Ted Cruz Is Not A Constitutionalist

The Church at this point simply needs to rename marriage. Call it covenanting or something. They then need to file a patent on it thereby taking ownership of it. Petition the state to recognize it as a religious rite-

My Church is very happy calling it Marriage and sanctifying it right and left.

10 years before disallowing a same sex marriage will be as unpopular as disallowing a mixed race marriage.

Many mainstream churches are allowing it now.
Legal contracts can be made without a government license. Free agreeable adults can write an agreeable contract, have it witnessed by other free agreeable adults and signed by all. The only necessity for any government actions is if somebody agreeing to the contract violates its conditions. Licenses and religions are not necessary and prudish moral biases have no righteous standing in any common law and are anti-liberty.

OK, but the only reason its a Contract is because it is legally enforceable if one side breaches.
Sure have and unless you have something to substantiate your assertion, I'm just going to have to label your comment as FAILED.

Now; you have the internet at your disposal and since you're appear so confident, it shouldn't take long for you to prove me to be in error.

Oh! Golly Gee! The shame of it! USF Doesn't believe me! How shall I sleep at night? How shall I face the world?




Ready Set, Kiss my old ass!:tongout::mun::rofl2::cof1:
My Church is very happy calling it Marriage and sanctifying it right and left.

10 years before disallowing a same sex marriage will be as unpopular as disallowing a mixed race marriage.

Many mainstream churches are allowing it now.

churches have all through history backed evil things until they were forced to rethink and redo it
as an avid natgeo and animal planet watcher, I have seen numerous times where the male lion has killed one or more of their own offspring for getting 'uppity'. one example is where the male was keeping all the juveniles away so that the younger cubs could feed on the kill. one teenager didn't listen very well, thus he was made an example of to the rest of the juvies.

USF won't believe you, he'll want a youtube video.
OK, but the only reason its a Contract is because it is legally enforceable if one side breaches.

Yep! But that's as far as government regulation goes. Otherwise it's none of the government's business.
No law was written to circumvent any religious marriage ceremonies. Freedom of religion is alive and well. So is freedom of free agreeing adult contracts that violate nobody's rights to life, liberty, property or the pursuit of happiness.

Then call it a contract, marriage is a Christian institution!
The Church at this point simply needs to rename marriage. Call it covenanting or something. They then need to file a patent on it thereby taking ownership of it. Petition the state to recognize it as a religious rite-

I would rather they call homosexual partnerships something else, Christianity has had marriage why make us change.
My Church is very happy calling it Marriage and sanctifying it right and left.

10 years before disallowing a same sex marriage will be as unpopular as disallowing a mixed race marriage.

Many mainstream churches are allowing it now.

Then they are dens of iniquity! Something being popular doesn't make it less sin. By celebrating Sin you bring Judgement.
does the term 'son of god' mean anything to you in a biblican history context? do you think moses and the pharoah knew all about christ?

Doesn't matter what the pharaoh knew, he was not manifest in a human body but he was there at Creation. If you refute that you need to read some more. John Chapter 1 Start at the Beginning!