Texas School District Will Let Teachers Carry Guns

Why is it every conservative solution would make America look like THIS?


I love texas.

I am very happy they are doing this to protect the children.

Don't mess with texas.
Great news and Arizona will be next. Here we have The Lone Star State and The Arizona Republic taking the lead, as it should be. I would say car jacking is way down in Arizona or Texas, because the thug might just get shot. Any guy who tries to rob a Liquer store in AZ or Texas is rolling the dice as far as someone in that store carrying heat and shooting the robber.
Great news and Arizona will be next. Here we have The Lone Star State and The Arizona Republic taking the lead, as it should be. I would say car jacking is way down in Arizona or Texas, because the thug might just get shot. Any guy who tries to rob a Liquer store in AZ or Texas is rolling the dice as far as someone in that store carrying heat and shooting the robber.

Bingo. Imagine instead of a sign saying gun free zone, it said "loaded for bear"?

Only a dipshit liberal thinks signs saying "gun free zones" will protect anyone. This blood is on liberal hands for their foolish and reckless ideology that costs lives
Texas isn't the only ones. MI got rid of Pistol free zones the same day. Sadly I have to go get extra class time, but whatever, I can do that instead of going to work.
Children in redneck, backwoods, inbred Texas have schools?

They better hold on to those guns, they'll need to sell them to buy food after the secession.