Texas officially a coat hanger abortion state in landmark SCOTUS record distance punt

Diesel, don't apologize for being gay.
I don't apologize for being straight.
You have every right to be what you are,
and only social neanderthals would say otherwise.

No straight person, however, would ever choose that avatar. That's obvious.
It's a screaming announcement that you're gay, so why back down now?
You don't have to.

But in the possibility that you actually are a sexually active straight person,
NOBODY is going to believe it as long as you use that avatar.
I'm not gay. I also get laid. All the time. You're so jealous I can smell your stanky, kielbasa, sauerkraut ass through my monitor. You're an ugly, fat virgin who jerks off to racist propaganda. I really hope a brother murders you.

#Pure projection.

You're A morbid, gay pervert who can't debate the topic so you Chimp out.
#Pure projection.

You're A morbid, gay pervert who can't debate the topic so you Chimp out.

Bitch, I've watched you post for a year. You NEVER address the topic of a thread. You show up with your stank breath and your fat ass and drop a bunch of incoherent racist rants about non-white or Jewish people. You're a fucking joke. And you're physically revolting.
You are so full of shit you should be declared a public health hazard.

She was not forced to have them because she couldn't get an abortion.

I'm sure she didn't plan to die either.

You adopted them because you had a personal relationship with their mother and I'd bet that the kids were probably in their teens or close to it when you adopted them.

Hardly the same as adopting the newborn baby of a complete stranger who had to give birth because the fundie, Bible thumping droolers you identify with made abortion illegal.

You slimy fucking hypocrite.

6 and 8, Nobody is forcing anyone have babies, the root cause is way before that dimwit. No one forced them to get pregnant

Fuck you. I support every abortion for every woman who wants one. You're a sniveling, ancient bitch wanting to control strangers' uteri because you never actually accomplished anything in your own wasted life. Looks like you're the coward, cunt.
Fuck you. I support every abortion for every woman who wants one. You're a sniveling, ancient bitch wanting to control strangers' uteri because you never actually accomplished anything in your own wasted life. Looks like you're the coward, cunt.

Yeah, at least I am willing to discuss it homo! Men get no part in the decision, even though it is their child also, unless the woman keeps it then they have to pay, which is right of course, but should he want the child she should have it regardless of anything, oh and if she doesn't want it she should pay, it is unequal protection. J
Bitch, I've watched you post for a year. You NEVER address the topic of a thread. You show up with your stank breath and your fat ass and drop a bunch of incoherent racist rants about non-white or Jewish people. You're a fucking joke. And you're physically revolting.

Reading between the lines you have a chub for him, and can't bring yourself to admit it!
Yeah, at least I am willing to discuss it homo! Men get no part in the decision, even though it is their child also, unless the woman keeps it then they have to pay, which is right of course, but should he want the child she should have it regardless of anything, oh and if she doesn't want it she should pay, it is unequal protection. J

Because men are such victims. Let me guess. You also think white people are victims, right? Old people? Straight people? You're a pathetic little bitch. Go cry into a bowl of cereal and spare the rest of us your cracker bullshit.
Because men are such victims. Let me guess. You also think white people are victims, right? Old people? Straight people? You're a pathetic little bitch. Go cry into a bowl of cereal and spare the rest of us your cracker bullshit.

Since we are speaking about abortion, nope, but no matter what you think it's unequal protection, I get that you know that to be true, and can't reconcile yourself with it. You can stop with trying to make this somehow racist, unless you want to talk about the black men who leave their families and baby mamas in droves! That is your problem in Black communities, that and generational welfare.
Since we are speaking about abortion, nope, but no matter what you think it's unequal protection, I get that you know that to be true, and can't reconcile yourself with it. You can stop with trying to make this somehow racist, unless you want to talk about the black men who leave their families and baby mamas in droves! That is your problem in Black communities, that and generational welfare.

Well, no, crackhead, I'm not going to try to chase your drug addled swiss cheese brain down a rabbit hole to hell. I am not going to need an abortion anytime soon. Every woman who wants to get one should be able to get one. That's the position. It isn't hard to understand except for lobotomized bitches like you.
Texas mandates you must remain pregnant and birth a child, but they refuse to mandate masks.

Go figure, right? Republicans don't give one flying fuck about human life. They never have. Abortion and guns have just been beaten into them by the people who are smarter than they are who control their thoughts.
You see, maggot- any male that wants to make abortion illegal sees women simply as incubation chambers for their moronic seed. They're not interested in preserving ' life '. They're likely all pro-war gun-owners who support execution and euthanasia. No, they just want some certainty that their malignant line will be preserved. ' Pro-life ' is their slogan, not their belief.

Get it ?

That's not to say that you're pro-abortion yourself, of course. Just a reminder that your misogyny is legend.

Haw, haw..................................haw.

So you support murder for convenience. Gotit.