Ten Tax Facts for Tax Day Tea Parties

Look, you're a hater; you have to realize that. Everything you see is through the hater filter. I'm not trying to be derogatory; there were certainly plenty of Bush haters in the last admin.

Obama definitely doesn't hate the country, and has had a pretty successful trip abroad so far, by most non-hater standards. Who did he bow to? You realize not all middle east countries are enemies, correct?

We're also not socialist, and in no danger of becoming so. He's doing his best to save the economy; there is no ulterior motive here. The course he's taking is basically what his economic advisors - who have been widely criticized by many ultra-liberals - have recommended.

I'm not a hater, and you continually calling me one still won't make it so.. as some of you disliked President Bush, I just have a very strong dislike for this one and his socialist agenda..I not only have a dislike of him as our President, but I don't like him as person..He's cold, uncaring, and thinks his shit doesn't stink, and I also believe he is dangerous to us and doesn't care unless we are made into what he thinks we are suppose to be....... I've been around long enough to see many Presidents and I'm just calling it like I see it..you can call me whatever you like..it wont change the the way I feel, and if you don't like what I say, tuff..
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AND, there are as many economist who say this is going to do nothing but put us in such a deep hole it could take a miracle to get us out..

and how many jobs were lost this month? so that job saving bs you all spew is just that, spew..

Of course you would agree with anything this administration does, they are Progressive also, if not full blown Commies..

Those same economists who said everything was just fine till it wasn't?
Obama isn't as close to the Saudis as bu$h is so it wasn't appropriate to kiss the sheik on the mouth and walk around holding hands with him like bu$h did.

The Cnn (commie news network) would say anything to save this administration's ass..

You think Bush's cowboy diplomacy was bad, Obama has gone to Europe and blame our country, us people in the United States for all the ills that has happened in the world..not only that, he just went and BOWED to a leader of the middle east..I'm just sick at heart watching this..Obama hates us, he hates this country (unless he thinks he can turn it into some socialist paradise), he does really believe we are a bunch of ignorant, gun loving, bible thumpers.. and he is taking us down where he thinks we should be..

I am so thoroughly disgusted...
That is based on a very spurious assumption that you would have 100% compliance on paying this VAT.

It most certainly is not ridiculous. The wealthy disproportionately benefit from government services nor do the produce or obtain wealth in a vacuum. It's absolutely fair to have those who control 75% of the wealth to pay 75% of the tax burden. Consumption taxes are inherently regressive and thus unfair, as they only tax consumption and not income. Those with wealth use a disproportionately lesser amount of income on consumption where as most middle class and working class people spend most of their income on consumption for their daily needs. These "Flat Tax" schemes are grossly unfair as they shift the burden of taxation from those who control most of the wealth to those whom don't, the middle class.

Again, you're basing it on a 100% compliance on the collection end of this VAT. That's a spurious assumption at best. Even 10% non-compliance would result in serious revenue short falls and the people who pay littel or no taxes are those who can least afford to pay any taxes, the poor.

You want to turn our nation into an Oligarchy of the wealthy this would be a very good step in the right direction.

It will certainly be easier to get 100% with this tax than with the current tax system.

No, money is not made in a vacuum. When these people make their money they create jobs for the masses and they provide goods and services for the public. The idea of taxing them vastly more is more like punishment than anything.

Also, a consumption tax allows some control over what taxation you have. Spend less and you are taxed less. Buy used items and you are taxed less.

And when people save money we are ALL better off. They are less at the mercy of fluctuations in their lives and there is more money available to be loaned.

And the money that the wealthy do not spend (aqnd get taxed on) does not go into a vacuum either. It is saved (and therefore loaned out), it is invested, and it works for them and for others.

The biggest problem is the idea that the government needs more and more money. It needs to be cut back severely. It needs to reduce and then reduce some more. And it needs to spend what it takes in and no more.
Obama isn't as close to the Saudis as bu$h is so it wasn't appropriate to kiss the sheik on the mouth and walk around holding hands with him like bu$h did.

I didn't like it when Bush cozied up to the Saudis either and I let him know it....but at least he didn't go oversees and say our country and it's people were the fault for everything that is wrong in the world..and that our country and it's people can be "arrogant". like they aren't over there..

