Ted Cruz Is Not A Constitutionalist

This is not true in the eyes of the law. You have a right for it to be true in your opinion. Your church can define it that way. The Government, however does not define it that way.

It used to be that Marriage was one man, one woman of the same race... that changed also.

Can we redefine basic laws of physics, arithmetic, and geography? Truth is merely opinion, after all...
Can we redefine basic laws of physics, arithmetic, and geography? Truth is merely opinion, after all...

Physics, arithmetic and geography (to some extent) are not human creations and are fact based, not opinion based.

We do redefine political geography.

Marriage is defined by human mores, there have been many different types of marriage. At the time the new testament was written monogamy by men was not expected and having multi-wives was common.
A contract is only a contract to the extent that the government will enforce it, otherwise there is no contract.

A Contract is a construct of the law.

Legal contracts can be made without a government license. Free agreeable adults can write an agreeable contract, have it witnessed by other free agreeable adults and signed by all. The only necessity for any government actions is if somebody agreeing to the contract violates its conditions. Licenses and religions are not necessary and prudish moral biases have no righteous standing in any common law and are anti-liberty.
Marriage is not covered in the Constitution, and therefore should not have been ruled on at all.

Except when government prohibition thereof violates the 9th and 14th amendments to our Constitution like what actually happened, huh?
The founding fathers never wrote anything about Marriage into the Constitution, and certainly never would have imagined any of this going on!

There are lots of things the founders could not have imagined. That fact doesn't negate the founding principles. We can rationally determine that the founders established the constitutional principles with the "unknown/non-imagined" in mind. They also included article 5 in the Constitution, just in case something needed to be changed.
Marriage was instituted by God and therefore is a Religious ceremony and the Constitution forbids Congress to right any law circumventing the free exercise thereof The Government should have never gotten involved in the first place.

No law was written to circumvent any religious marriage ceremonies. Freedom of religion is alive and well. So is freedom of free agreeing adult contracts that violate nobody's rights to life, liberty, property or the pursuit of happiness.
just curious, but except for the zoo...have you ever seen a male and female lion mate for life?

Actually science in most of the animal world seems to have arranged a polygamous adventure without any lifetime commitments. Male lions have been known to actually kill their own young. Ted Cruz won't fix that, I promise.
Actually science in most of the animal world seems to have arranged a polygamous adventure without any lifetime commitments. Male lions have been known to actually kill their own young.

Can you cite situations where Male lions have killed their own young, outside of circumstances of game being scarce?
Except in the Bible, many patriarchs had multiple wives and concubines.

King Solomon the notorious biblical genius and man of God is noted in the Bible to have had 1000 wives and 1500 concubine and 2000 bushel baskets of cotton for his ears.
Can you cite situations where Male lions have killed their own young, outside of circumstances of game being scarce?

You don't watch the "WILD" channel or "National Geographic" channel, huh? Relax and watch them, you'll learn things you never imagined.
You don't watch the "WILD" channel or "National Geographic" channel, huh? Relax and watch them, you'll learn things you never imagined.

Sure have and unless you have something to substantiate your assertion, I'm just going to have to label your comment as FAILED.

Now; you have the internet at your disposal and since you're appear so confident, it shouldn't take long for you to prove me to be in error.



The Church at this point simply needs to rename marriage. Call it covenanting or something. They then need to file a patent on it thereby taking ownership of it. Petition the state to recognize it as a religious rite-
Can you cite situations where Male lions have killed their own young, outside of circumstances of game being scarce?

as an avid natgeo and animal planet watcher, I have seen numerous times where the male lion has killed one or more of their own offspring for getting 'uppity'. one example is where the male was keeping all the juveniles away so that the younger cubs could feed on the kill. one teenager didn't listen very well, thus he was made an example of to the rest of the juvies.