Terroists, The AIP and Palin

The IQ of the whole state of Nevada is lower by 10 pts cause you are there.
This is lower than swiftboating, but your a lowclass retard so it's expected.
It's funny to, so thanks:clink:


Desh is a prime example of why we need to increase spending on mental health.
So you dont think that she could have signed on to both parties or that the Rs could fix the books to protect her?

LOL! You know Desh the truth is right in front of you but you are free to believe whatever you want. But save us having to hear you say that others don't want "facts".

The other irony is yesterday you wanted factcheck.org to check Palin's speech. Here factcheck.org is exsposing lies told about Palin including one's you are saying and you don't believe it.
My guess is the person who claims to "know" she was a member would show some type of evidence of such. Membership forms, registration card etc....


OK SF, don't start that fucking shit of asking for simple proof, like evidence. You know damn well that anything posted on a web site or blog is the God's honest truth.
Do you really think the R party would not fix the paperwork for her?


please... so you have no evidence at all and you want us to believe it is because the Reps somehow magically were able to make the evidence disappear?

I know... lets pretend the WMDs really WERE in Iraq, but the Dems went in and carted them off to MA so that the Reps would look bad.
So why doesnt she sue the leader of the AIP for defemation of charactor?
Did you know that stuff put out against a candidate for office, whether factual or not, is protected and therefore she couldn't sue? Apparently not.
Are you sugesting she cant do more than one thing at a time?

If it is so important for her to distance herself from this group then she better get crackin'.
I think she gives it exactly the amount of importance necessary.
The Alaskan Independence Party's goal is the vote we were entitled to in 1958, one choice from among the following four alternatives:
1) Remain a Territory.
2) Become a separate and Independent Nation.
3) Accept Commonwealth status.
4) Become a State.
Obama went to a church that is 1,000 times worse.
Doesn't mean he wouldn't be 1,000 times better than Bush.
Adults stick to policy, morons dig up talking points
Obama went to a church that is 1,000 times worse.
Doesn't mean he wouldn't be 1,000 times better than Bush.
Adults stick to policy, morons dig up talking points

well , well, well

You just made a liar out of yourself.