Ten Tax Facts for Tax Day Tea Parties

The biggest problem is the idea that the government needs more and more money. It needs to be cut back severely. It needs to reduce and then reduce some more. And it needs to spend what it takes in and no more.

You can't just blame that on Goverment. We, the public, are just as much, if not more so, to blame. Politicians represent us and all politicians are for reducing government spending and waste.......until it affects a program that's important to their constituents and then we constituents, when it's a program that's important to us, scream and howl!

So part of the problem is the American public having to accept that popular programs will have to have their spending reduced or even eliminated. You can't blame the politicians in government for this, there just doing what politicians do, getting eleted/re-elected.

But inherently unfair regressive tax schemes that shift the burden of taxation from those who control most of the wealth to those we can leas afford it is hardly a solution to the problem. Naa give up on the oxymoronic fair tax scheme, it's DOA.
Ahahah, I like you 3D, but it is true, I am down home, unpolished and admire the shit out of Jim Hightower's honesty and agree with him most of the time, since my philosophies match his and he claims to be a populist and I investigated it for myself. I am indeed a, 53 year old, female, former young Republican, former Catholic, former Democrat, mother of four, grandmother of two, daughter, sister and wife, aunt and friend, cancer survivor and sappy liberal, now a populist and proud of it.

Well, the populists in the 19th Century such as Jackson and Bryant succeeded in wrecking the American Republic. Contemporary populists such as Huckabee and Glen Beck also piss me off, because they appeal to the ignorant masses.

Anyway, you have quite a list up there, so I will just go for the important one and say "come on back into the Church!" :clink:
Well, the populists in the 19th Century such as Jackson and Bryant succeeded in wrecking the American Republic. Contemporary populists such as Huckabee and Glen Beck also piss me off, because they appeal to the ignorant masses.

Anyway, you have quite a list up there, so I will just go for the important one and say "come on back into the Church!" :clink:

I am more like the sweeheart Jim Hightower, good old girl!
No thanks, churches aren't for me, too stuffy and hypocritical, I would rather find wonder in nature!
If the Tea Party folks would put their efforts behind the Fair Tax Act (already in congress) and a Balanced Budget Amendment, these problems could be solved.

While I like the Fair Tax over the current system, I would prefer a flat tax with a standard deduction. It is easy to understand, fair and progressive.
That is based on a very spurious assumption that you would have 100% compliance on paying this VAT.

It most certainly is not ridiculous. The wealthy disproportionately benefit from government services nor do the produce or obtain wealth in a vacuum. It's absolutely fair to have those who control 75% of the wealth to pay 75% of the tax burden. Consumption taxes are inherently regressive and thus unfair, as they only tax consumption and not income. Those with wealth use a disproportionately lesser amount of income on consumption where as most middle class and working class people spend most of their income on consumption for their daily needs. These "Flat Tax" schemes are grossly unfair as they shift the burden of taxation from those who control most of the wealth to those whom don't, the middle class.

Again, you're basing it on a 100% compliance on the collection end of this VAT. That's a spurious assumption at best. Even 10% non-compliance would result in serious revenue short falls and the people who pay littel or no taxes are those who can least afford to pay any taxes, the poor.

You want to turn our nation into an Oligarchy of the wealthy this would be a very good step in the right direction.

I agree that you cannot have a flat tax without a high standard deduction. But to say that the flat tax doesn't work in general is an over reach.

Let us push for the flat tax with a standard deduction and nothing more.

Start with a standard deduction of $30k (adjusted for inflation annually) for each adult and then tax every dollar over that $30k at 20%. This is simple, easy to understand, fair and progressive. It protects the low-income individuals and couples from paying federal income taxes. It provides the middle-income families a lower effective tax rate than the wealthy. This plan would encompass ALL income, including earned income, capital gains and dividend income.

A person making $30k pays an effective rate of 0%.

A person making $50k pays an effective rate of 8%.

A person making $100k pays an effective rate of 14%.

A person making $200k pays en effective rate of 17%.

A person making $1mm pays an effective rate of 19.4%

Everyone has the same deduction and takes it. Which causes the effective tax rate to increase the more you make.

To reduce the national debt I would propose we add an additional temporary bracket to the flat tax. Every dollar over $1 million (again adjusted for inflation annually) would be taxed at 30% rather than 20%. The additional 10% would be mandated to pay down the debt.
It is our responsibility to pay our own way and not dump trillions of dollars of debt on future generations. We need to begin electing leaders that are fiscally responsible. The future of our nation depends upon it. We are our own worst enemy. It will be our ever-increasing debt that leads to our demise. We must act now.