Texas officially a coat hanger abortion state in landmark SCOTUS record distance punt

Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO
Good. I hope this spreads across the nation and those who refused to vote in '16 suffer the most.

They were warned about the Supreme Court.

It didn't seem to matter.
That's what I am doing. Also I am braying too.


THATS MINE! You stole that one from me....;) :laugh:
Awesome, it is about time someone spoke for dead children that can't protect themselves from murderous witches

How many unwanted babies are you going to adopt?

Oh that's right.... you hypocrites don't really give a shit about children.

That's all just a load of shit like everything else that comes out of the mouths of the right.
Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO

Its up to the state dont like it move out of Texas or keep your legs closed
The legal time limit in the UK excluding Northern Ireland is 24 weeks which far too long. In most of Europe it's 12 weeks, which makes more sense as over 90% of terminations occur in the first trimester.

What’s more, medical (drug induced) abortion accounts for at least half of all pregnancy terminations in most of these countries.


The heartbeat rule is bullshit, the detectable beat at around 6 weeks is not even a real heartbeat but just electrical activity. You may be able to see and hear a baby’s heart beat in an ultrasound exam at 8 weeks but the four chambers don't form until the 9th week.

The term limit in Mississippi is 15 weeks, so I expect their clinics to become very busy in future.
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The heartbeat rule is bullshit, the detectable beat at around 6 weeks is not even a real heartbeat but electrical activity. The four chambers do not form until the 9th week.

It doesn't need any scientific rebuttals. Abortion is the sole preserve of the pregnant woman- nobody else.
maggot is a eurotophobic asshole. No form of online abuse is too low for the runt.

Poor Primavera, he can dish it out to others, but he has a temper tantrum when it gets it dished back to him, such jerk he is.
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