Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

The court in Roe v. Wade disagreed with you on this point, and the current court agrees with you. That said, YOU haven't got any authority or say so over what the Constitution says or does not say. We, THE PEOPLE, through our elective representatives, have decided that the courts are the arbiters of the Constitution. Don't like it? Get the fuck out.

ROFL. i'm sorry that you feel incompetent and incapable of reading and understanding your own Constitution, so much so that you need 9 black robed tyrants to tell you what it means. I'm also sorry that you feel so ashamed over it that you need to angrily defend your incompetency.

In case you haven't heard, Roe v Wade was overturned. Also, for WE THE PEOPLE to surrender more power to the courts, it would take a Constitutional amendment. That didn't happen, but something that we the people CAN do, is take power back from the government that they've unlawfully usurped through jury nullification.....unless you believe that this is a right too easily abused and you take that away from yourself now?
ROFL. i'm sorry that you feel incompetent and incapable of reading and understanding your own Constitution, so much so that you need 9 black robed tyrants to tell you what it means. I'm also sorry that you feel so ashamed over it that you need to angrily defend your incompetency.

In case you haven't heard, Roe v Wade was overturned. Also, for WE THE PEOPLE to surrender more power to the courts, it would take a Constitutional amendment. That didn't happen, but something that we the people CAN do, is take power back from the government that they've unlawfully usurped through jury nullification.....unless you believe that this is a right too easily abused and you take that away from yourself now?

Can you read, dipshit? I said that Roe v. Wade was overturned. You claim the court has no power. They do. So deal with it or get the fuck out. Or pick up a weapon and do something about it, you spineless coward.

If you believe the Constitution says one thing, and I believe it says something else, there must be an arbiter. Remove the arbiter and we have chaos. I'm sorry you don't accept that SCOTUS is that arbiter, but tough shit. YOU have zero say so. Want to change it? Either vote or revolt. Or maybe just shut the fuck up.
You're side keep crying that we are racist and inhumane. You want them, you take them. Your side caused this mess, you should deal with it. Sadly. it's us taxpayers who are getting screwed.

Sorry, but your side refused to let the government do that, so fuck you, cruiser.
Can you read, dipshit? I said that Roe v. Wade was overturned. You claim the court has no power. They do. So deal with it or get the fuck out. Or pick up a weapon and do something about it, you spineless coward.
so you'll bow to anyone with superior firepower? interesting.

If you believe the Constitution says one thing, and I believe it says something else, there must be an arbiter. Remove the arbiter and we have chaos. I'm sorry you don't accept that SCOTUS is that arbiter, but tough shit. YOU have zero say so. Want to change it? Either vote or revolt. Or maybe just shut the fuck up.
I have all the say I need to have.............especially in numbers. so maybe suck my ass. you cannot, and will not, stop us.
so you'll bow to anyone with superior firepower? interesting.

I have all the say I need to have.............especially in numbers. so maybe suck my ass. you cannot, and will not, stop us.

ROTFLMFAO!!! Keyboard warriors, ASSEMBLE!!! You are a feckless little punk that thinks he's a tough guy because you have a gun. We are laughing at you dumb fucks shooting your guns in the woods. Good luck. Now shut the fuck up and DO something instead of being a coward. Have at it, loser.
ROTFLMFAO!!! Keyboard warriors, ASSEMBLE!!! You are a feckless little punk that thinks he's a tough guy because you have a gun. We are laughing at you dumb fucks shooting your guns in the woods. Good luck. Now shut the fuck up and DO something instead of being a coward. Have at it, loser.
You should stop hiding behind YOUR keyboard and tell him that in person between your Uber Eats runs.
Can you read, dipshit? I said that Roe v. Wade was overturned. You claim the court has no power. They do. So deal with it or get the fuck out. Or pick up a weapon and do something about it, you spineless coward.

If you believe the Constitution says one thing, and I believe it says something else, there must be an arbiter. Remove the arbiter and we have chaos. I'm sorry you don't accept that SCOTUS is that arbiter, but tough shit. YOU have zero say so. Want to change it? Either vote or revolt. Or maybe just shut the fuck up.

Trumpers, being anti-women, support Roe v. Wade being overturned and a federal ban on abortions.
Apparently, it hasn't been killed. Still, only 16% goes to protecting our borders. That ain't enough.
If true, then why hasn't the bill passed?

The fact remains that Trump wants this as a campaign issue and ordered the bill killed until closer to the election so he can weaponize it.