

Hitler did in fact do SOME good things, just as every single person whoever lived has. That doesnt erase the evil he committed though.
" Trumps gonna kill us allllllllllllllllllllll,..throw us in prisons and Gulags!, Its the end of EVERYTHING !! " :oops:


I want to know what these people have DONE to be so guilt ridden that they EXPECT to be punished? :thinking:
Yeah, lots of people who have been exterminated by monsters like Trump wonder that same thing.
" Trumps gonna kill us allllllllllllllllllllll,..throw us in prisons and Gulags!, Its the end of EVERYTHING !! " :oops:


I want to know what these people have DONE to be so guilt ridden that they EXPECT to be punished? :thinking:
Everything they've accuse Republicans of doing...they done themselves, 10 times over...
Careful now. Don't dig any holes you didn't intend to.
No hole at all. Just the truth. Highways, jobs, national healthcare, vacations,..ect ect. Get REAL. EVERY single person who ever lived regardless of how evil they were did at least a couple good things in their life. Be realistic. Just as some of the best people also have committed some evil acts as well.
i don't recall President Trump "exterminating" anyone...But I recall Joe inviting people into our country who have...
i don't recall President Trump "exterminating" anyone...But I recall Joe inviting people into our country who have...
Exactly. Its just a bunch of sillyness just as it is EVERY FOUR YEARS. You would think they would at the very least come up with some original content every once in awhile by now instead of showing the same rerun over and over again. Every four years its........" ok boys, know what to do,...ROLL OUT THE HITLER SCHTICK!" Then threaten to LEAVE the the country if the NEW HITLER wins,....but never actually do it of course!

Exactly. Its just a bunch of sillyness just as it is EVERY FOUR YEARS. You would think they would at the very least come up with some original content every once in awhile by now instead of showing the same rerun over and over again. Every four years its........" ok boys, know what to do,...ROLL OUT THE HITLER SCHTICK!" Then threaten to LEAVE the the country if the NEW HITLER wins,....but never actually do it of course!

it's become second nature to them...Why they continue to bring attention to such a horrible monster...and continue to disrespect the memory of all he harmed with each truly beyond me...
No hole at all. Just the truth. Highways, jobs, national healthcare, vacations,..ect ect. Get REAL. EVERY single person who ever lived regardless of how evil they were did at least a couple good things in their life. Be realistic. Just as some of the best people also have committed some evil acts as well.
Okay. Ignore good advice if you want. Anyway, here in this forum, it shouldn't matter much. There are people among the MAGA morons who want a Hitler clone.
President Trump campaigns for hours, meets with people, answers questions...Joe is at home trying to figure out how he's going to go without notes for 90 minutes...
President Biden is at home running the country while your Gropingfuehrer runs around the country whipping up hate, racism, fear, and grievance. The OP is going to be disappointed when the Teamster rank and file goes their own way and votes for Biden. You will be, too.
President Biden is at home running the country while your Gropingfuehrer runs around the country whipping up hate, racism, fear, and grievance. The OP is going to be disappointed when the Teamster rank and file goes their own way and votes for Biden. You will be, too.
:yayaseesathreadban: :magagrin:
Okay. Ignore good advice if you want. Anyway, here in this forum, it shouldn't matter much. There are people among the MAGA morons who want a Hitler clone.
What did I say that was incorrect? Do you actually believe that there are Human beings no matter how evil that NEVER had a single act of goodness in their entire lives? NOT ONE? Thats absurd. I would also say the same for Mao or Stalin, the two biggest murderers the modern world has ever seen,...BOTH men of the left I might add. But in no way do those instances of good actions no matter how rare cancel out the evil they did. This is simple stuff, not hard to understand.