Texas officially a coat hanger abortion state in landmark SCOTUS record distance punt

Opposition to abortion is based on the American protestant and Catholic American versions of religion.

It is not directly tethered to science, ethics, morals or philosophy. It is rooted in the concept of the existence
of a human soul or spirit. The women of the United States should not have to be forced by someone's religious beliefs into forgoing medical care.

Until you can unroot the fallacious and factless concept of a magical ghost plopping out of the sky the second sperm #2, (the lucky one)
penetrates the egg from some sort of unlimited bank of soul ghosts, you can't have a rational discussion with them about actual biological
bases for determining the arbitrary length of time before a fetus is endowed with its own right to life such that a state may act to protect it
from a woman's decision to abort a pregnancy.

A religion-ectomy is required before any rational discourse about anything. Until then, abortion opponents are being dishonest about their intent
at the intellectual negotiation table.

Well, no, crackhead, I'm not going to try to chase your drug addled swiss cheese brain down a rabbit hole to hell. I am not going to need an abortion anytime soon. Every woman who wants to get one should be able to get one. That's the position. It isn't hard to understand except for lobotomized bitches like you.

Then let the adults discuss!
Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO

I am amused by arguments claiming that women are too stupid to use birth control. Or that killing an unborn child is better than adoption. Then there is always the claim that the very slight risk of rape or incest requires an unquestioned abortion on demand mentality. :palm:
Probably the most important news story going and nobody even comments.

Wrong again. The most important news story is Lyin Biden's failure at the Southern border. Next would be Afghanistan. But the piece d'resistance will be burying future generations in a massive economy killing $5 trillion boondoggle. :thumbsup:
There is no constitutional right to murder the unborn child.

Abortion existed in our early days. it existed back in Roman and Greek days. It was always there and the founders did not say anything, therefore you can think they approved. The right to privacy and the ability to act without government power were fundamental. You guys love government in people's personal lives. You want the government to punish doctors. You want the ability to sue people who help a person in need, even a driver to the clinic. You want to punish anyone you can construe into being involved. That is a push for totalitarian government control over people's lives. It is a blow for the biggest and most intrusive police state ever.