Ten Tax Facts for Tax Day Tea Parties


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President Barack Obama and the U.S. Congress have gone on a spending and debt spree that the country cannot afford. As a result, a spontaneous grassroots movement is emerging from every corner of the nation with a message for Congress and the president: Stop spending us into an inevitable spiral of debt and higher taxes … now!

To that end, groups of Americans will be meeting in towns and cities across the nation on April 15 for “Tax Day Tea Parties” (think Boston Tea Party, not biscuits and fine English china). These “Ten Tax Facts” are our effort to make sure the American people are well- informed as they gather together to express their concern about the direction Washington is headed.

#1 .Under the Obama budget, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that the national debt will double over the next five years; and it will triple over the next 10 years to $17.3 trillion.

#2. Under the Obama budget, CBO projects that the national debt will soar over the next 10 years from 40 percent of GDP today to a shocking 82.4 percent. (Ronald Reagan left office with the national debt at 42 percent of GDP).

#3. The president’s budget also states that total federal borrowing will grow by $2.7 trillion this year alone, an increase of 27 percent in one year!

#4. The budget President Obama proposes for this year increases federal spending by an incredible 34 percent over the previous year, with a total of $4 trillion in federal spending, the highest ever.

#5. The federal budget deficit (not the national debt) would reach $1.845 trillion this year, according to the CBO, the highest ever. That would be more than seven times Reagan’s largest budget deficit of $221 billion, which caused so much consternation among Reagan’s critics.

#6. The CBO estimates that this Obama budget deficit will total an astounding 13.1 percent of GDP, more than one-eighth of the entire U.S. economy, for the federal budget deficit alone! Under George Bush, the federal deficit for 2008 was 3.2 percent of GDP. The deficit for fiscal year 2007, in the last budget adopted when Congress was controlled by Republican majorities, was $162 billion, or 1.2 percent of GDP.

#7. The Obama budget also includes $1 trillion in tax increases on the upper 5 percent of income earners, mostly tax rate increases. But the top 5 percent of income earners already pays 60 percent of all income taxes.

#8. The Obama budget projects that revenues from the corporate income tax will more than double in 3 years, increasing, in fact, by more than 124 percent.

#9. Another $645 billion tax increase comes from President Obama’s anti-global warming cap and trade system, which is essentially an energy tax on the production and use of carbon energy, such as oil, natural gas, and coal.

#10. While the Obama administration claims to have cut $2 trillion from the budget over 10 years, fully $1.5 trillion of those “cuts” actually represents the troop drawdown in Iraq, which was already scheduled to occur under the Bush administration. Of the remaining $500 billion in budget “savings,” fully $311 billion is categorized as “interest savings” but is actually an additional tax increase on upper income earners.

the only reason he could spend on such libtard packages is your boys screwed up so bad he's getting a free pass on everything.
I agree with you 100% on spending Obama is collecting more than anyone ever asked for in reparations.
But that doesn't change that republicans brought it on.
I agree with you 100% on spending Obama is collecting more than anyone ever asked for in reparations.
But that doesn't change that republicans brought it on.

I'll agree with you Bush spent too much also, but that doesn't excuse the fact that this President and the Democrats in Congress is out of control..
If the Tea Party folks would put their efforts behind the Fair Tax Act (already in congress) and a Balanced Budget Amendment, these problems could be solved.
If the Tea Party folks would put their efforts behind the Fair Tax Act (already in congress) and a Balanced Budget Amendment, these problems could be solved.

I'm sorry but the Fair Tax Act is one of the worst ideas to come along in a while. It's an overt example of regresive taxation and class warfare which gives the wealthy a pass on taxation and shifts the burden of taxation onto the middleclass. The name itself is an oxymoron as there is absolutely nothing fair about it.
I'm sorry but the Fair Tax Act is one of the worst ideas to come along in a while. It's an overt example of regresive taxation and class warfare which gives the wealthy a pass on taxation and shifts the burden of taxation onto the middleclass. The name itself is an oxymoron as there is absolutely nothing fair about it.

Everyone pays the same percentage on every purchase. What could be more fair? There are no more loopholes. There are no more deductions. There are no more ways to avoid taxes.

