Ted Cruz Is Not A Constitutionalist

Should we declare that a lie? How would we know? Truth is, we don't know it isn't the truth or at least the Cruz clan believes it all, or it plays well in Iowa where the population is 30% evangelicals.

I have no problem with Cruz's religion, I only have a problem with Cruz when he allows his religion to influence his misinterpretations of the Constitution.

Do you believe his father, PASTOR Rafael Cruz?

Ted Cruz has ranted and raved endlessly about gay marriages. He even raced Huckabee to Kentucky to grab face time worshiping that Democrat county clerk that was refusing marriage licenses to gays. Huckabee had to put his goons on him to keep him off of the podium and grabbing a share of the political face time.

Ted Cruz is a phony!

Explain if you can how “traditional marriage” has been destroyed. Is it now illegal?

Has God appointed you to speak for him? Can you prove that God is unhappy and believing as you are that gays are “thumbing their noses” at him? Why doesn’t God strike them dead? Does he have the power?

Are you aware that homosexuality is a part of all human cultures and as far back as anybody knows it always has been?

Well the SCOTUS has already taken care of homosexual marriage so he is kind of limited, stop being a sensationalist.
It has been destroyed in a traditional way, it has always been male female.
I am a representative of God, and am told to spread the good news so yes, thanks for asking.
The earliest culture was Adam, and Eve in the Garden, man, woman no homosexuality. Just because something has been around for a long time doesn't make it less sinful.
Okay, I can't stomach any more of this nonsense.

Marriage is not Christian. Marriage existed long before Christianity. You seem to be so wrapped up in your own head that you are utterly incapable of understanding that simple fact.

How is "Traditional Marriage" destroyed if homosexuals are allowed to marry? Now that homosexuals are allowed to marry, does that mean my wife and I have to divorce? What in the hell are you talking about? Explain in excruciating detail how letting gays marry has damaged marriage in ANY way or stop saying it.

Who's trying to force what on whom, here? You believe something. Because someone believes something else you want to force your draconian, outdated world view on others. It's you who are the problem.

It is AMAZINGLY funny to me that you mention someone trying to force something "into our culture" AND Muslims at the same time.

You see, culture is a living, thriving entity that changes and evolves. Unless, of course, you are an extremist in ANY religion. And that's where your (vapid) point would be funny if it weren't so damned tragic.

Extremists like those in ISIS, who interpret a religious text their way and demand that it be followed exactly, are PRECISELY the kind of people I'd think you'd want to get along with.

Because cultural stagnation is what you want - just like them.

And I bet you still won't see it.

Thank you for your passion, Marriage was instituted is the Garden so your first point wrong.

Because Traditional marriage as described in the first Marriage, was male, female. Marriage has been man, woman since the beginning, why all of a sudden is homosexual marriage needed. So they can force acceptance of their lifestyle. In so doing they have changed the sacredness of Holy matrimony, because homosexuality is not Holy.

By the way I can't force anyone to believe in God, and if they .
don't I do not want them to be killed, or forced to accept my beliefs, so there is a huge difference between what muslims believe, and what I believe. I do not want you beheaded for believing different, I don't want you forced to believe anything. You will live how you want I can't and do not want to force you to do anything. I do not want a theocracy! Do I wish we lived in a simpler more innocent time, yep sue me. When I grew up we left our doors unlocked tell me again how culture is getting so much better. Have a nice evening
So? They have a right to believe differently than you. It's one of those Amendment Thingies in that important document called the Constitution... Either you want to preserve it (the constitution), or you don't.

But why would you care if some other person who believes differently than you acts differently than you would want them to act? I'll never get this nonsense. Either you believe that people have a right to their own beliefs or not, but what do you care if somebody who believes something differently than you gets to act differently than you would?

I'll never get this urge to stop other people from acting in a way you wouldn't. So long as their actions do not limit your ability to exercise your own rights its just jackassery to make laws prohibiting their actions, and often unconstitutional. If their beliefs allow this, then so be it. You don't get to make a law against it, we prohibit that kind of jackassery in Amendment 1.

I don't see where I said they have to believe the same as I do, maybe you could point that out?

Marriage, the act, has been a religious rite- a practice of not just the Christian Church, but many other faiths.. The Church failed to make its argument, I agree- but as another poster pointed out, homosexuals could have been satisfied with "civil unions" and left "marriage, aka holy matrimony", to the Church.

The political implications are valid, as the link I posted previously illuminates. Homosexuals want to undermine Christianity- that is the prize.
I don't see where I said they have to believe the same as I do, maybe you could point that out?

Marriage, the act, has been a religious rite- a practice of not just the Christian Church, but many other faiths.. The Church failed to make its argument, I agree- but as another poster pointed out, homosexuals could have been satisfied with "civil unions" and left "marriage, aka holy matrimony", to the Church.

The political implications are valid, as the link I posted previously illuminates. Homosexuals want to undermine Christianity- that is the prize.
There are homosexual Christians, the idea that homosexuals want to undermine Christianity is ridiculous nonsense.
There are no homosexual Christians. There are Christians who were/ do struggle with homosexuality. The very nature of claiming Christ, is to be willing to die to ones sin...daily.

