Texas urges residents to cut power usage as prices surge

...and spectacular when they happen. :thup:

What are you plans for nuclear waste? Leave it to your great-grandkids to figure out just like global warming?

RQAA, Sock. I have already described how to deal with the 'nuclear waste'. It's just fuel for a different kind of reactor.
Already done. The Saturn V rocket effectively used steam power, Sock.

Liquid hydrogen (or using Hydrazine instead) and liquid oxygen produce steam when they combine in a rocket engine. Those massive clouds during launch? They were steam.

Not the only rocket motors to do so. H2O2 + hydrazine and methanol do the same thing. They give a "cold" rocket engine running on steam.
RQAA, Sock. I have already described how to deal with the 'nuclear waste'. It's just fuel for a different kind of reactor.
I see several potential ones coming in the near future:

Solar and wind will be failures as they scale up. The result will be something, likely natural gas and nuclear will replace them and the costs of that failure will be a net drag on economies that invested heavily in them.
A good prediction, considering this is already happening in Europe.
The battery car thing, likewise will find itself increasingly a non-solution to transportation needs, just as railroads won't work in large nations unless heavily subsidized and forced on the population by government.
Even if fully subsidized by the government, it isn't practical to handle transportation needs.
Passenger railroads have effectively failed in the U.S. It's all government owned and run now (Amtrack). In Europe, rails pretty much all government owned and electrified now. It's more practical over there because of the shorter distances generally involved. One notable exception is the Orient Express. Roads are poorer quality (or nonexistant!) compared to the freeway system in the States. Air travel and freeways have effectively killed any chances for a practical passenger service over much of the country. That service is now relegated to commuter type service (also government run).

EVs have the HUGE disadvantage of taking a long time to charge (assuming you can find a working charger when you need it!) compared to the few minutes it takes to refuel a gasoline or diesel vehicle.

Battery technology is the SAME. The Li-ion battery 'improvements' are in manufacturing automation. It's still the same battery, storing the same joules per mole of lithium as when the battery was developed 40 years ago.
The charge/discharge rate is limited by that same electrochemistry. BOTH actions generate waste heat in the battery due to moving ions through the electrolyte barrier. This is why it takes MORE energy to charge the battery than you get by running the car.

As you have already seen, the Church of Green and the Church of Global Warming deny and discard physics, including the laws of thermodynamics that govern vehicle batteries. Their fear of CO2 is based on the same denial of physics.
Battery technology will improve incrementally,
Manufacturing techniques will improve, that's all.
The same amount of lithium is still required to store the same energy. That's locked in by the characteristics of the lithium atom itself.
Li-ion batteries are the lightest practical battery to store energy. That's what makes them so suitable for cars and portable equipment. Their fairly low internal resistance means they deliver quite a few amperes.
but won't be justifiable in situations where charging is difficult to obtain or takes too much time.
This is one of the biggest problems of EVs. Even a lot of golf courses got rid of their electric carts and went to gas because of this problem.
There are drawbacks to batteries and they aren't likely to get sufficiently better that they can remain justifiable for use in vehicles with no alternatives given.
This is the crux of it: "no alternatives given". This is the goal. It is the only way they can justify EVs...government tyranny.
The problem with batteries is you CANNOT get around chemistry and physics.
Very true.

Occasionally, I hear of talk about batteries based on sodium rather than lithium. Such a battery is three times heavier and much more dangerous (sodium metal burns as a class D fire in open air!).
Such batteries, while cheaper, are also much more inferior and much more dangerous.
Reprocess it, and for what can't be reprocessed, store it in casks. No big deal. Gorebal Warming (aka anthropogenic climate change) is bullshit. The climate changes, but man's effects on that are minimal at best.

Long-term radioactive isotopes are no big deal. They're all low rate of emission alpha and beta radiation.

It's the pathological fear of things nuclear, like YOU Doc have, that is the roadblock to using nuclear power. It is only the greentards and know-nothing idiots like YOU that keep it from being used more widely.

If it's putting out neutrons enough to be dangerous, it's a nuclear fuel. Use it.
Long-term low decay rate radioactive waste is an alpha and beta emitter with a small amount of gamma from the decay reactions. It can be stored in a cask with deaerated water essentially forever if necessary.


Dork, err, Doc, simply cannot accept that this can actually be done.

that is not what i am asking you.

You have stated as definitive fact that you know the future and that future will not see any big advancements in Solar.

How do you get future information? What is your source that you can speak on the topic in a way that is not opinion?

The irony is that Sybil thinks Terry is my sock. LOL

Actually, as a retired Navy Chief I made a whole career out of insulting people' intelligence first, you braindead piece of buttfuck residue!
Terry A. Gardner, EMC (SW) USN (Ret.)

Answer the question, Terry.
Hope Terry, I mean, Dutch Uncle doesn't notice... Whoopsie.

@ Terry, I warned you about taxing your brain stem.
Now, now Terry, just because you only have a brain stem
Long-term low decay rate radioactive waste is an alpha and beta emitter with a small amount of gamma from the decay reactions. It can be stored in a cask with deaerated water essentially forever if necessary.


Dork, err, Doc, simply cannot accept that this can actually be done.

That's a fuel. You can use it.
Sure, the reactor won't be as efficient, but who cares? It's free.
The capacity and reliability of Texas energy is determined by corporations. They are for-profit and will spend as little as they possibly can on maintenance and improvements. Spending on that ,cuts profits and bonuses. Gouging customers is a plus for the company. You will be gouged and you will have an energy system at the edge of failure and costing "all the traffic will bear" until they are taken over.
The capacity and reliability of Texas energy is determined by corporations. They are for-profit and will spend as little as they possibly can on maintenance and improvements. Spending on that ,cuts profits and bonuses. Gouging customers is a plus for the company. You will be gouged and you will have an energy system at the edge of failure and costing "all the traffic will bear" until they are taken over.

ERCOT is government run, Nordbutt.
This material is a health hazard both as heavy metals and other nasty elements, along with being a minor radiation hazard. What it isn't is a viable energy source.

Just limit procreation to one kid each for particular genetically screened families only.
Everyone else just fucks for recreation.

Population is our problem.

If we didn't fuck our way into oblivion, we could live however we wanted.

The obvious solution to almost everything is the one nobody seems to be discussing.