And all used goods are tax free.

And everything below the poverty line is exempt (you get back).

This is as fair as it gets.
Everyone pays the same percentage on every purchase. What could be more fair? There are no more loopholes. There are no more deductions. There are no more ways to avoid taxes.

And all used goods are tax free.

And everything below the poverty line is exempt (you get back).

This is as fair as it gets.

Because it's regressive after the first $28,000. Above a certain income there's only so many purchases you need to make. This unfair tax scheme squarely shifts the burden of taxation onto the middle class it's a horrible idea and an act of class warfare.

There's only so much food a person or family can eat, clothes, cars and homes to buy. It would affectively make my federal tax rate 30% which is a tax hike on most middle and working class people while it's a very large tax break for the very wealthiest.

The only fair form of taxation is progressive taxation.
Because it's regressive after the first $28,000. Above a certain income there's only so many purchases you need to make. This unfair tax scheme squarely shifts the burden of taxation onto the middle class it's a horrible idea and an act of class warfare.

There's only so much food a person or family can eat, clothes, cars and homes to buy. It would affectively make my federal tax rate 30% which is a tax hike on most middle and working class people while it's a very large tax break for the very wealthiest.

The only fair form of taxation is progressive taxation.

At 23% we could have as much or more income for the federal government as we have now.

This idea that because you make more you have a duty to pay more taxes is ridiculous. The logical extension of that is to tax everyone in such a way as to make everyone have the same net income.

A consumption tax also taxes all the people who pay none now. And does away with the need for us to spend $500 billion on tax compliance. You make $10 an hour and work 40 hours, your paycheck is $400. You have control over your taxes. Anything used or bartered for is tax free.
Because it's regressive after the first $28,000. Above a certain income there's only so many purchases you need to make. This unfair tax scheme squarely shifts the burden of taxation onto the middle class it's a horrible idea and an act of class warfare.

There's only so much food a person or family can eat, clothes, cars and homes to buy. It would affectively make my federal tax rate 30% which is a tax hike on most middle and working class people while it's a very large tax break for the very wealthiest.

The only fair form of taxation is progressive taxation.

Class warfare is when you argue that the rich aren't being punished enough to buy votes.
I'll agree with you Bush spent too much also, but that doesn't excuse the fact that this President and the Democrats in Congress is out of control..

No, they are trying to bring control back, just like Justin brought sexy back!
At 23% we could have as much or more income for the federal government as we have now.
That is based on a very spurious assumption that you would have 100% compliance on paying this VAT.

This idea that because you make more you have a duty to pay more taxes is ridiculous. The logical extension of that is to tax everyone in such a way as to make everyone have the same net income.
It most certainly is not ridiculous. The wealthy disproportionately benefit from government services nor do the produce or obtain wealth in a vacuum. It's absolutely fair to have those who control 75% of the wealth to pay 75% of the tax burden. Consumption taxes are inherently regressive and thus unfair, as they only tax consumption and not income. Those with wealth use a disproportionately lesser amount of income on consumption where as most middle class and working class people spend most of their income on consumption for their daily needs. These "Flat Tax" schemes are grossly unfair as they shift the burden of taxation from those who control most of the wealth to those whom don't, the middle class.

A consumption tax also taxes all the people who pay none now. And does away with the need for us to spend $500 billion on tax compliance. You make $10 an hour and work 40 hours, your paycheck is $400. You have control over your taxes. Anything used or bartered for is tax free.
Again, you're basing it on a 100% compliance on the collection end of this VAT. That's a spurious assumption at best. Even 10% non-compliance would result in serious revenue short falls and the people who pay littel or no taxes are those who can least afford to pay any taxes, the poor.

You want to turn our nation into an Oligarchy of the wealthy this would be a very good step in the right direction.
No, they are trying to bring control back, just like Justin brought sexy back!

so you don't have a problem with passing on this massive dept this administration has already heaped on us in just 60 days ( another HISTORIC first never been done by any President) on to your grandchildren?

it's sad to see some people would rather put party above anything..
so you don't have a problem with passing on this massive dept this administration has already heaped on us in just 60 days ( another HISTORIC first never been done by any President) on to your grandchildren?

it's sad to see some people would rather put party above anything..