I'm not happy with the Republicans either..it's almost time for pitchforks..

tea bags for now, pitchforks next..
I'm not a hater, and you continually calling me one still won't make it so.. as some of you disliked President Bush, I just have a very strong dislike for this one and his socialist agenda..I not only have a dislike of him as our President, but I don't like him as person..He's cold, uncaring, and thinks his shit doesn't stink, and I also believe he is dangerous to us and doesn't care unless we are made into what he thinks we are suppose to be....... I've been around long enough to see many Presidents and I'm just calling it like I see it..you can call me whatever you like..it wont change the the way I feel, and if you don't like what I say, tuff..

Cold and uncaring, oh, come on meme, how on Earth did you come to that conclusion, he is very charismatic, smiles, and appears to be genuine, he is anything but cold and uncaring, that description didn't even fit Bush, Cheney, now he was one mean looking, grouchy faced duck hunter!
Cold and uncaring, oh, come on meme, how on Earth did you come to that conclusion, he is very charismatic, smiles, and appears to be genuine, he is anything but cold and uncaring, that description didn't even fit Bush, Cheney, now he was one mean looking, grouchy faced duck hunter!

blaa Bush blaa Bush blaa Bush blaaaa
I don't think I've seen you answer one post without throwing Bush in it..
I was just answering you back..Bush

I gave him a compliment, I guess one can't even do that with you. You are rather touchy and I thought you hadn't read that much of me just a few post ago and now I don't answer without throwing Bush in, I think you are judging me too soon and Bush still is still fodder for discussion and will be for some time to come. You better grow a thicker skin if you plan to stay here.
I gave him a compliment, I guess one can't even do that with you. You are rather touchy and I thought you hadn't read that much of me just a few post ago and now I don't answer without throwing Bush in, I think you are judging me too soon and Bush still is still fodder for discussion and will be for some time to come. You better grow a thicker skin if you plan to stay here.

so you don't have a problem with passing on this massive dept this administration has already heaped on us in just 60 days ( another HISTORIC first never been done by any President) on to your grandchildren?

it's sad to see some people would rather put party above anything..

I am not affiliated with any party. I am a populist. The steps that are now being taken to prevent our nation from going under are necessary after Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, and out last president, he who shall not be named because it angers some of the posters on here that his name is still brought up by concerned US citizens! I have been worried first about my children and now about my grandchildren for sometime now. I talked about the housing bubble and one of our esteemed posters, Cawacko use to laugh at me. You are very wuick t judge others.
I am not affiliated with any party. I am a populist. The steps that are now being taken to prevent our nation from going under are necessary after Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, and out last president, he who shall not be named because it angers some of the posters on here that his name is still brought up by concerned US citizens! I have been worried first about my children and now about my grandchildren for sometime now. I talked about the housing bubble and one of our esteemed posters, Cawacko use to laugh at me. You are very wuick t judge others.

You shouldn't say things like that about yourself. Whatever you've done, it probably isn't bad enough to be called a populist!?!

And Reagan, Bush 41, and Clinton had to clean up after the messes of LBJ, Nixon and Carter.
I am not affiliated with any party. I am a populist. The steps that are now being taken to prevent our nation from going under are necessary after Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, and out last president, he who shall not be named because it angers some of the posters on here that his name is still brought up by concerned US citizens! I have been worried first about my children and now about my grandchildren for sometime now. I talked about the housing bubble and one of our esteemed posters, Cawacko use to laugh at me. You are very wuick t judge others.

quick judging others is a old bartender habit..you get really good at it though..you are fairly levelheaded, so I'll see if I was to quick to judge you later..nite
You shouldn't say things like that about yourself. Whatever you've done, it probably isn't bad enough to be called a populist!?!

And Reagan, Bush 41, and Clinton had to clean up after the messes of LBJ, Nixon and Carter.

Ahahah, I like you 3D, but it is true, I am down home, unpolished and admire the shit out of Jim Hightower's honesty and agree with him most of the time, since my philosophies match his and he claims to be a populist and I investigated it for myself. I am indeed a, 53 year old, female, former young Republican, former Catholic, former Democrat, mother of four, grandmother of two, daughter, sister and wife, aunt and friend, cancer survivor and sappy liberal, now a populist and proud of it.