Texas officially a coat hanger abortion state in landmark SCOTUS record distance punt

6 and 8, Nobody is forcing anyone have babies, the root cause is way before that dimwit. No one forced them to get pregnant

Typical chickenshit non-answer to evade the question.

If frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their ass when they hop.

Coulda-shoulda-woulda is not an answer.

How many babies given up for adoption rather than be aborted are you and your fellow hypocrite "Christian" conservatives going to either adopt or provide foster homes for?

Don't bother answering because we all know.

Typical chickenshit non-answer to evade the question.

If frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their ass when they hop.

Coulda-shoulda-woulda is not an answer.

How many babies given up for adoption rather than be aborted are you and your fellow hypocrite "Christian" conservatives going to either adopt or provide foster homes for?

Don't bother answering because we all know.


if people use protection they don't get pregnant moron, damn you have to be the biggest fucking idiot on this board
if people use protection they don't get pregnant moron, damn you have to be the biggest fucking idiot on this board

Still doesn't address the point.

Living babies will be born whose mothers, whatever you might think of them, will give them up to the state and they will have no parents to care for them.

Seems to me that the right-wing Bible thumper morons who are behind all this crap ought to put their money where their mouths are and step up ff they really cared about babies the ay they claim.

Adopt or foster these babies.

But we all know they won't.

Damn you have to be the biggest fucking idiot on this board.
Still doesn't address the point.

Living babies will be born whose mothers, whatever you might think of them, will give them up to the state and they will have no parents to care for them.

Seems to me that the right-wing Bible thumper morons who are behind all this crap ought to put their money where their mouths are and step up ff they really cared about babies the ay they claim.

Adopt or foster these babies.

But we all know they won't.

Damn you have to be the biggest fucking idiot on this board.

there are millions of people waiting to adopt, we know 4 couples that took babies from other heritage because the could not find a white baby that was available. Gloom and doom has always been the motto for dumb democrats

not surprised you would rather kill them, you are probably that sorry bastard that throws bags of puppies in creeks
They are not saying you must birth a child, you have 6 weeks, and if one does not get pregnant it is a non issue. How about asking women to be responsible for once?

You are delusional. You play golf? You play the ball as it lies, not where you want it to be with the help of your toe wedge while your conscience is taking its frequent nap.

In the relationship between men and women, which party is more driven to putt and run. Which to create a "family values" family?

Answer that and admit the power disparity between sexes with average people in the US before proceeding.

Which is responsible for the car crash, the foot on the peddle, or the one on the brake? Get the fuckl outta town with this "parity" shit.

If your daughter had a growing sack of cells in her belly that was going to be an eternal liability to her and you could prevent it, after some pushy asshole
with greedy drunk hands who weighs 70 pounds more than your daughter does, and who knocked her up with no promises (or lies), and who walked away the next day, I'm guessing you might feel a little bit differently about when a "person" exists. Asshole fucking Trumfucking idiot.

Kill yourself. Do it now while you are thinking about it. Strike while the iron is hot. Remember, when you murder yourself it is a mercy killing.
there are millions of people waiting to adopt, we know 4 couples that took babies from other heritage because the could not find a white baby that was available. Gloom and doom has always been the motto for dumb democrats

not surprised you would rather kill them, you are probably that sorry bastard that throws bags of puppies in creeks

You are delusional. You play golf? You play the ball as it lies, not where you want it to be with the help of your toe wedge while your conscience is taking its frequent nap.

In the relationship between men and women, which party is more driven to putt and run. Which to create a "family values" family?

Answer that and admit the power disparity between sexes with average people in the US before proceeding.

Which is responsible for the car crash, the foot on the peddle, or the one on the brake? Get the fuckl outta town with this "parity" shit.

If your daughter had a growing sack of cells in her belly that was going to be an eternal liability to her and you could prevent it, after some pushy asshole
with greedy drunk hands who weighs 70 pounds more than your daughter does, and who knocked her up with no promises (or lies), and who walked away the next day, I'm guessing you might feel a little bit differently about when a "person" exists. Asshole fucking Trumfucking idiot.

Kill yourself. Do it now while you are thinking about it. Strike while the iron is hot. Remember, when you murder yourself it is a mercy killing.

golf is for gay people, hit a ball and go look for it, fuck that. The rest of your statement is stupid shit, if she never spreads her legs, nothing happens, that is the true meaning of my body my choice and they fuck it up from the start
golf is for gay people, hit a ball and go look for it, fuck that. The rest of your statement is stupid shit, if she never spreads her legs, nothing happens, that is the true meaning of my body my choice and they fuck it up from the start

you are right, they could try using that useless piece of meat between their ears and not get pregnant. thank you

Why are you too chicken shit to address my point?

The hypocrite Bible thumper conservatives who've been shitting their diapers over abortion for decades because they supposedly "care about the poor innocent little babies" but ask them to go out and adopt a couple or become foster parents and they've got every excuse in the book as to why they can't.

Then they sidestep the issue with a lot of coulda-shoulda-woulda bullshit about abstinence.

Well DUH.

Abstinence and birth control would work but when it's not happening babies happen.

Why don't you scum be honest about what you really want which is to punish girls and women for having sex with guys who aren't you.
golf is for gay people, hit a ball and go look for it, fuck that. The rest of your statement is stupid shit, if she never spreads her legs, nothing happens, that is the true meaning of my body my choice and they fuck it up from the start

Kill yourself. Do it now while you are thinking about it. Strike while the iron is hot. Remember, when you murder yourself it is a mercy killing.
You are OK with the Federal Government mandating all soldiers get vaccinated for COVID.

Diesel, don't apologize for being gay.
I don't apologize for being straight.
You have every right to be what you are,
and only social neanderthals would say otherwise.

No straight person, however, would ever choose that avatar. That's obvious.
It's a screaming announcement that you're gay, so why back down now?
You don't have to.

But in the possibility that you actually are a sexually active straight person,
NOBODY is going to believe it as long as you use that avatar.

He's looking for rough trade, isn't that obvious?
Into the Night Soil

So you support murder for convenience. Gotit.

You should concentrate on your daily masturbation work-out and give up trying to understand simple concepts.

Again- 'Pro Life ' is not a belief. It's a slogan. It's a slogan uttered by control-freak males who support gun-ownership, military aggression, capital punishment and euthanasia.
' My body- my choice ' is not a slogan. It's a belief.
golf is for gay people, hit a ball and go look for it, fuck that. The rest of your statement is stupid shit, if she never spreads her legs, nothing happens, that is the true meaning of my body my choice and they fuck it up from the start

You really are an inferior life-form, aincha.

Haw, haw.................................haw.
Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO

Actually Texas dudes who knock of up their own kids in terms incest should be coat hangered as in getting their male tubes tied.