Ted Cruz Is Not A Constitutionalist

Actually nature defined it that way. You know science?

Ever see two male lions mate for life?

Who cares? If two dudes like that what does it matter to you? Seriously. I've never been able to figure out why people care if two guys want to look at hairy man butt...
So it doesn't say that SSM must be recognized either.

And the 14 amendment says nothing about sexual orientation.

Are you implying that if the const. doesn't mandate it, it cannot happen? Then we should scrap gay marriage.
Ted Cruz is running for prez because the Holy Spirit told him he oughtta.

Rafael Cruz, father and chief campaign surrogate of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, appeared on The Dove TV's "Focus Today" last week, where he revealed that the "presence of the Holy Spirit" convinced his son to run for president. As the elder Cruz explained, Ted and his family "spent six months in prayer" trying to decide if he should seek the presidency, which culminated in a two-hour prayer session at his church where his family and top advisers "spent two hours on our knees seeking God's will about this decision."

During that prayer session, Cruz's wife received "inspiration from God" and told Ted to "seek God's face, not God's hand" and, at that moment, the Holy Spirit descended upon everyone in the room and convinced Ted to run.

"It was as if there was a presence of the Holy Spirit in the room and we all were at awe," and Ted, all that came out of his mouth, he said, 'Here am I Lord, use me. Here am I Lord, I surrender to whatever Your will for my life is.' And it was at that time that he felt a peace about running for president of the United States."

- See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/conte...ed-his-son-run-president#sthash.ghwVIh2C.dpuf

Should we declare that a lie? How would we know? Truth is, we don't know it isn't the truth or at least the Cruz clan believes it all, or it plays well in Iowa where the population is 30% evangelicals.

I have no problem with Cruz's religion, I only have a problem with Cruz when he allows his religion to influence his misinterpretations of the Constitution.
Who cares? If two dudes like that what does it matter to you? Seriously. I've never been able to figure out why people care if two guys want to look at hairy man butt...

They don't care about their own sins, they only care about other people's sins. They're elitist, snobbish, moralist authoritarians.

"Throughout all of history the Priest have never been kind to liberty." (Thomas Jefferson)
The Church could not push anyone, toward anything. Homosexuality is an abomination to God how could his people be for it in any way shape or form. Again the Government could have just said you can have a civil union, and get all your bennies which is what it was all about anyway!

The Church could, has, and does push the government. It's pushing, and asserting, that guaranteed religious liberty and protections built into our Constitution.The Church failed to make their very solid and valid argument. It's not too late. I'm suggesting to make assertions now- use another word. The homosexual movement is now focused on forcing believers to engage and participate in their unions-

Marriage is a gift of God. When God brought to Adam the woman who was specially created for him, he cried out joyfully: “"This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh"” (Gen. 2:23). This joy over a real companion is the explicit will of God: “"It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him"” (Gen. 2:18). Marriage has been established by the Creator; it is therefore not a humanly devised institution. It existed from the beginning, as Jesus himself defined the origin and essence of marriage in Matthew 19:4-6: “"Haven’t you read . . . that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."” With the commandment “"You shall not commit adultery,"” God protects marriage and allows sexual intercourse only inside this close union (Eccles. 9:9). Sexual relations (becoming one flesh) before or outside marriage is branded as fornication and immorality. Since Adam and Eve were the first humans and first Marriage you are wrong!

as an agnostic, you'll have to use more than a book written and edited by human beings to convince me you're right.
The homosexual movement is now focused on forcing believers to engage and participate in their unions

The Democrats are focused on making you into a leftist believer, give us a number from 1 to 10, 10 being absolutely successful and 1 being no fucking way, of how successful the Democrats will be.
Look, my belief is homosexuality is sin, I do not hate them. I will tell them the truth about sin, just like anyone else who is in sin, while being very careful to examine my own life on a daily basis. Homosexual marriage is unrepentant in your face sin toward God, why would I celebrate that again?

Who's asking you to "celebrate" it? A true Christian would render unto Czar that which is Czar's and unto God that which is God's. Ted Cruz would eliminate Czar's law and replace it with the Bible "In the face" of the Constitution, while you cheer him on.
Who's asking you to "celebrate" it? A true Christian would render unto Czar that which is Czar's and unto God that which is God's. Ted Cruz would eliminate Czar's law and replace it with the Bible "In the face" of the Constitution, while you cheer him on.

Cruz would do nothing of the sort.

Why should I sit idly by and watch Traditional Marriage be destroyed, it's Christian, so the fact that Homosexuals want anything to do with it shows me it's just them thumbing their nose at God. Trying to force their lifestyle into our culture.
Huh? how bout that kind of like the muslims do.
You cant care about the teachings of your faith, while allowing others to be different?

Well we certainly are not going out killing homosexuals, but i will not celebrate their lifestyle choice, that to me would show hate, I would rather tell them about their sin, and hope they will repent, even if it gets me labeled!
I'll never be surprised that you don't know which end your ass is connected to.:dunno::rofl2::cof1:

I know where mine is located; but you were talking about yours and apparently your eyes were so full of shit, that you failed to read the information. :D