Meme, in all seriousness, you may not agree with the economic theory espoused by the stimulus plan & bailouts, but there are plenty of economists that due. The idea is that you jumpstart the economy, so that millions of jobs can be both created & saved. When people have those jobs and are paying taxes instead of collecting unemployment, gov't revenues are much higher than they would be w/ the alternative.

The money spent doesn't exist in a vacuum. The idea is that most of these plans end up paying for themselves over time, and aren't just a "bill" that the next generation pays.

Now, you may not agree w/ the economics of that, but again, there are plenty who do.
Meme, in all seriousness, you may not agree with the economic theory espoused by the stimulus plan & bailouts, but there are plenty of economists that due. The idea is that you jumpstart the economy, so that millions of jobs can be both created & saved. When people have those jobs and are paying taxes instead of collecting unemployment, gov't revenues are much higher than they would be w/ the alternative.

The money spent doesn't exist in a vacuum. The idea is that most of these plans end up paying for themselves over time, and aren't just a "bill" that the next generation pays.

Now, you may not agree w/ the economics of that, but again, there are plenty who do.

AND, there are as many economist who say this is going to do nothing but put us in such a deep hole it could take a miracle to get us out..

and how many jobs were lost this month? so that job saving bs you all spew is just that, spew..

Of course you would agree with anything this administration does, they are Progressive also, if not full blown Commies..
AND, there are as many economist who say this is going to do nothing but put us in such a deep hole it could take a miracle to get us out..

and how many jobs were lost this month? so that job saving bs you all spew is just that, spew..

Of course you would agree with anything this administration does, they are Progressive also, if not full blown Commies..

It undermines your argument to use the figures from this past month; most of those layoffs were planned by corporations before the stimulus even passed.

There was a good article on CNN this morning about jobs being created already in a variety of sectors through the stimulus. I'm not putting out a banner saying "it's working!" yet, but if you look at economic fundamentals, there are promising signs over the past few weeks.

I won't deny it's a bit of a crapshoot, but, in my opinion & that of many in the economic field, doing nothing, or not going the stimulus route, would have been much more risky.
It undermines your argument to use the figures from this past month; most of those layoffs were planned by corporations before the stimulus even passed.

There was a good article on CNN this morning about jobs being created already in a variety of sectors through the stimulus. I'm not putting out a banner saying "it's working!" yet, but if you look at economic fundamentals, there are promising signs over the past few weeks.

I won't deny it's a bit of a crapshoot, but, in my opinion & that of many in the economic field, doing nothing, or not going the stimulus route, would have been much more risky.

The Cnn (commie news network) would say anything to save this administration's ass..

You think Bush's cowboy diplomacy was bad, Obama has gone to Europe and blame our country, us people in the United States for all the ills that has happened in the world..not only that, he just went and BOWED to a leader of the middle east..I'm just sick at heart watching this..Obama hates us, he hates this country (unless he thinks he can turn it into some socialist paradise), he does really believe we are a bunch of ignorant, gun loving, bible thumpers.. and he is taking us down where he thinks we should be..

I am so thoroughly disgusted...
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The Cnn (commie news network) would say anything to save this administration's ass..

You think Bush's cowboy diplomacy was bad, Obama has gone to Europe and blame our country, us people in the United States for all the ills that has happened in the world..not only that, he just went and BOWED to a leader of the middle east..I'm just sick at heart watching this..Obama hates us, he hates this country (unless he thinks he can turn it into some socialist paradise), then he might like us.., and he is taking us down where he thinks we should be..

I am so thoroughly disgusted...

Look, you're a hater; you have to realize that. Everything you see is through the hater filter. I'm not trying to be derogatory; there were certainly plenty of Bush haters in the last admin.

Obama definitely doesn't hate the country, and has had a pretty successful trip abroad so far, by most non-hater standards. Who did he bow to? You realize not all middle east countries are enemies, correct?

We're also not socialist, and in no danger of becoming so. He's doing his best to save the economy; there is no ulterior motive here. The course he's taking is basically what his economic advisors - who have been widely criticized by many ultra-liberals - have recommended.