Ted Cruz Is Not A Constitutionalist

They'll also kill their own male offspring when they get near breeding age because they begin seeing them as competition for the females. Usually they just run them off from the pride, but some actually take the challenge and fight to the death.

USF is learning all kinds of brilliant knowledge about lions, huh?

Dying from a mutual confrontational situation between two adults, has nothing to do with the comment of a male killing his own cubs. :D
And that is the crux of the problem.

You see, there are some people who don't believe the bible at all.

Taoism doesn't have a particular stance on homosexuality at all. Nor does Shintoism (hell, Samurai masters who took boys on to train them were in fact permitted, if their acolytes also consented, to take them as lovers), and so on.

There is more than one religion in the world, and in the US. Christianity may be the big dog, but it isn't the only one. As such, and under our Constitution, it doesn't rule and not everyone is subject to the Christian God.

The discussion in question was specific to the Christian Faith.That you inject a practice that celebrated "taking boys", and were given a "like" by a poster, is proof of a ridiculous desperation to be "right" by her.

I have never said the Christian religion "rules" anything, but the conscience, practice, and belief of the Christian. Interjecting a false narrative of my contentions isn't a valid starting point.

The historical origins and foundations of marriage are tied to all major religions- aboritians and false teachings that have hijacked these religions in order to redefine them, do not invalidate their historical truths.
well, i'm not going to spend hours searching youtube videos to provide you with something i know to be true. you may choose to be misinformed if you wish. it's not really that important to me.

Which translates to basically means that you had nothing but an assumption, based on what you think you remember, to begin with and that you've just decided to stick you your chin and puff out your chest; because you just can't bring yourself to admit that you might just possibly be in error. :good4u:

I have gone and checked, before responding, to see if what I believed I remembered was correct and I am.

When a cub or cubs are killed, the lioness goes back into estrus, with 2 weeks.
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Which translates to basically means that you had nothing but conjecture to begin with and that you've just decided to stick you your chin and puff out your chest; because you just can't bring yourself to admit that it was in error. :good4u:

Where did homo habilis originate again? seriously where did it all begin, everything?

Homo Habilis evolved from other primate species, as did other early members of the Homo genus, and primates from older hominine species. Somewhere between 14 and 4 million years ago (it's difficult to get closer than that, because there was a lot of hybridization of species going on at the time) there was an evolutionary split from the genus Pan (chimpanzees) and the genus Homo finally appeared. sahelanthropus tchadensis and orrorin tugenensis (both the first examples of a bipedal species) are believed to represent some of the last ancestors that chimpanzee and human species shared.

If we're going to go back to the beginning of life on earth, I'm not going to get any work done in the office today (although I'd find it more interesting and more fun).

But suffice to say that if you're looking for origins, spend some time amongst fossils and speaking to anthropologists and biologists (or anthropological biologists) or checking their works.

And I'm going to be honest here about just what I believe when it comes to human origin. I might be Jewish and follow a certain set of religious values, but I don't believe we weren't blinked into existence like we were in a VERY early episode of "I Dream of Jeannie" or "Bewitched." But I do believe that we evolved through a natural process that eventually spit up humans (no, I don't mean "spit out").
What if you own a business that want sto refuse to bake a cake because it WOULD be part of the celebration!

Well, the first thing is that it's not the business that would want to refuse to bake a cake one way or another. The business does not have a mind to make such decision. Again, it falls between the difference between the human owner and the business.

But even then, if I was the owner of the business, it still wouldn't mean I was celebrating.

Just as I'd said about my religious beliefs and values not summing up to be a cake, neither is the cake me or my convictions.

To paraphrase an old saying, sometimes a cake is just a cake. (For "Star Wars" fans, "sometimes a Sarlaac is just a giant, toothed vagina in the desert that swallows men whole", now go watch that movie again and try not think about that sentence.)

I think I'd rather just bake the cake and take the money for doing it - which still wouldn't mean I was celebrating anything (other than, "Hey, my business made money").
Homo Habilis evolved from other primate species, as did other early members of the Homo genus, and primates from older hominine species. Somewhere between 14 and 4 million years ago (it's difficult to get closer than that, because there was a lot of hybridization of species going on at the time) there was an evolutionary split from the genus Pan (chimpanzees) and the genus Homo finally appeared. sahelanthropus tchadensis and orrorin tugenensis (both the first examples of a bipedal species) are believed to represent some of the last ancestors that chimpanzee and human species shared.