As to homosexuals end game focus.


There are Christians who disagree with your interpretation and attitude towards homosexuals.


Also, it is blasphemous to claim you know the mind of God concerning individuals and their sins, isn't it?

Shutting down churches isn't the gay agenda, this group does not represent all homosexuals, that is a ridiculous idea.
There are Christians who disagree with your interpretation and attitude towards homosexuals.


Also, it is blasphemous to claim you know the mind of God concerning individuals and their sins, isn't it?

Shutting down churches isn't the gay agenda, this group does not represent all homosexuals, that is a ridiculous idea.

God is clear about the sin of homosexuality. He wanted us to know. As to each mans individual struggle concerning his cross to carry- I trust God to know a mans heart.

Calling oneself a Christian, and denying his statutes, is not the sign of being a Christian- that's blaspheming.

This group is the very kind of group concerned with the homosexual agenda. You denied this is a goal. It is in fact a goal. I could spend time googling and pointing to others.
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God is clear about the sin of homosexuality. He wanted us to know. As to each mans individual struggle concerning his cross to carry- I trust God to know a mans heart.

Calling oneself a Christian, and denying his statutes, is not the sign of being a Christian- that's blaspheming.

This group is the very kind of group concerned with the homosexual agenda. You denied this is a goal. It is in fact a goal. I could spend time googling and pointing to others.
No, he is not clear for there are Biblical scholars that do not believe that homosexual love is not a sin, so, God was not clear.

Again, there are scholars who would disagree with what you call God's statues.

Again, it is not the gay agenda because many homosexuals identify as Christians.
No, he is not clear for there are Biblical scholars that do not believe that homosexual love is not a sin, so, God was not clear.

Again, there are scholars who would disagree with what you call God's statues.

Again, it is not the gay agenda because many homosexuals identify as Christians.

I know many adulterers allowed to call themselves Christisns and though Jesus never addressed homosexuality, he did address adultery.
Marriage was instituted is the Garden so your first point wrong.

That's funny, really, because I've actually read the book of Genesis. I'm sure a "Representative of God" like you has also read and knows that there was no marriage ceremony, no exchanging of vows, no wearing of rings, no witnesses to the marriage, and in fact, that Adam and Eve were not married.

Of course I'm sure you're also aware that Adam had already been getting it on with the first woman, who was not Eve. He'd been boning Lilith for a while before Eve got boned into existence (see what I did there?).

The story of Adam and Eve is allegory, it is was not written and is not intended to be taken as absolute fact.

Because Traditional marriage as described in the first Marriage, was male, female.

Hmm. When did that non-marriage get described as "Traditional Marriage"? You know, in some cultures it's Traditional to leave the elderly out in the desert for large birds to feed on. When does "Tradition" have to give way to "common sense" in your book?

Marriage has been man, woman since the beginning, why all of a sudden is homosexual marriage needed. So they can force acceptance of their lifestyle.

See my previous comment about cultural stagnation and why it's a bad thing.

As to forcing acceptance of who they choose to love and marry, let's be honest. They haven't, have they? They don't seem to have forced acceptance out of a religious bigot such as yourself.

In so doing they have changed the sacredness of Holy matrimony, because homosexuality is not Holy.

Marriage doesn't have to have anything to do with religion at all. It is a civil contract that does not require the blessing of any member of the clergy, any religious symbolism or ceremony, and can be entered into without the slightest acknowledgment of any religion whatsoever.

By the way I can't force anyone to believe in God, and if they don't I do not want them to be killed, or forced to accept my beliefs...

That's certainly a refreshing stance for you.

But this is all missing the point, really.

You still haven't given any kind of real, concrete example of how same-sex marriage has harmed you, me or anyone else who is in a heterosexual marriage, or how it ever will.

We have lesbian neighbors across the street who got married recently. Aside from having to sit through a wedding, it has not in any way harmed me, my wife or had any effect on our own marriage.

So again: How does, in real-world, concrete examples, a gay couple getting married harm your marriage or mine?
Ted Cruz is no constitutionalist.

Ted Cruz is a religionist.

Ted Cruz cannot point to anyplace in the Constitution that mandates by constitutional law a certified definition of marriage as a contract reserved for one man, one woman, nor authorizes to the federal government any power to enforce such a mandate. On the contrary, the Constitution mandates that the people have rights not necessarily enumerated in the Constitution, (Amendment 9). The Constitution also mandates that no State shall make any law to deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law, (Amendment 14)

I don't believe Ted ever linked marriage with the Constitution. He mentions the Constitution in a lot of things, but marriage is not one of them.

Having said that, there is NO constitutional right for two men or two women to marry. The decision for allowing such things should be left up to the states, since they are the ones with the family law statutes.
No, he is not clear for there are Biblical scholars that do not believe that homosexual love is not a sin, so, God was not clear.

Again, there are scholars who would disagree with what you call God's statues.

Again, it is not the gay agenda because many homosexuals identify as Christians.

