Texas officially a coat hanger abortion state in landmark SCOTUS record distance punt


Hello Micawber,

Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO

Abortion for the rich who can travel for it, forced birth for the poor who cannot.

Texas Republicans seem to be doing all they can to produce more Democratic voters.

Maybe not the smartest move for party power in the barely red and moving blue state.

But then, hey, we are talking about 'personal freedom' Republicans...
Hello Nordberg,

Our history shows that you cannot stop abortion. You can drive it underground where it is less safe. We had back-alley abortions sought for by desperate women when abortion was illegal in America. Some died from mishandling. Sometimes they were just beaten and robbed by a conman. Some were killed for the money.
Girls also did self-abortion which worked out as well. They believed what they were told and attempted to end the pregnancy. Of course, that resulted in women dying or self crippling.
Imposing your religious and moral authority on those who do not share them does not work out well. Desperate people take desperate measures.

Thankfully, better options exist now.

People will either travel for an abortion or get the morning after pill by mail.

This new law is dumb. The rich can afford medical tourism. The poor cannot.
The only problem anyone has with abortion in this country is this. Most wish liberals who wanted it would have had the decency to practice it more. Would have been much less problems in this country. Just this board alone proves that.
Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO

Murder by coat hangar is still murder.
Our history shows that you cannot stop abortion. You can drive it underground where it is less safe. We had back-alley abortions sought for by desperate women when abortion was illegal in America. Some died from mishandling. Sometimes they were just beaten and robbed by a conman. Some were killed for the money.
Girls also did self-abortion which worked out as well. They believed what they were told and attempted to end the pregnancy. Of course, that resulted in women dying or self crippling.
Imposing your religious and moral authority on those who do not share them does not work out well. Desperate people take desperate measures.

You cannot stop murder either. Is that okay?
Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO

Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO


Human embryo at six weeks...