If we're going to go back to the beginning of life on earth, I'm not going to get any work done in the office today (although I'd find it more interesting and more fun).

But suffice to say that if you're looking for origins, spend some time amongst fossils and speaking to anthropologists and biologists (or anthropological biologists) or checking their works.

And I'm going to be honest here about just what I believe when it comes to human origin. I might be Jewish and follow a certain set of religious values, but I don't believe we weren't blinked into existence like we were in a VERY early episode of "I Dream of Jeannie" or "Bewitched." But I do believe that we evolved through a natural process that eventually spit up humans (no, I don't mean "spit out").

Nothing you or any scientist can take me Back to an existence minus God so you lose!
Homo Habilis evolved from other primate species, as did other early members of the Homo genus, and primates from older hominine species. Somewhere between 14 and 4 million years ago (it's difficult to get closer than that, because there was a lot of hybridization of species going on at the time) there was an evolutionary split from the genus Pan (chimpanzees) and the genus Homo finally appeared. sahelanthropus tchadensis and orrorin tugenensis (both the first examples of a bipedal species) are believed to represent some of the last ancestors that chimpanzee and human species shared.

If we're going to go back to the beginning of life on earth, I'm not going to get any work done in the office today (although I'd find it more interesting and more fun).

But suffice to say that if you're looking for origins, spend some time amongst fossils and speaking to anthropologists and biologists (or anthropological biologists) or checking their works.

And I'm going to be honest here about just what I believe when it comes to human origin. I might be Jewish and follow a certain set of religious values, but I don't believe we weren't blinked into existence like we were in a VERY early episode of "I Dream of Jeannie" or "Bewitched." But I do believe that we evolved through a natural process that eventually spit up humans (no, I don't mean "spit out").

Evolution is a joke!

http://jesus-is-savior.com/Evolution Hoax/4000.htm
Nothing you or any scientist can take me Back to an existence minus God so you lose!

Three questions:

1) When did I say there was existence without God?
2) Who or what created God?
3) When was this about winning or losing? I thought we were just having a discussion.

A statement:

Faith is defined as "belief without proof." Knowledge is, well, knowing because there is proof. I prefer the latter, but it doesn't mean I live in a world where I believe (faith without proof) that there is no God. Science and religion can in fact coexist, provided one is not too rigidly blinded in favor of one or the other.

The very sentiment of "nothing you or any scientist can say will make me change my mind" indicates a predilection to deny fact and truth if it is presented to you ("you" meaning any individual, not necessarily you personally, although based on your statement I'd say it's accurate there, as well).

As to the link you provided, despite our past conflicts on this forum you seem to have come around to be more reasonable, so I don't wish to be rude. That said, I have to tell you that the page is filled with the worst and most obvious kind of nonsensical tosh that makes the "young earth" belief such a laughingstock.

One of the assertions I see is that the author of the page claims that there is no recorded history prior to 4,000 years ago. That's simply not true.

The oldest currently known evidence of writing dates from the middle Neolithic. This was 5,600 to 5,000 BC. That's 5,600 years. Now add two more centuries. That's 7,000 years.

The rise of civilization began about 10,000 years ago, which saw agricultural development, finally allowing early humans to settle down and begin developing things like writing, math and thinking seriously deep thoughts.

Prior to that, early humans were nomadic hunter/gatherers who were more concerned about what they were going to eat, who was going to eat them, and where they were going to sleep.

Back then, our concerns slipped into four categories:

A) Things to eat.
B) Things to run away from so they don't eat me.
C) Things to mate with.
D) Rocks.

Then some bright spark decided to try their hand at farming and BOOM! No more roaming. We had time to sit and do things like learn how to communicate silently through writing and count better than saying, "One, Two, Many."

Which explain why there's no written record prior to 4,000 years ago.

But wait. It doesn't, because we actually do have examples of crude writing from the middle neolithic, as mentioned above.