God is clear
Homosexuals do have a political anti religious liberty agenda
Unrepentantly practicing sin is the antithesis of being a Christian.-
God is clear
Homosexuals do have a political anti religious liberty agenda
Unrepentantly practicing sin is the antithesis of being a Christian.-
God is not clear. It is why there are so many different versions of gods and so many different versions of your own religion, Judaism and Islam.

Your gay agenda is only held by a small minority and not all gays. There is no gay agenda against religion as a whole.
God is not clear. It is why there are so many different versions of gods and so many different versions of your own religion, Judaism and Islam.

Your gay agenda is only held by a small minority and not all gays. There is no gay agenda against religion as a whole.

We are not discussing gods. We are discussing the Christian God. The Christian God is clear. There most definitely is a homosexual political agenda. It's not small, it's a very well organized, well funded, and determined agenda.

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We are not discussing gods. We are discussing the Christian God. The Christian God is clear. There most definitely is a homosexual political agenda. It's not small, it's a very well organized and determined agenda.
The Christian God is not clear, that is why there are differing interpretations from Christian scholars and ministers on the matter of homosexual love, whether you agree with those intrepertations or not, the fact is not all Chtistians agree with you about God and his laws which in the New Testament is to love the Lord your God and to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Those were the only laws I ever read that Jesus gave.
That's funny, really, because I've actually read the book of Genesis. I'm sure a "Representative of God" like you has also read and knows that there was no marriage ceremony, no exchanging of vows, no wearing of rings, no witnesses to the marriage, and in fact, that Adam and Eve were not married.

Of course I'm sure you're also aware that Adam had already been getting it on with the first woman, who was not Eve. He'd been boning Lilith for a while before Eve got boned into existence (see what I did there?).

The story of Adam and Eve is allegory, it is was not written and is not intended to be taken as absolute fact.

Hmm. When did that non-marriage get described as "Traditional Marriage"? You know, in some cultures it's Traditional to leave the elderly out in the desert for large birds to feed on. When does "Tradition" have to give way to "common sense" in your book?

See my previous comment about cultural stagnation and why it's a bad thing.

As to forcing acceptance of who they choose to love and marry, let's be honest. They haven't, have they? They don't seem to have forced acceptance out of a religious bigot such as yourself.

Marriage doesn't have to have anything to do with religion at all. It is a civil contract that does not require the blessing of any member of the clergy, any religious symbolism or ceremony, and can be entered into without the slightest acknowledgment of any religion whatsoever.

That's certainly a refreshing stance for you.

But this is all missing the point, really.

You still haven't given any kind of real, concrete example of how same-sex marriage has harmed you, me or anyone else who is in a heterosexual marriage, or how it ever will.

We have lesbian neighbors across the street who got married recently. Aside from having to sit through a wedding, it has not in any way harmed me, my wife or had any effect on our own marriage.

So again: How does, in real-world, concrete examples, a gay couple getting married harm your marriage or mine?

I have Read the entire Book of Genesis and have never heard of Lilith, so perhaps we have different beliefs, Have never seen the words boning in the Bible. As for allegories 2 Timothy 3:16 disagrees with you. Well just got to your Religious Bigot comment, and since you seem to Practice a religion I am not aware of we should just leave it there, my name calling days are over. Marriage or at least the concept was instituted in the Bible in Genesis later confirmed by Jesus in the New Testament.

Can you explain to me why as a Christian I should celebrate a union between same sex couples, can you explain to me why telling them their sin not unlike any sin, will keep them form eternity in Heaven. Unrepentant sinners will not be allowed into Heaven. Also for context can you tell me the denomination you belong to so I can further research your beliefs and we can discuss them like adults.

I did provide an answer you just disagree with it so we disagree that is all
The Christian God is not clear, that is why there are differing interpretations from Christian scholars and ministers on the matter of homosexual love, whether you agree with those intrepertations or not, the fact is not all Chtistians agree with you about God and his laws which in the New Testament is to love the Lord your God and to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Those were the only laws I ever read that Jesus gave.

The Christian God is very clear. There are not valid differing opinions on homosexuality, only people who want to make scripture say what they want it to.

Loving God with all your heart means loving his statutes- not despising them, not reinterpreting them, not denying them. But picking up your cros daily, and following him. That cross might be drunkeness, adultery, greed, homosexuality, etc etc etc... But the idea is that you turn from these things- not embrace them. This is how you love God- turning from sin.
I have Read the entire Book of Genesis and have never heard of Lilith, so perhaps we have different beliefs, Have never seen the words boning in the Bible. As for allegories 2 Timothy 3:16 disagrees with you. Well just got to your Religious Bigot comment, and since you seem to Practice a religion I am not aware of we should just leave it there, my name calling days are over. Marriage or at least the concept was instituted in the Bible in Genesis later confirmed by Jesus in the New Testament.

Can you explain to me why as a Christian I should celebrate a union between same sex couples, can you explain to me why telling them their sin not unlike any sin, will keep them form eternity in Heaven. Unrepentant sinners will not be allowed into Heaven. Also for context can you tell me the denomination you belong to so I can further research your beliefs and we can discuss them like adults.

I did provide an answer you just disagree with it so we disagree that is all

Isaiah 34:14 Medieval myths claim she was the night demon- from the book of Isaiah.

For further reading
