Texas officially a coat hanger abortion state in landmark SCOTUS record distance punt

Well, we all notice who screams loudest about unborn babies. Insecure, weak men. And their feckless bitches. It takes a special kind of psychopath to tell another person whether or not she is allowed to grow a baby inside her body.

Gee if it were just that simple!

Haw, haw, haw, haw..................................haw. Haw.
If what were that simple? Try to use English, you dickless dropout.

Well since you are a gay idiot let me mansplain this to you! See, that body inside her is a human being, understand so far? We actual human beings, believe that it should not be as simple as, oh shit I got drunk had unprotected sex, and now I need to kill it instead of being accountable for my actions, keeping up pumpkin? That goes for both parties. However, men do not receive equal protection under the law for that child, that is equally theirs, that is a problem. Also men should not be allowed to abandon those children and make society raise them and pay for them, they must be forced to pay for those children or go to jail. These deterrents would certainly help people make better decisions. No Abortion, men and women must be responsible for that child!
Well since you are a gay idiot let me mansplain this to you! See, that body inside her is a human being, understand so far? We actual human beings, believe that it should not be as simple as, oh shit I got drunk had unprotected sex, and now I need to kill it instead of being accountable for my actions, keeping up pumpkin? That goes for both parties. However, men do not receive equal protection under the law for that child, that is equally theirs, that is a problem. Also men should not be allowed to abandon those children and make society raise them and pay for them, they must be forced to pay for those children or go to jail. These deterrents would certainly help people make better decisions. No Abortion, men and women must be responsible for that child!

Oh, gotcha. But no. Abortions for all for any reason at any time!
I am opening a BBQ Baby Ribs restaurant. 10% discount to those who have sued. Must bring lawsuit paperwork as proof.
You're A gay mistake. Keep your perversion to yourself.

I'm not gay. I also get laid. All the time. You're so jealous I can smell your stanky, kielbasa, sauerkraut ass through my monitor. You're an ugly, fat virgin who jerks off to racist propaganda. I really hope a brother murders you.