And now comes the next pitfall of "young earth" nonsense - Radiocarbon Dating.

First and foremost, there's more than one method to date something that is pre-historic. But let's stick to Carbon-14.

If you're going to try to date something above 50,000 years old, you're not going to want to use the Carbon-14 methold all that much. It's reliable up to that, and in some circumstances you can do special preparation that will allow you to date something older, but it's just not a good idea to try if you want accuracy.

So let me say that more succinctly: Carbon-14 dating is reliable on a test subject that is 50,000 years or less.

Since, then, there are test subjects that have been dated to much earlier than 6,000 years but less than 50,000 years, the myth and superstition that dictates Earth is only 6,000 years old is blown out of the water.

And then there are the other methods of dating, which give much greater range, into the millions and billions of years.

And, of course, there are the various human fossil sites all over the world that show we've been around for a long time.

In China, here are just a few of the myriad sites where ancient (REALLY ancient) human fossils exist:

Hadar: 2.36 million years
Omo: 2.4 million years
Turkana: 1.9 million years
Olduvai: 1.85 million years

How about the 900,000-year-old human fossils found in Kenya? What about the 2-million-year-old fossils and stone tools found in Kanjara? Or the 3.6-million-year-old Laetoli excavations where stone tools were found?

And then there's the whole thing with dinosaurs that date to 65,000,000 million years old or more. They didn't live at the time of humans (or any other primate).

But I'm not going to get into the whole "humans didn't live with dinosaurs" thing because I realize "The Flintstones" was only PARTIALLY based in fact. (This last sentence, in case it wasn't obvious, is a joke. The absolute and incontrovertible fact that humans did not live at the same time as dinosaurs, however, is not a joke.)
Three questions:

1) When did I say there was existence without God?
2) Who or what created God?
3) When was this about winning or losing? I thought we were just having a discussion.

Do better research!

A statement:

Faith is defined as "belief without proof." Knowledge is, well, knowing because there is proof. I prefer the latter, but it doesn't mean I live in a world where I believe (faith without proof) that there is no God. Science and religion can in fact coexist, provided one is not too rigidly blinded in favor of one or the other.

The very sentiment of "nothing you or any scientist can say will make me change my mind" indicates a predilection to deny fact and truth if it is presented to you ("you" meaning any individual, not necessarily you personally, although based on your statement I'd say it's accurate there, as well).

As to the link you provided, despite our past conflicts on this forum you seem to have come around to be more reasonable, so I don't wish to be rude. That said, I have to tell you that the page is filled with the worst and most obvious kind of nonsensical tosh that makes the "young earth" belief such a laughingstock.

One of the assertions I see is that the author of the page claims that there is no recorded history prior to 4,000 years ago. That's simply not true.

The oldest currently known evidence of writing dates from the middle Neolithic. This was 5,600 to 5,000 BC. That's 5,600 years. Now add two more centuries. That's 7,000 years.

The rise of civilization began about 10,000 years ago, which saw agricultural development, finally allowing early humans to settle down and begin developing things like writing, math and thinking seriously deep thoughts.

Prior to that, early humans were nomadic hunter/gatherers who were more concerned about what they were going to eat, who was going to eat them, and where they were going to sleep.

Back then, our concerns slipped into four categories:

A) Things to eat.
B) Things to run away from so they don't eat me.
C) Things to mate with.
D) Rocks.

Then some bright spark decided to try their hand at farming and BOOM! No more roaming. We had time to sit and do things like learn how to communicate silently through writing and count better than saying, "One, Two, Many."

Which explain why there's no written record prior to 4,000 years ago.

But wait. It doesn't, because we actually do have examples of crude writing from the middle neolithic, as mentioned above.

And now comes the next pitfall of "young earth" nonsense - Radiocarbon Dating.

First and foremost, there's more than one method to date something that is pre-historic. But let's stick to Carbon-14.

If you're going to try to date something above 50,000 years old, you're not going to want to use the Carbon-14 methold all that much. It's reliable up to that, and in some circumstances you can do special preparation that will allow you to date something older, but it's just not a good idea to try if you want accuracy.

