Texas officially a coat hanger abortion state in landmark SCOTUS record distance punt

Better than ripping a perfectly viable human being fro the womb you ghoul!

OK. So abstention will work for you. I have noticed that many people have sex. Abstention is not the answer. It simply has not and never will work,..So try and offer a real option. That one is childishly foolish.
OK. So abstention will work for you. I have noticed that many people have sex. Abstention is not the answer. It simply has not and never will work,..So try and offer a real option. That one is childishly foolish.

So birth control doesn't work and isn't readily available? Not to mention the fact that murder is murder no matter how you try to dress it up!
That ^^^^^ is the first time I've ever seen ANYONE post that and I have NEVER heard anyone say it aloud.

Just more stinky rwnj shit your kind pulls out if your asses when convenient.

oh bull shit. there are at least a dozen lefties here, and I believe that includes you, that have said on this board on gun laws and 2nd Amendment that 'no right is absolute', that all rights are regulated and have been forever............

so stop your fucking lying
The Texas law will not stop abortion. It just drives it underground where it is more dangerous and expensive.. We did this once before. Some of us remember that abortion was the talk of teenagers. It was the theme of books and movies. It became front and center in the news.
Welcome to the times of desperate girls who do not have family money and will self abort. This works out badly. So much suffering has been started by the Supremes.

and just like you tyrants want to jail us gun owners for skirting laws, those who do underground abortions can go to jail..........
we adopted two from our housekeeper that died prematurely, they are grown and have kids of their own

So you didn't go out and adopt babies that were given up by their mothers rather than be aborted.

Which still makes you and your kind hypocrites.

You piss and moan about the poor little "babies" who've never taken a breath of air or witnessed the world outside the womb through their eyes, but when it comes to forcing women to give birth to actual living babies, you're happy to let them fend for themselves.

Classic virtue signaling hypocrisy.
Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO

rich white women can still get abortions
oh bull shit. there are at least a dozen lefties here, and I believe that includes you, that have said on this board on gun laws and 2nd Amendment that 'no right is absolute', that all rights are regulated and have been forever............

so stop your fucking lying

I have never uttered those words in my life.

What I have sad is that a Constitutional amendment that was written in the 18th or 19th century and pertains to man made objects that were subject to the technology of the day, should be updated to reflect the changes in not only the technology that produces those objects, but their effect on society as well.

Nobody with an ounce of brains in their skull would believe that if the Founding Fathers had had a crystal ball and could see the level of gun related violence and mayhem that is occurring today, that they would not have worded the 2nd Amendment differently in order to place some kind of common sense restrictions on gun ownership that would have still allowed a WELL REGULATED MILITIA to protect our fledgling democracy from the tyranny of British rule.

Any other speculation to the contrary, is just more of the same old trigger-licker, barrel-stroker, right-wing bullshit.
I have never uttered those words in my life.

What I have sad is that a Constitutional amendment that was written in the 18th or 19th century and pertains to man made objects that were subject to the technology of the day, should be updated to reflect the changes in not only the technology that produces those objects, but their effect on society as well.

Nobody with an ounce of brains in their skull would believe that if the Founding Fathers had had a crystal ball and could see the level of gun related violence and mayhem that is occurring today, that they would not have worded the 2nd Amendment differently in order to place some kind of common sense restrictions on gun ownership that would have still allowed a WELL REGULATED MILITIA to protect our fledgling democracy from the tyranny of British rule.

Any other speculation to the contrary, is just more of the same old trigger-licker, barrel-stroker, right-wing bullshit.

speculate is the only thing you did on that post............because you can provide ZERO evidence of any kind that they would change their minds after their experience with the king of england. I, however, have provided DOZENS of pieces of historical evidence that proves my position.
speculate is the only thing you did on that post............because you can provide ZERO evidence of any kind that they would change their minds after their experience with the king of england. I, however, have provided DOZENS of pieces of historical evidence that proves my position.


The next step is for the federal govt to TAX all registered Republicans to PAY FOR THE TRANSPORTATION of pregnant women who want an abortion, to another state where they are legal.
The next step is for the federal govt to TAX all registered Republicans to PAY FOR THE TRANSPORTATION of pregnant women who want an abortion, to another state where they are legal.

As soon as you democrats pay all the reparations for slavery.