Texas officially a coat hanger abortion state in landmark SCOTUS record distance punt

whatever you say murderer

Well- here's what I say, kid-killer;

You'll have to ask the pregnant woman if her fetus is a child, kid-killer, because YOU ain't qualified to judge, dumbass.

Haw, haw...............................haw.
Well- here's what I say, kid-killer;

You'll have to ask the pregnant woman if her fetus is a child, kid-killer, because YOU ain't qualified to judge, dumbass.

Haw, haw...............................haw.

the murderer just can't quit me, not past 6 weeks in Texas Moron
So you didn't go out and adopt babies that were given up by their mothers rather than be aborted.

Which still makes you and your kind hypocrites.

You piss and moan about the poor little "babies" who've never taken a breath of air or witnessed the world outside the womb through their eyes, but when it comes to forcing women to give birth to actual living babies, you're happy to let them fend for themselves.

Classic virtue signaling hypocrisy.

nope, her mother gave them up, literally she died moron. The would have went into the foster system. You can't even define hypocrisy idiot. LMAO
Its up to the state dont like it move out of Texas or keep your legs closed

But what if I have an inverted dick like you do? What if I have an inny in between my legs and no hole to drop a nut in? What if I'm an angry, old, racist piece of white shit who never accomplished anything in his life, like you, and am angry at the world because I don't have anything else to do?
"Bad laws make criminals of us all"

So what do you expect to happen when the party that discourages birth control outlaws abortion?
They will create more abortions, more unsafe unsanitary ones.

I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest most women don't dial up an abortion for fun.
I'm guessing they would prefer not to have to raise a child alone after Joe Redneck
knocked her up. He probably didn't pressure her either....:rolleyes:

Well, we all notice who screams loudest about unborn babies. Insecure, weak men. And their feckless bitches. It takes a special kind of psychopath to tell another person whether or not she is allowed to grow a baby inside her body.
nope, her mother gave them up, literally she died moron. The would have went into the foster system. You can't even define hypocrisy idiot. LMAO

You are so full of shit you should be declared a public health hazard.

She was not forced to have them because she couldn't get an abortion.

I'm sure she didn't plan to die either.

You adopted them because you had a personal relationship with their mother and I'd bet that the kids were probably in their teens or close to it when you adopted them.

Hardly the same as adopting the newborn baby of a complete stranger who had to give birth because the fundie, Bible thumping droolers you identify with made abortion illegal.

You slimy fucking hypocrite.
Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO
So a cloths hanger rips the fetus apart or a suction canister rips the baby apart what is the difference ?
the murderer just can't quit me, not past 6 weeks in Texas Moron

Kid-killer, the dumbasses who legislate in Texas will soon be gone , remembered as a stain upon Texan decency. You're an anachronism yourself. Now fuck off.
Why can't women have implants like Nexplanon inserted into their upper arm? More to the point why can't more American women shout about that rather than about abortions? That's always baffles me, not that I expect to get a sensible answer on here.


Why can't male maggots have their , pitifully small, nuts removed. Women that want a pregnancy can go to the sperm bank and make a withdrawal.

Haw, haw.............................................haw.
You see, maggot- any male that wants to make abortion illegal sees women simply as incubation chambers for their moronic seed. They're not interested in preserving ' life '. They're likely all pro-war gun-owners who support execution and euthanasia. No, they just want some certainty that their malignant line will be preserved. ' Pro-life ' is their slogan, not their belief.

Get it ?

That's not to say that you're pro-abortion yourself, of course. Just a reminder that your misogyny is legend.

Haw, haw..................................haw.
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