So let me say that more succinctly: Carbon-14 dating is reliable on a test subject that is 50,000 years or less.

Since, then, there are test subjects that have been dated to much earlier than 6,000 years but less than 50,000 years, the myth and superstition that dictates Earth is only 6,000 years old is blown out of the water.

And then there are the other methods of dating, which give much greater range, into the millions and billions of years.

And, of course, there are the various human fossil sites all over the world that show we've been around for a long time.

In China, here are just a few of the myriad sites where ancient (REALLY ancient) human fossils exist:

Hadar: 2.36 million years
Omo: 2.4 million years
Turkana: 1.9 million years
Olduvai: 1.85 million years

How about the 900,000-year-old human fossils found in Kenya? What about the 2-million-year-old fossils and stone tools found in Kanjara? Or the 3.6-million-year-old Laetoli excavations where stone tools were found?

And then there's the whole thing with dinosaurs that date to 65,000,000 million years old or more. They didn't live at the time of humans (or any other primate).

But I'm not going to get into the whole "humans didn't live with dinosaurs" thing because I realize "The Flintstones" was only PARTIALLY based in fact. (This last sentence, in case it wasn't obvious, is a joke. The absolute and incontrovertible fact that humans did not live at the same time as dinosaurs, however, is not a joke.)

When you stated that Creation of mankind wasn't attributable to Single act of God Creating him.
No one Created God God has always existed!
If the very creation man, and all that goes into us being isn't attributable to God, I don't know what to tell you about proof. Maybe the rest of his Creation.
Businesses don't have principles. People do. You're ignoring that distinction.

People that own businesses have principles which guide, and direct them, why force them to throw them out to appease 1 couple, who could just have that cake baked somewhere else. See it's all about forcing people of faith to comply with the homosexual agenda. Which in my opinion is based on their need to be seen as normal, because they know they are not, and deep down they know they are in defiance of a creator God.
Do better research!

In case you haven't noticed, I do. This is why I specifically stated that A) there are other methods of dating ancient artifacts beyond Carbon-14 and B) Carbon-14 dating is only reliable up to about 50,000 years.

I specifically omitted the link you provided because it's loaded with absolutely nonsense.

When you stated that Creation of mankind wasn't attributable to Single act of God Creating him.

I didn't state that the creation of humanity wasn't attributable to a single act of God creating him. The suggestion I'm making, if you think for a moment, is that perhaps God created the amino acids that would eventually evolve into humans over millions of years. Do you really believe that's so far outside the realm of possibility?

No one Created God God has always existed!

If that is possible, why is it impossible that humanity and earth have always existed? If you are going to attribute creation to someone, then that someone has to have a creator as well. That's a little thing called "logic."

If the very creation man, and all that goes into us being isn't attributable to God, I don't know what to tell you about proof. Maybe the rest of his Creation.

See my first comment.

By the way? Since it's actually relevant to what we were talking about before you went into the young earth nonsense, I'm still waiting for your answers on this:

Since gays can now marry like everyone else, does that mean:

1) My wife and I must divorce
2) My wife and I must stop having sex
3) My wife and I must separate and live apart from each other
4) I love my wife less
5) My wife loves me less
6) My marriage is somehow less legal in the eyes of the law
7) My marriage is somehow less valid in the eyes of God

And you know what? I actually CAN answer exactly why you should be celebrating two people of the same sex who have decided they love each other, want to dedicate their lives to each other, and get married. And here it is:

Christians suffered some not-insignificant persecution in the ancient world. Laws were enacted to specifically treat them like second-class (or worse) citizens. Death could be (and in some of the areas of the world still is) the sentence for being a Christian.

The same can be said for Jews. I know that first-hand.

Knowing the kind of persecution that Christians faced in the past, why would you care to persecute anyone else because you don't agree with them? Isn't that one of the best definitions of "Hypocrite" you've ever seen?

And you know what the bible says God thinks about hypocrites. You do, don't you?

That's why you should celebrate same-sex marriage - because those of Christian faith have been in the same position gays are being put in - by those of Christian faith.

"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." - Matthew 7:12.
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cruze is about as important as a pebble underneath the beefys feet.

this is going to require a lot of pot

and tears