Ted Cruz Is Not A Constitutionalist

Religious people who adhere to teachings of their faith.

So? They have a right to believe differently than you. It's one of those Amendment Thingies in that important document called the Constitution... Either you want to preserve it (the constitution), or you don't.

But why would you care if some other person who believes differently than you acts differently than you would want them to act? I'll never get this nonsense. Either you believe that people have a right to their own beliefs or not, but what do you care if somebody who believes something differently than you gets to act differently than you would?

I'll never get this urge to stop other people from acting in a way you wouldn't. So long as their actions do not limit your ability to exercise your own rights its just jackassery to make laws prohibiting their actions, and often unconstitutional. If their beliefs allow this, then so be it. You don't get to make a law against it, we prohibit that kind of jackassery in Amendment 1.
Cruz would do nothing of the sort.

Ted Cruz has ranted and raved endlessly about gay marriages. He even raced Huckabee to Kentucky to grab face time worshiping that Democrat county clerk that was refusing marriage licenses to gays. Huckabee had to put his goons on him to keep him off of the podium and grabbing a share of the political face time.

Ted Cruz is a phony!

Why should I sit idly by and watch Traditional Marriage be destroyed,

Explain if you can how “traditional marriage” has been destroyed. Is it now illegal?

it's Christian, so the fact that Homosexuals want anything to do with it shows me it's just them thumbing their nose at God. Trying to force their lifestyle into our culture.

Has God appointed you to speak for him? Can you prove that God is unhappy and believing as you are that gays are “thumbing their noses” at him? Why doesn’t God strike them dead? Does he have the power?

Are you aware that homosexuality is a part of all human cultures and as far back as anybody knows it always has been?
So? They have a right to believe differently than you. It's one of those Amendment Thingies in that important document called the Constitution... Either you want to preserve it (the constitution), or you don't.

But why would you care if some other person who believes differently than you acts differently than you would want them to act? I'll never get this nonsense. Either you believe that people have a right to their own beliefs or not, but what do you care if somebody who believes something differently than you gets to act differently than you would?

I'll never get this urge to stop other people from acting in a way you wouldn't. So long as their actions do not limit your ability to exercise your own rights its just jackassery to make laws prohibiting their actions, and often unconstitutional. If their beliefs allow this, then so be it. You don't get to make a law against it, we prohibit that kind of jackassery in Amendment 1.

Cruz would do nothing of the sort.

Why should I sit idly by and watch Traditional Marriage be destroyed, it's Christian, so the fact that Homosexuals want anything to do with it shows me it's just them thumbing their nose at God. Trying to force their lifestyle into our culture.
Huh? how bout that kind of like the muslims do.

Okay, I can't stomach any more of this nonsense.

Marriage is not Christian. Marriage existed long before Christianity. You seem to be so wrapped up in your own head that you are utterly incapable of understanding that simple fact.

How is "Traditional Marriage" destroyed if homosexuals are allowed to marry? Now that homosexuals are allowed to marry, does that mean my wife and I have to divorce? What in the hell are you talking about? Explain in excruciating detail how letting gays marry has damaged marriage in ANY way or stop saying it.

Who's trying to force what on whom, here? You believe something. Because someone believes something else you want to force your draconian, outdated world view on others. It's you who are the problem.

It is AMAZINGLY funny to me that you mention someone trying to force something "into our culture" AND Muslims at the same time.

You see, culture is a living, thriving entity that changes and evolves. Unless, of course, you are an extremist in ANY religion. And that's where your (vapid) point would be funny if it weren't so damned tragic.

Extremists like those in ISIS, who interpret a religious text their way and demand that it be followed exactly, are PRECISELY the kind of people I'd think you'd want to get along with.

Because cultural stagnation is what you want - just like them.

And I bet you still won't see it.
then you have a serious lack of knowledge concerning lions. you should study up on them before making stupid assumptions in public.

I have and am still waiting for information that refutes what' I said and that would mean something other then either of you just saying - "They do too". :palm:

So you've decide to explain your "date night" through the use of emoticons.

OK, let's see.
First you guys engaged in useless banter with each other, then you both cracked some jokes, which then led you to both of you exposing your asses to each other and engaging in behavior that turned them red, after which you both cracked some more jokes, and then ended the night by drinking.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I have and am still waiting for information that refutes what' I said and that would mean something other then either of you just saying - "They do too". :palm:

out of the countless documentaries and nat geo episodes i've watched, i'm not about to search youtube for the one single video that refutes what you said. I know about pride life and how male lions interact with cubs that are not their own. whether you choose to believe it or not, up to you. I know i'm right.
out of the countless documentaries and nat geo episodes i've watched, i'm not about to search youtube for the one single video that refutes what you said. I know about pride life and how male lions interact with cubs that are not their own. whether you choose to believe it or not, up to you. I know i'm right.

But this was about male lions and THEIR cubs, not the cubs sired by other males. :chesh:
and you chose to question whether it was his cub or not. do you believe that a male lion would tolerate a strange males cub around his own cubs?

That wasn't what was being discussed.

Here, let me bring forward what the initial comment was:

Actually science in most of the animal world seems to have arranged a polygamous adventure without any lifetime commitments. Male lions have been known to actually kill their own young. Ted Cruz won't fix that, I promise.

A "juvenile" is no longer a cub and therefore no longer nursing, which means the lioness is "available".
That wasn't what was being discussed.

Here, let me bring forward what the initial comment was:

A "juvenile" is no longer a cub and therefore no longer nursing, which means the lioness is "available".

the lioness usually doesn't come back in to estrus until her cubs are around 18 months of age. cubs stop nursing around 6 or 7 months of age. that leaves approximately 1 year of pride life where a cub/juvenile is still dependent upon their mother, but eat only meat. therefore, a cub/juvenile can still be killed by their father.
That wasn't what was being discussed.

Here, let me bring forward what the initial comment was:

A "juvenile" is no longer a cub and therefore no longer nursing, which means the lioness is "available".

Bla, blas, bla, bla, what a fucking bore you are.
the lioness usually doesn't come back in to estrus until her cubs are around 18 months of age. cubs stop nursing around 6 or 7 months of age. that leaves approximately 1 year of pride life where a cub/juvenile is still dependent upon their mother, but eat only meat. therefore, a cub/juvenile can still be killed by their father.

But we're still talking about a Lion killing it's own cubs.
Please notice that we're talking about it's own cubs.